CPR, how did we correctly assess Y2k?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Perhaps it would enlighten the group some if we shared how we arrived at the correct conclusion regarding the impact (or lack thereof) of Y2k.
Since we both began the journey as doomers, perhaps it would assist others in their journey and personal growth. As long as there is a TB2K forum around, we might as well put it to some beneficial use, eh?
I propose a series of posts examining the stages through which most informed people progressed to the (rather obvious) conclusion that there would be little or no impact from the roll-over. Your thoughts on how to proceed, as always, are welcome.
Andy RayPS - remember to preface your posts with the HTML command: <body background=#ffffff>, as only doomers' posts are being "cleaned" by the "moderator" lately.
-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), September 24, 2000
"Your thoughts on how to proceed, as always, are welcome."I suggest you proceed by shoving your head up my ass, and I will shove mine up yours simultaneously. Do not pull it out until the year 2999. This way our anti-doomer meme will stay perfectly preserved until we approach Y3K, when we can annoy people for a couple more years. Wow, what a fantastic idea!
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 24, 2000.
I DID NOT POST THAT ^^^^^^Andy, this is an excellent idea. The DOOMZIE MORONS will try to fill up this thread with BLATHER and FUD MEMES. Call me at 214-369-9922 and we can plan the curriculum. NO ASSHOLE DOOMZIES NEED APPLY. I have caller ID and I **WILL** trace you.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 24, 2000.
Odd that you should wait until the year 2000 to explain this to us, Andy Ray. 1999 would have been a better time to do it. Your main argument last year was Y2k couldn't cause problems because you hadn't found any chips that would fail at the rollover.It was a lame argument. Most of us already knew it was embedded systems that were at risk -- not free-standing chips.
We also had continuing concerns about other areas such as smaller businesses, local governments, the health care industry and foreign countries. If you were a doomer at one time, when and how did you become convinced these other areas had been fixed?
-- Would have been a good (topic@last.year), September 24, 2000.
The truth is that both CPR and Andy were doomers all along. They started as typical doomers, but the more they learned, the more frightened they became. Their fear of the unknown became so severe that their psyche could simply not cope with it.The mental stress of this overwhelming fear triggered a self-protective defense mechanism, a fully developed denial delusion. This served the purpose of preventing a total breakdown by convincing the conscious part of their psyche that the dire consequences were simply not possible (the delusion), while on the subconscious level the deep-seated fear of the realities still prevailed.
The subconscious part of their psyche was the motivating force behind their aggressive behavior, driving them to constantly and continually reinforce the denial delusion to the conscious part of their psyche in order to permit them to continue to cope. The need for this reinforcement was so powerful that CPR was compelled to abandon his career, and he and Andy both became obsessed with spending exorbitant amounts of time on the Internet, contradicting anyone and everyone who expressed anxieties which they simply could not accept.
-- cyber freud (their.fear@is.clear), September 24, 2000.
Andy Ray:In all seriousness, if done honestly and responsibly, I truly believe that this COULD BE one of the best post-Y2K discussion threads ever. I do recall your earliest posts at ye olde TB2K seemed to raise some very credible questions regarding the embedded chips/systems issues - - which, with perfect 20/20 hindsight, have indeed proved completely and totally correct.
Realistically, I am not expecting much from CPR. He has never, to my knowledge, been able to come up with a single believable reason as to why he became such an "optimist" regarding Y2K, other than his obsessive need to find some kind of holy war against the dreaded "***DOOMZIES***". Religious reasons don't cut it; logical ones do.
I too had intended on starting a thread this morning, examining some Y2K issues in the post-Y2K light, but I will hold off and see how this thread plays out. I actually believe that it COULD BE very educational for everyone.
(And thanks for the info about inserting "body background=#ffffff". I didn't know it had to be used for EACH post, I thought it was a one- time usage at the beginning of the thread.)
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), September 24, 2000.
(And thanks for the info about inserting "body background=#ffffff". I didn't know it had to be used for EACH post, I thought it was a one- time usage at the beginning of the thread.)It's only necessary to do it once. Subsequent attempts to change the background will only be visible to users of certain browsers, but this can be easily cleaned up.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 24, 2000.
IF that is truly the One and Only, Original, Never-Wrong, All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Powerful cpr...And IF that is truly his phone number...
That is the most ignorant thing he's ever posted (and that's saying a lot!).
(On the other hand, if it's a Mental Health Clinic in Dallas, it's a pretty good joke, wot?)
Yes, such a thread COULD BE educational and interesting; and it COULD BE done honestly and responsibly -- but, sorry, I just don't see that particular duo being able to pull it off. Those not put off by AndyRay's smarmy "neener, neener, neener" attitude (BTW, where's the book?) will be put off by CPR'S FROTHING, RANTING, AND RAVING ABOUT THE DOOMZIES UNDER EVERY BED. Sorry. With those sponsors, consider it relatively stillborn.
-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), September 24, 2000.
Even though I know you are "reading impaired"....HERE... BULL SHITTER.........."King" of Spit:
(December 1999): The original final Pre-2000 statement for Russ Kelly was written for BEETHOVEN"S BIRTHDAY and contained the line, "Long after 2000, the music of Beethoven will be played.......". The arrest of two sets of Domestic Terrorists forced me to hold that statement that contained a lashing for those who spread and/or condoned the use of FUD to sell their ideas or products vis a vis Y2k.
In the next few days before Christmas, 1999, people will see one tangible aspect of the Y2k problem that few predicted. People will wait at Airports for thorough examination of themselves and luggage for possible tools of Terrorists planning tragedies instead of Celebration and Rejoicing of the CDC to 2000. At the borders, traffic will be slowed as cars are searched completely. Yet, none of it is directly related to the Y2k Computer Date or Embedded Systems Problem.
Rather, it may be related........directly to a CLIMATE OF FUD, fear, uncertainty and doubt built and sustained by vested interests some within the Computer/Business Sector but strangely, even weirdly propagated far outside the boundries of Computers, Business and Government. At the core of the buildup of the FUD, was even more strangely, the WWW of the Internet which enabled the cheap and rapid re-distribution of admixes of ..........fact.......gossip.....hoaxes and opinion......all (and this is critical) ........without the standard Editorial Control that responsible media people even those from the far sides of both Political venues, Left and Right would exercise.
