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Club TitanicShack Threads
in the
TitanicShack question and answer forum
titanic [Where was it built?]
A note to all who believed in me...
First Anniversary
Happy Post Fourth
Back Like a Bad Penny
Largest-moving-objects in fact and fiction
Finally! {corrected typo}
Hello All
Shipbuilding, hubris, power, speed & greed (British Columbia's Fast Ferry)
What Will Happen Now? {to the phenomenon}
So, what would *you* like to see for the new TitanicShack website?
Canadians: anyone else see the "SOS 2000" commercial?
Happy New Year! {1999}
Hey guys - my bio's up w/ pic {Kelly}
Titanic Chat Tonight-- Right NOW!!!
U comin' tonite, Thomas? {for anniversary chat}
Someone help - where is everyone for the anniversary chat?
point me in the right direction... {to the thread about George}
What time tomorrow? {for the anniversary chat}
What did you think, Niles?
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Bye! I am going to NYC!!
Will We Ever?? {run out of questions?}
"Hey, who named this ship Titanic?"
"Driver Almost Gets Into Accident While Listening to Titanic Soundtrack - Again"
I have a dream...
Last one out.....
Happy Birthday, Peter!
It's only for a little while...just a little while...
Lets chat again . . .
How do I look?
Woo-hoo! I'm the King of the Shack!
Last one out blow out the candles
We Need to Chat . . .
Don't be surprised...
A thread dedicated to myself in celebration to my lack of a social life
It's all about ME!!!!!!! {Guilded Age Junkie's new computer}
my own "Titanic"
No New Questions is unacceptable!!!!
Last one out turn off the lights.
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