After 2000, WHO will be held responsible for the FUD........and the enormous COST.......to counter act it??
That open question will be one of the Lessons of Y2k.
Below, I offer another knowing that ...........few......will understand. Few will see it and few will act because of it. However, I think it offers the key explanation of HOW and WHY Y2k as a Computer and Business Problem was addressed, contained to the current level where it can be properly managed.
The lesson of Y2k is that the PROBLEM **WAS** addressed because it had to be. Western Civilization is a history of the conquering of "Problems" and more importantly the *Improvement* of the best that we have and hope to be.
Learn the Lesson of Y2k. NEVER let it happen again. NEVER. For some, the lesson might be right out side their windows in their gardens.
http://stand77.c om/wwwboard/messages/7955.html(August 1999): "Aside from minor accidents during Y2k testing quickly solved by human intervention, there is no evidence of any "emerging crisis". Thus, *reality* suggests we lower the "warning flags" again. So I narrow the range down to 1.0 to 1.5."
"Work progresses and one I.T. report indicates that 96% of mission critical and non critical applications and embedded systems will see the end of final testing before 1/1/2000. That leaves 4.0% of the work not "finished". NOTE: that does not mean the work is not started. It means at the Large Corporate level: 4.0% is not finished. In all sectors of business, that alone is "better than usual" for failure and problems are every day things in all businesses or all would be "perfect". We know that is not the case EVER. Since the pessimists make the claim that the "failures are being hidden" the argument for "interconnectedness" falls apart. If everything were "interconnected" how could the "failures" be hidden?? That would imply the 45 Million Employees of large Corporations have the ability to "cover it all up". That is ludicrous. There are either real "impacts" or there are not. The argument for "they're coming soon" is old and stale. The Bottom Line here is simple: "problems" can be managed whether Y2k or the weather. If a manager can't deal with problems, he is replaced. Y2k is merely a business problem now that can be managed."
"The NERC information to be released in the next few days will remove most remaining concerns about the ability of Power Utilities to conduct business as usual (BAU)."
"That will end concerns about the so-called "iron triangle". It now begins to look as though the proverbial "bump in the road" might only be on a few back roads and have little consequence. The major analysts long ago stated that problems vis a vis Y2k would take place throughout 1999. Several estimates range from 15%- 25% taking place before 1/1/2000. Now one well known Y2k "expert" claims he underestimated the ability to hide the problems that might have been found. I see no reason to comment on such a statement. The fact is there was major damage to business networks in the Orient from the well known Computer virus: CIH. There was no effect noted either in the Global 2000 supply chains or in Corporate earnings. The Dow, Nasdaq and S&P may be irrational but they do measure earning power and consumer confidence in several ways. There is no reason to believe the Retail market will not set every record known in the 4th Quarter as we celebrate the Last Festival of the Merchants of the 20th Century. Like Dr. Yardeni, I have long questioned the ability of the economy to continue faced with the impacts of Y2k and all sorts of serious problems from offshore. But only a True Fool argues with reported results to date."
"Bottom line?? We have have underestimated the ability of the US/European and World economy to handle all problems whilst overestimating Year 2000 impacts. History will answer such questions not I. Charlie Reuben DALLAS, A YEAR 2000 READY CITY."(May 1999): "Please change my evaluation of the y2k problem down again almost to the Nick Z. range: 2.0-3.5. It would take a series of major exposes about "uncomplete-able work" before I would raise that range which includes now 2/3rds due to "Y2k panic vendors". Even that is almost over. The "fever" is broken."
"Dallas is a MAJOR I.T. center and a Y2k remediation center. The DFW/DAMA Y2k group has had presentations from most major corporations, Texas Utilities and the Fed.Reserve Bank and all present the view point that they can manage their problems. The HCFA seminar show progress even in lagging Health related Enterprises, gov. and private."
"The theme here is simple: "There will be failures but they will be "managed"."
"My view now is that Y2k as a business/computer problem is OVER ...IF... work in progress continues at the increasing rates being reported. We know the knowledge base accumulated over the past five years is being deployed by the Legitimate Consultants and Vendors at increasing rates. Most of the "scary stories" now are merely about the Public or OLD re-hashes of "what- ifs" or "lets pretend". "Lets Pretend" was a radio show that went off the air by the early 1950s. Y2k is heading that way now."
"Y2k has reached the stage nicely described in Corinthians: "Why seek ye after a vain thing?" Its not over but it is "winding down". Those who don't see this are now the ones in "denial". If I have one special expertise in Y2k it is in tracking the "Extremists" and Fear Pushers and now, the "Back of Y2k Hysteria" has been broken just as de Jager discusses the REAL PROBLEM: the Computer/Embedded Systems related problems. There will always be niche panic people over any issue. NOW.....few believe the claims of the Y2k "Extremists"."
"There is now simply too much evidence that the Fortune 2000, even SMEs and the Government entities have a "problem that can be managed" no matter how many breakdowns may come from the Code or the Embedded systems problems."
"Contingency plans including inventory stockpiling would enable even the GMs of the world to function until "Weak Links" in the vendor or even customer lines can be "Fixed on Failure"."
"The NERC summary and the NRC release clears up the status of the Utilities and there is little need to debate the Telco or Bank progress. The Security Industry is on track."
"As for "Public Panic" NOT BLOODY LIKELY if the so-called "Iron Triangle" performs as now expected."
"And recently, there has been a significant drop in the commerce associated with the Web Sites pushing so-called Y2k Supplies. Business is off by their own reports."
"Just last week, Y2kNewswire.com reported that several vendors are in trouble because the PUBLIC is returning merchandise. The "purported" shortage of Honda Diesels has been corrected by Honda shipping to distributors and Honda can ramp up more if they see the need is there."
(March 1999): "The release of the Corporate information has reduced the possibility of any impacts from the Y2k computer date problem into a more than manageable range. I rate the Computer/Business problem now at 3.0. However, the public hysteria due to widespread confusion about remediation makes the Public perception now a major part of the Y2k problem. I rate that as : an additional 2.5 or almost equal to the Computer Business problem."
(August 1998): "Disclosures of the timelines of some major Corps re: completion of Y2k work. In particular: AT+T, Texas Utilities, BankBoston and the City of Dallas. In addition, the State of Texas is meeting all goals as described to Rep. Horn in testimony last Monday here in D/FW. Last but not least, private communications to me show that other Banks and Utilities are in much better shape than reported."
-- Charlie Reuben (buytexas@swbell.net), September 24, 2000.
MAY 1999:
"As for "Public Panic" NOT BLOODY LIKELY if the so-called "Iron Triangle" performs as now expected."
"And recently, there has been a significant drop in the commerce associated with the Web Sites pushing so-called Y2k Supplies. Business is off by their own reports."
"Just last week, Y2kNewswire.com reported that several vendors are in trouble because the PUBLIC is returning merchandise. The "purported" shortage of Honda Diesels has been corrected by Honda shipping to distributors and Honda can ramp up more if they see the need is there."
(March 1999): "The release of the Corporate information has reduced the possibility of any impacts from the Y2k computer date problem into a more than manageable range. I rate the Computer/Business problem now at 3.0. However, the public hysteria due to widespread confusion about remediation makes the Public perception now a major part of the Y2k problem. I rate that as : an additional 2.5 or almost equal to the Computer Business problem."
(August 1998): "Disclosures of the timelines of some major Corps re: completion of Y2k work. In particular: AT+T, Texas Utilities, BankBoston and the City of Dallas. In addition, the State of Texas is meeting all goals as described to Rep. Horn in testimony last Monday here in D/FW. Last but not least, private communications to me show that other Banks and Utilities are in much better shape than reported."
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 24, 2000.
Oh God, not again.
-- Lars (lars@indy.net), September 24, 2000.
If I have one special expertise in Y2k it is in tracking the "Extremists"Add yourself to the list of extremists yet, Charlie? You should.
-- (xxx@xxx.xxx), September 24, 2000.
Andy Ray:Do you see what I mean? (Also, if do you place a call to CPR, be sure and use 1-800-COLLECT.)
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), September 24, 2000.
http://partners.nytimes.com/library/tech/00/01/biztech/articles/09year .html?AltaVistaRefId=LmY_WEFnnnnuntly_W
January 8, 2000
Experts Puzzled by Scarcity of Y2K Failures
Whether it is with scorn, anger or resignation, most computer experts and Year 2000 program managers brush off suggestions that they overreacted to the Y2K threat, taken in by computer companies and consultants positioned to profit from fear.
Still, like the skeptics, many wonder: How did countries that started so late -- and appeared to do so little -- manage to enter 2000 as smoothly as nations like the United States and Britain that got an early jump?
"That question is plaguing all of us, although some people won't admit it," said Maggie Parent, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter's representative to Global 2000, an international banking group formed to coordinate and stimulate Year 2000 work. "We expected there to be some significant blowouts."
A World Bank survey published last January concluded that just 54 of 139 developing countries had national Year 2000 programs outlined and only 21 were actually taking concrete steps to prepare.
Japan, China, Italy and Venezuela showed up as high-profile question marks in various studies. Paraguay's Year 2000 coordinator was quoted last summer saying the country would experience so many disruptions its government would have to impose martial law. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova were seen as so risky that the State Department issued travel advisories in November and called nonessential personnel home over New Year's.
So what accounts for the surprisingly quiet rollover? Computer experts cite several factors. Even they may have underestimated how hard many countries worked in the last few months, when the problems were better understood, and how much help came from others that started early. And in many cases, assessments of overseas readiness were based on scarce or vague data.
But the simplest if most embarrassing explanation is that the some public and private analysts who testified before Congress and were widely quoted overestimated the world's dependence on computer technology. Most countries had much less to do to prepare because they are far less computerized than the United States. The computers they do have are much less likely to be tied together in complex systems and are often so old that they run much simpler software, according to Louis Marcoccio, Year 2000 research director for the Gartner Group, a technology consulting firm.
At a briefing last week on why Pentagon analysts overestimated the risks in many countries, Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre said, "If we had a failing, it may be that we extrapolated to the rest of the world the kind of business practices that we have developed here."
Once adjustments are made for technology dependence, some analysts say, the investment of the United States and other pacesetters in Year 2000 preparations was not that far out of line with those that started late. But the figures from many countries are so unreliable that it is hard to be sure. Russia, for example, is estimated to have spent anywhere from $200 million to $1 billion.
Mr. Marcoccio suspects the lower figures are closest to the truth but he adds that based on the government's estimate that the United States spent $100 billion, "If Russia spent $400 million, they spent proportionally more than the United States, because the United States is 300 times more reliant on computers."
Such assessments lead down a pathway that only a statistician could love. Use Gartner's estimate that the United States spent $150 billion to $225 billion, and the comparable Russia investment jumps to a minimum of $500 million. Tamper with Gartner's guess that the United States is 300 times as computer-dependent, and figures dance another direction.
But nearly everyone agrees that the figures for the United States include substantial sums toward preparations abroad by American multinationals. Motorola said its $225 million Year 2000 budget included not just repairs at its overseas factories but, for example, helping its Asian suppliers pinpoint potential Year 2000 flaws. It also paid overtime for support that helped paging and radio networks in Italy function flawlessly over New Year's.
The federal government picked up part of the tab for foreign nations. To jump-start lagging nations, the government paid for many of them to send representatives to the first United Nations meeting on Year 2000 in late 1998. It distributed hundreds of thousands of CD's in 10 languages providing background and suggestions for how to organize Year 2000 projects. More recently, the Defense Department provided $8 million to set up a joint observation post in Colorado as insurance against miscommunication that could lead to missiles' being launched.
"We got a lot of free consulting from the United States and agencies like the Inter-American Development Bank," said Rodrigo Martin, a Chilean who headed a regional Year 2000 committee in South America.
Such aid played a bigger role in helping late starters to catch up than most people realize, some computer experts say. As John Koskinen, chairman of the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion, sees it, hype about the magnitude of the problem misled fewer people than hype about the impossibility of getting it fixed.
"This was a process that could move faster than the preparedness surveys," Mr. Koskinen said, noting that alarming press releases and testimony frequently relied on research that was obsolete within weeks.
Del Clark, who led the Year 2000 program at Phillips Petroleum, concurred, saying: "China was the big question mark for us. Part of what happened was that they were working hard late in 1999 and the status information was out of date."
It helped that repair efforts became less expensive toward the end because of the experience gained by those who did the work early and the tools developed for them, according to Brian Robbins, senior vice president in charge of the Year 2000 project at Chase. In addition, Mr. Robbins said, it turned out that some countries like Italy had done more work than reported.
By 1998, the pacesetters were far enough along for a sense to develop that others were lagging, and fears about the consequences began building. There were extenuating circumstances in some cases, like the economic slump in Asia, and many realized the problems would not be as daunting as in the United States. But with time short, industry groups like Global 2000 and a few countries began trying a variety of tactics to accelerate Year 2000 preparations.
"People outside of information technology don't realize how incredibly mobilized the world became," Ms. Parent said.
Still, many of those most familiar with the relative preparedness and spending levels in many foreign countries wonder whether it will be possible to figure out why things ended up going so smoothly.
Information was always hard to come by and hard to compare since sources varied so widely in what costs they attributed to Year 2000 work. In general, foreign countries have not included labor costs in their Year 2000 figures while the United States and Britain have, but practices have varied widely.
Now that Year 2000 has arrived, the pressure to sort out such data is disappearing rapidly.
Still, questions about the transition will not go away. What actually happened might figure in insurance lawsuits because if courts were to decide insurers were liable for the money companies spent to avoid problems, the insurers would undoubtedly cite the success of laggards and low spenders as a sign that budgets for American companies were needlessly bloated.
More broadly though, comparing preparations and the results achieved may shed valuable light on cultural differences in how technology is set up and managed, according to Edward Tenner, author of "Why Things Bite Back." That in turn could help society deal with problems like global warming and the proper use of biotechnology. "We really need to look at the sociology of computing in detail," he said.
-- (perspectives@on.Y2K), September 24, 2000.
First, apologies. You do not need to include the body background in each response to a post to keep it from being defaced by a doomer - only in the first message, as hmmm stated. (Thank you, hmmm)
I agree, this could be a most interesting thread.
Has CPR changed his alias due to the impersonations yet? Perhaps he's not quite the coward some are...
Your main argument last year was Y2k couldn't cause problems because you hadn't found any chips that would fail at the rollover.
It was a lame argument.
Anonymous, Multi-Aliased, Demonstrably-Ashamed Doomer;
There is little truth in what you posted above. This explains at least two things: 1) the critical thinking skills you applied to any problem (Y2k included); and 2) your willingness to post (and likely accept) bold-faced lies as though they were fact. A clue follows: Your email address and alias were not the reason you got Y2k wrong. The problem lies with something you have not (yet, apparently) addressed.
But on to the subject at hand...
I remember reading an article in Q2-97 regarding Y2k and potential problems. My initial reaction was "My goodness, they're right."
As I have stated, I own some businesses. One of them is directly involved with manufacturing automation - and, frankly, this particular company has excellent engineers in employ. I asked them to look into the matter for me.
In the meantime, I began some personal research. I was enthralled by one web-site in particular that seemed a clearing-house of data related to Y2k and preparedness (it was not Gary North). I have some knowledge in the area of manufacturing automation, and when I found an article addressing this segment of the Y2k issue, I read it with intense interest...and was seriously disillusioned by what I read. The effect was personally stunning.
As I read, I saw familiar term after familiar term mis-defined, mis-applied, and mis-represented. I emailed the author, and an email exchange ensued. This person (and many, many others) believed himself an expert on the subject due to his time invested on the internet "researching" the matter. That was acceptable for me, but his insistence that this qualified him to argue subject points with engineers with years of experience illuminated the type of personality involved.
Additionally, I recall one exchange regarding timing in controllers whereby I asserted that the pin on any IC (embedded or otherwise) labeled "clock" was not, in fact, referring to an input from a real-time clock, or even a digital clock; but was, rather, from a square-wave generator of some sort or other. First, the response returned was that I was lying. The second response was that he had spoken to a friend of his who was an engineer, and he had told him I was wrong. Now this is a matter taught to most technical program high school students, and was/is really not a matter of any credible debate. The experience proved useful for the future, though - as this mindset pervaded the doomer meme.
It was about at this time that I discovered the Hysterium.
I posted a few innocuous questions annonymously. They were pounded as heresy by the faithful - there's really no better way to describe the reaction.
In fact, though I've never mentioned this before, I did the exact same thing that Mr. Poole did - I posted an "anonymous report." I did not, however, ever "out" myself. And, the information I posted was entered into congressional record by Mr. Bruce Webster, and quoted by Mr. Ed Yourdon and Mr. Gary North. It was never checked for accuracy, and was completely and verifiably inaccurate. It was accepted because it fit the meme, and "anonymous" was heralded for his courage for coming forward with such crucial data at the risk of job loss, etc.
Some will scoff at this. They do not understand science or engineering. It was an experiment. If truth was ridiculed, it did not necessarily mean that lies would be accepted. How is one to know? Simple, construct a lie and see. Which I did. It was at this point that I began posting as Andy Ray. It was, I believe, early July, 1999.
I began posting that I was collecting data for a book. I clearly established that I did not believe any harm would come to anyone from Y2k-related computer failures. And that fact was the deciding factor in my treatment at the Hysterium - and here, to some extent.
Incidentally, the book sold horribly, but collecting the data proved an interesting experience.
Throughout my posting on the Hysterium I maintained one rule: I would be as tolerant as possible of those with whom I disagreed. And, I believe I lived up to that standard.
As I have stated before, when I was treated unfairly, I first emailed the moderators. This proved largely an unfruitful exercise. It was when clear and obvious abuses of power began - among them, the posting of the names on the Ask A Question page - that I exchanged emails with MIT staff on the matter.
For the record (especially for the King Of "Agreements," Sysman), there was no "agreement" for me to post or not post anything in exchange for removing my name from that list. I utilised the time- honoured tact of pestering Mr. Greenspun's boss until something was done about it. I kept a copy of the rather amusing emails between Liane Liar, Mr. Greenspun, an MIT StopIt staffer, and myself for a while...I read them occassionally for amusement, but have deleted them. While we're on the subject, Sysman has proposed several of these "agreements" between myself and powers-that-be...obsessive perhaps? some need to be "friends" with everyone? For the record, Bruce, I doubt I could ever be friends with someone with your demonstrated lack of social conscience.
"Prepare! It's going to be bad!"
"Prepare! I have 30 years experience! I know!!"
"Oops, I was wrong, but I'm not sorry I told you to waste all that time, money, and energy - or for adding to your stress."
In sum, when 'Andy Ray' began posting at the Hysterium, I was already a polly. I posted some of the engineers' report in one post. Here is one response. Mere facts stood little chance of interfering with the zealous fervor of those who would proclaim "Why I know what I know" (conspicuous in it's absence from Yourdon's website lately...).
I asked for the model #, manufacturer, and procedure for testing for Y2k-related failure at the Hysterium. After all, logic had been attempted and rejected. Perhaps revealing to those enamoured with the prospect of "watching all those pollies die" or perhaps, "picking them off when they approach my door" that they, in fact, had no evidence to support their fantasies, would. Not one response to the question. Lots of responses, mind you, but none addressing the criteria. This, one hoped, would have worked (in fact, I received several email responses to this and a post like it - perhaps it did work for some). But for others, sadly,...
...the meme was in control. All opposed were summarily dismissed and/or censored. The truth is this was presented before the non- event. It didn't meet the criteria for acceptable posts - that singular criteria being: "It must agree with the meme."
Was I angry about it? At times, yes, and frustrated. It's is frustrating to present the truth (to those who claim they are looking for it) and have the moderators allow blatant violations of their own supposed "rules," while inventing new rules and manufacturing evidence that I have trespassed.
At times it angered me. When the moderators refused to pretend to enforce any sense of fairness, I acted. I initiated nothing. I simply copied the tactics employed by the lapdogs the moderators allowed to malign my posts. For example, when script was posted in one of my messages, I posted it at the DeBunking Forum. I responded to most censorship in the same way - turning it against those who would permit it.
At no time, did I wish to see the Hysterium cease to exist, and was saddened when it became inactive. Good things always come out of free discourse and debate, if true moderation is exercised by the moderators - as opposed to the moderators participating in the debate and seeing to it that only one paradigm prevails - if not by logic, then by any means necessary.
The truth was out there prior to the event: The was never a reason to prepare.
Andy Ray
-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), September 24, 2000.
Andy Ray:I'm sorry that you, Charlie, Doc, and so many others were doomers regarding Y2k at some point in your lives. HOWEVER, there are some here [like myself] who were NEVER doomers and didn't have to undergo the flip-flop of Erik Hoffer's True Believers.
In other threads, you've whined about threads being attacked and not cleaned up [insinuating that OTFR was discriminating against you.] Gee, Andy, MY threads have never been attacked, and I was NEVER a doomer.
I think it might be a good idea to question why, exactly, you fell for the doomer philosophy in the first place rather than chastise those who fell for the same philosophy after YOUR conversion.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), September 24, 2000.
I think my arguments against the meme were strengthened by my experience of having fell for it - if even for a short while. I believe one derives more from someone who has experienced what they are experiencing than from someone who has not, but merely offers theoretical advice.
Which brings me to the statement about your posts never being attacked...
Courteous Regards,
Andy Ray
-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), September 24, 2000.
Took a weekend trip to another state. Some prime Real Estate with "for sale" signs. Many, along road "for sale" vehicles, along the way. Saw more than one stip mall, stripped of it's stores. Nothing major taking it's place. Seems economy must be bad. You might see it too, if you look. Not to be alarmed, same thing has happened in years past. Just keep a watchful eye, for those in need, and please offer, what you can give up.
-- Hate to be redundant (bad things happento@otherpeople.com), September 24, 2000.
The other day on Dr. Laura's show, she said she went to Hollywood where all the plush shops were. She was surprised to see so many empty stores with lease signs in the window. She thought the economy was good and she wondered what happened to all the stores and shoppers. Dr. Laura really ought to get out more often.
-- Wal Mart Tart (WalMartTartt@WalMartTartttt.com), September 24, 2000.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 24, 2000.
off HTML
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 24, 2000.
CPR, now you know that is not true. You were very, VERY frightened by Y2K. The evidence is all over your website. You were SO frightened in fact, that you developed a full-time obsession with denying that anything could go wrong. Your ego went into a full-blown overinflated delusion of denial in an attempt to alleviate the REAL deep-seated fear which existed within your Id (your subconscious mind). You didn't put on this show for anyone else, you did it for yourself, pretending in your conscious mind that you knew what would happen. You still haven't convinced anyone, not even yourself, and that is why you are still aggressively trying to fulfill this delusion. The only solution for you to escape this neurotic behavior is to admit that you are human and you were afraid, your delusion is not real. Judging by the way you have behaved for the last couple of years, I would guess that you were more afraid than anyone else we are aware of. You must be honest with yourself about this, and accept that you are only human and as vulnerable as we all are.
-- cyber freud (your.fear@is.human), September 24, 2000.
Well, CPR, didn't you just critique my credentials as a polly a week ago? Something about "when did you become a Polly . . . 3/15/00? or something like that? Perhaps you should be a little more careful if you are going to take such great offense when people call you an "ex- doomer"As to Andy's suggestion that you could help everyone's personal development by explaining how you both got things right, I can only suppose you both are fishing for a debate. After all, about 99% of the population got it right. What's to explain?
Cozumel really was very nice over New Year 2000
-- E.H. Porter (Just Wondering@About.it), September 24, 2000.
I think Anita's the coolest. She was a pure Polly. You're all just wannabes. Ex-doomers turned pollies fighting among each other for who turned polly first. CPR beats AR by 2 weeks, but AR beats E.H. by 3 months. But wait, E.H. beats CPR on the scale, he never went up to 8. AR beats them all on the scale. But still all wannabes, cuz they weren't pollys when polly was fashionable. Anita, now that is a hot polly! wooooheee! She was so polly and avant-guarde, she didn't even know what "Y2K" meant until 1999. She used to call it "CDC" or "roll- over".But none of them beat the doomers for coolness. Doomers were competing for who was the most. Jack "y2k can't be fixed" was a 12 on the 1-10 scale, now that's kewl! We used to call him the Doomster. Milne would foam at the mouth from jealousy. He thought he was so hot himself, but he never was called the Doomster, no matter how hard he tried.
Me, well, I never made it passed 5. Oh, maybe 6 on a day I tried real hard to get scared. But still, I remained a pathetic wannabe.
-- (smarty@wannabe.one), September 25, 2000.
"Doc" Don Taylor
Although Don has great strengths in details, he is even better at the "big picture" and really enjoys helping people (whence the nickname "Doc," chosen by a client). These were not suitable personality characteristics at his corporate jobs, so he moved to the smaller business arena, where he has specialized in helping owners and managers understand and better use technology.
Since 1996, Don has focused on the year 2000 "digital disease", providing management assistance services that help businesses reduce their risks from year 2000 problems. He has worked with enterprises from New Jersey to California and outside the US ranging from million dollar firms to municipalities to Fortune 10 subsidiaries. Don is an active member of several international business and Y2k communities (Y2k practitioners, Y2k law, Y2k in healthcare, Y2k in water, marketing, retail, international business); having published magazine and newspaper articles, appeared on TV, spoken on the radio, and given presentations on the subject, he is widely recognized as a proactive voice of positive action. He is a registered Y2k speaker, a founding member of the CPSR (Computer Profesionals for Social Responsibility) Y2k Working Group and implemented "Hampton Roads Y2k Action Day".
-- (FunnyBubbles@$$$.$$$), September 25, 2000.
-- (off@off.off), September 25, 2000.
Lots of responses, mind you, but none addressing the criteria.Bullshit. I don't have the time to go find your lame thread, so why don't you post the link? I'm sure you still have it.
People gave you dozens of examples. The Motorola page comes to mind. It listed several, more that 100 I think, real-time clocks that were not, and WOULD NEVER BE, Y2K compliant. It listed the part numbers, and a detailed decsription of the testing procedures.
But you just ignored them all.
-- You are (full@of.shit), September 25, 2000.
Andy Ray:So, essentially, you're saying that reformed drug abusers are in a better position to proselytize on the consequences of drug use than those who made a conscious decision not to use drugs.
I didn't subscribe to deJager's list. I seem to recall a fee involved. I DID have an internet friend who sent me daily offerings.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), September 25, 2000.
The idea was not limited to, and almost certainly did not originate with North, Hyatt and Yourdon, CPR. The Senate Y2K committee mentioned the possibility, for example, in its Sept. 1999 report.
http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=001RwkThe Committee is greatly concerned about the international Y2K picture. Several countries of strategic and economic importance to the U.S. are severely behind in Y2K remediation efforts. Regions of the world of most concern to the Committee are Eastern Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia and South America. When considering strategic and economic factors, and the status of Y2K remediation efforts within specific countries, the Committee's greatest concerns lie with China, Russia, Italy, and several of the countries from which the U. S. imports oil.
Severe long and short term disruptions to supply chains are likely to occur. Such disruptions may cause a low to moderate downturn in the economy, particularly in those industries that depend on foreign suppliers. In addition, there may be a request for humanitarian relief from developing countries that have not addressed the Y2K problem.
-- the rest (of@the.story), September 25, 2000.
Fascinating. Just fascinating. I'm getting some popcorn and just taking it all in....
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), September 25, 2000.
Actually, the "domino theory" and "cascade effect" and "it's all interconnected" and "it's systemic" originated LONG before any 1999 (or any other) Senate Report; and it DID come from North, Yourdon, etc. (Think about it this way: When was the last time -- or the first, for that matter -- any part of the Government actually had an original thought?)
But it's neither here nor there.
Charlie, I can't for the life of me fathom why you persist with this. Bottom line is that you were right, and a bunch of other people who mean absolutely nothing to you (as you constantly remind us), were wrong. They got over it; why can't you?
You or Andy post some "doomzie" or "meme" stuff; some anonymous posters then post (for approximately the eight hundredth time) the same stupid outdated Senate report. You then SCREAM HTML at anyone who dares to disagree with you. Some other anonymous poster(s) then impersonate you. OTFR has a freaking mess to clean up, with all the HTML madness.
So what has all this done for you? for me? for any of "us"? Absolutely nothing.
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), September 25, 2000.
A. Yourdon??
B. NORTH. ??
C. Hyatt ??
E. Mauldin (Garee Duct Tape's business partner)??
F. Craig "I have the gold right here" "Churchesnet.com" "Y2knet.com" Smith
G. Bruce Webster (Y2k book copied from EY's BS which itself followed the outline of GAREEE DUCT TAPE)??? (Not a good guess this one. He "modified" almost as soon as he published and switched to the Yardeni "Gonna be a big economic impact" ( !!! NOT !!!).
F. GIGA AND Gartner? They had "modified" before 1/1999.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 25, 2000.
Take this "in", King of Spittle. How TB I and the FUD really workedhttp://www.aleae.com/rollover/internet.html
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 25, 2000.
Patricia,I think that the reason cpr keeps posting his "stuff" is because deep down he loves us all, even the last doomer. If he didn't post this "stuff", no one would talk to him, so he does it out of his need for interaction with others.
-- (Sheeple@Greener.Pastures), September 25, 2000.
Smarty:I always loved CDC. Let's see now, that could be Center Disease Control or Century Date Change. My favorite word of all [seen EVERYWHERE on the net in discussions of Y2k] was paradigm. That one HAD to fool people who were raised with phonics.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), September 25, 2000.
Patricia:You have to realize that CPR actually called Y2K WRONG, in the sense he expected everyone to get so (needlessly) worried about Y2K that they would quit their jobs and cause the world to go to hell in a handbasket. So, CPR stopped working as a realtor, and lost two years of income to devote himself full-time to fighting his holy war against the ***DOOMZIES***.
And it was all needless. The world at large barely concerned itself with Y2K. CPR's ridiculous frothing that he called "de-bunking" convinced no one of anything. CPR definitely called Y2K wrong, and it has cost him dearly.
One day ... maybe ... CPR will admit this simple truth, and will "bottom out". He will pick himself up, dust himself off, and go back to trying to earn a living. Until then, this forum provides his only outlet to continue his delusion that he saved the world.
(This popcorn needs more butter. Excuse me...)
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), September 25, 2000.
Anita, I, too, thought he did a great job. Kind of nailed every point quite well. I'm not sure he ever set up the links, though. I remember when he sent me the URL to "proof-read" it, that was one of the points I made. He said (at the time) he still had to link them.
Heh, he's probably lost interest now :-)
Sheeple, good to "see" you this fine morning (it's about 64 degrees here, and it's simply beautiful -- as I was driving to work I saw two hot-air balloons hovering over the mountains). I knew I should have gone for the simple answer. Oh well.
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), September 25, 2000.
(Need more coffee.....)
Uh, Anita, that response to you (above) was to your post on another thread :-)
(King, would you please pass the popcorn? I think I'm going to sit the rest of this one out; at least until I'm fully caffeinated.)
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), September 25, 2000.
Anita, add "count down clock" to CDC.KOS, nah. CPR will find another crusade before he makes a real living. He's a crusader.
-- (smarty@wannabe.one), September 25, 2000.
(Here ya go, Patricia. Did I mention it's from my Y2K stash? Need some more?; I've got about a year's worth. How about toilet paper? Did you say you drink coffee?? Hoo-boy, how many cans of Folgers can you carry in your trunk?...)
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), September 25, 2000.
Patricia: I think we need to quaff with Mike for that one.KOS: Mike included Just a Number in his piece as an "amusing archive of feedback." Feedback in this context indicated mail received from folks reading Just a Number. I don't think it was intended to provide any credibility to his piece.
[I just thought I'd confuse everyone by continuing a discussion of another thread HERE.]
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), September 25, 2000.
Anita: Well, you certainly have confused me. What the HELL are you talking about??????!!!!!
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), September 25, 2000.
Anita: "quaff" -- yes, we must. (You know I went and looked up that post of his again; and there it was....your post of "We must go quaffing with this person".)
King, I have a small(ish) pick-up truck that can hold ALOT of Folger's, TP, popcorn, etc. BTW, just how much is a "year's worth of popcorn"? I mean, how does one calculate that? One bag per day? I always wondered about that.
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), September 25, 2000.
Patricia,If you're calculating coffee portions for Flint, one truckload will not last long.
-- flora (***@__._), September 25, 2000.
...the meme was in control. All opposed were summarily dismissed and/or censored. The truth is this was presented before the non- event. It didn't meet the criteria for acceptable posts - that singular criteria being: "It must agree with the meme."Was I angry about it? At times, yes, and frustrated.
"Andy Ray," be more specific. Tell us and show us what it is exactly you posted last year that should have convinced any rational person that Y2k could not affect them in anyway.
What I remember most about your posts from July of last year until when you were banned in November is that you continually whined about how TB2000 was moderated, similar to the way you've continually whined this year about how OTFR moderates this forum.
This is your big opportunity, Andy Ray. Show us one or more of your insightful and documented pieces from last year which made it clear nothing was going to happen.
Be specific. Please.
-- Anonymous the way ("Andy@Ray".is), September 25, 2000.
smarty,The suspense is KILLING me.
"CPR will find another crusade before he makes a real living. He's a crusader."
What color is his cape?
-- flora (***@__._), September 25, 2000.
Flora:Humorous comment there on Flint's coffee consumption, but [rumor has it that] a truckload of firewood wouldn't last him a month.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), September 25, 2000.
flora, I'm not sure it would last all that long for me either.
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), September 25, 2000.
In fact, though I've never mentioned this before, I did the exact same thing that Mr. Poole did - I posted an "anonymous report." I did not, however, ever "out" myself. And, the information I posted was entered into congressional record by Mr. Bruce Webster, and quoted by Mr. Ed Yourdon and Mr. Gary North. It was never checked for accuracy, and was completely and verifiably inaccurate. It was accepted because it fit the meme, and "anonymous" was heralded for his courage for coming forward with such crucial data at the risk of job loss, etc.LOL, Andy Ray, incredible, but *sigh* so typical of TB2000. Y2K rumors and myths were devoured, and facts were spat upon there, for the most part. But your story is very, very interesting...can you link to the post you are referring to? And did this make up tale actually make it into the Congressional Record, or was it just given in testimony? So funny....this sounds worthy of a magazine article...tell us more!
-- FactFinder (FactFinder@bzn.com), September 25, 2000.
Just out of curiosity, how come you de-bunkers/de-bunkerettes never tried to smear Bruce Webster? He also was a "mis-leader doomzie", had a Y2K prep book, etc. Was his background too clean?
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), September 25, 2000.
Yes his background was too clean. How could we ever make fun of the guy who wrote Webster's Dictionary?
-- butt nugget (catsbutt@umailme.com), September 25, 2000.
And it was all needless.
The world at large barely concerned itself with Y2K. CPR's ridiculous frothing that he called "de-bunking" convinced no one of anything.
Here I completely disagree with you.
I believe there was a period of a few months in the debate - early in 1999 - when the pendulum could have swung very decidedly in the opposite direction. Further, I believe Mr. Reuben's efforts affected this decision point.
I am stating that one becomes more familiar with a mindset, and on a different level (in my opinion), if one experiences the mindset personally, as opposed to one not experiencing that particular mindset. It's very simple really - perhaps I am over-complicating it. I have heard an American-ism that is familiar - (paraphrased) "don't judge one's motives until you have walked in one's shoes."
If your posts had been defaced along with others, and the others had been repaired, you would likely (and justifiably) believe the moderator was treating you unfairly. This would not be "whining," any more than my justified complaints are "whining." Personally, it bothers me a lot less than I indicate. I do know how to stir up certain antic-prone doomers, however - and I feel justified in so doing when treated differently. Call it a "response" to the "message."
My new policy is to not address trolls - especially cowardly trolls. If your email address is fake, you do not deserve a response - at least not from me.
Andy Ray
-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), September 26, 2000.
Hey Andy,You have been asked to post the link to your manufacturer/model thread. Nice time to start a new policy about ignoring the anon here. But FactFinder is hardly anon.
What's the matter, shithead? Afraid to post it? Afraid that the people here will see you for what you really are, a lying, whiney, gutless, chickenshit, know-it-all jerkoff?
Put up or shut up, asshole.
Or maybe I'll take the time to go find it myself.
-- You are (full@of.shit), September 26, 2000.
http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=0012uW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brian says there are a lot of Y2K remediation professionals here.
Could any of you produce the manufacturer's name, part number, and a specific procedure for duplicating the procedure to verify that an "embedded chip" failed a Y2K-compliance test? (My company will purchase the chip and verify those results...). Also, I would like to know the specific applications/platforms in which the tainted IC is currently operating, which I will also verify.
All in the interests of good science. Thank you in advance.
Regards, Andy Ray
-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), July 06, 1999
Okay, proof-read, then post! :)I am attempting to locate one of the one hundred million embedded ICs that will not pass a Y2K compliance test. To do this, I need:
1. The IC manufacturer's name; 2. The IC's part number; 3. The procedure utilised to test the IC.
Again, thanks in advance, Andy Ray
-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), July 06, 1999.
Oh, and I would like a list of some of the applications and platforms on which the IC is operating currently, so as to obtain some sense of impact in case of failure.Polly wants a...chip!
Regards, Andy Ray
-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), July 06, 1999.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Every self respecting troll gave up on this attack at least a year ago. Shows us how much you respect yourself. You might even want to consult the IEE pages which are profuse with examples of embedded system failures.
[Oh, I see......you want to play the semantics game, eg, chip versus system. Andy, that's a sign of a sick mind. Stop playing games with serious subjects, Andy. Take your meds, fellow. The boys in the white coats will be by shortly.]
-- Anti (Andy@notroll.day), July 06, 1999.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-- (+@+.+), September 26, 2000.
Andy, I try very hard to be fair and taking no sides. If I have missed a post from you that was defaced, it's simply that I didn't see it and it was not brought to my attention. I don't look at every thread that is posted here. Some days I have more time for checking the forum, at others I don't. I remember most of the threads that were defaced with gifs last week were started by CPR. After 2 or 3 such threads that I fixed, I didn't bother checking from who they were, I just fixed them, as many as I had time to check that day and then I logged off.Also, on days I don't have time to read the forum, I'll at least try to read my email to see if someone reported a problem requiring my attention. You're always welcome like everybody else to bring a problem post or thread to my attention via email.
As an aside, you haven't answered Factfinder's question about which "annonymous report" you wrote that was used by North and Yourdon. Can you provide a link on the old forum where you posted it? This incident is worthy of its own thread started by you, IMO, to bring the whole thing to light and give us another insight into this "meme" of original TB2K.
-- Old Time Forum Regular (freespeech@yahoo.com), September 26, 2000.
Two posts have been defaced. One of which you were notified by at least two emails - but, who knows? Perhaps you will take this opportunity to rectify the situation and demonstrate some fairness.
Quotably Quoted #6 was posted by an imposter. Though I'm not asking you to email me the IP of the imposter, I'd appreciate it greatly if you treated it in the same manner as you treated this imposter's post.
Heroes and Cowards suffered a gif attack, as well.
I understand (from reading Mr. Greenspun's guide) that this software is database-based. Would a simple SQL query executed against the database would locate posts similarly attacked?
Andy Ray
-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), September 26, 2000.
Andy, I hope in all sincerity we can clear up any problems or confusion you may have regarding the way I manage this forum."Two posts have been defaced. One of which you were notified by at least two emails - but, who knows? Perhaps you will take this opportunity to rectify the situation and demonstrate some fairness."
I've gone back and checked my inbox, and I only see one email from you since the start of this forum. I've kept every single email from anyone who has ever emailed me. I don't delete them because I know I might need to go back on any of them (as in this case.)
"Quotably Quoted #6 was posted by an imposter. Though I'm not asking you to email me the IP of the imposter, I'd appreciate it greatly if you treated it in the same manner as you treated this imposter's post."
Quotably Quoted #6, and "this imposter's post" (which is a thread started by an imposter of Diane Squire), were both made on the same day, May 12. I received that single email from you regarding "Quotably Quoted" asking me if I could do anything about it, and I responded by adding my post that the thread was started by an imposter. Diane Squire had been the target of constant imposter post who signed her email address and spammed her mail box (which she already had emailed me and complain about.) Back then, I was not as familiar with the Lusenet software as I am now, and to help Diane to stop her inbox spamming, I edited out her email address of imposter posts. Diane had told me that she would absolutely not be posting on my forum, and since I knew her IP (from emails) I could indeed verify that any posts with her name wasn't hers. After the incidents of that day, May 12 (trolls impostering you and Diane) I found out that I could easily and simply remove email addresses from the " email notification" feature. And in your case, I could not until after I had an email from you to verify the IP's. As soon as you wrote me, I posted that it was an imposter and not you. If your complaint today is that I did not edit out your email address from the imposter troll, then I apologize and I am at fault. In hindsight, I see where you see a difference in treatment between you and Diane S. But from my standpoint, I was responding to two different complaints from people who wrote me at two different times. If you wish me to edit out your email address from that old thread still, I will do so, just let me know.
"Heroes and Cowards suffered a gif attack, as well."
I do not see a gif attack on that thread. I am on a Windows machine, and I understand that on Mac machines, even if the background has been set to #ffffff on the first post, it can still be over taken by subsequent posts. If that is the case, then perhaps you could tell me which post exactly is causing the problem.
"I understand (from reading Mr. Greenspun's guide) that this software is database-based. Would a simple SQL query executed against the database would locate posts similarly attacked?"
Yes I could query the IP of the attacker and check all his/her posts, but that is time consuming as well. And still I could miss some threads with disrupting gifs, as explained with the Mac OS situation.
The best and fastest way to help yourself and me is to write to me directly, giving me as much info as possible (the url of the thread, which post or poster exactly is the problem, and why you think it is a problem/your reasons for wanting it deleted or edited. I make my moderator decisions from there on a case by case basis.)
I hope this clears up any issues you have in regards to my moderation philosophy, but if not, please feel free to write me via email.
-- Old Time Forum Regular (freespeech@yahoo.com), September 26, 2000.
I do not see a gif attack on that thread. I am on a Windows machine, and I understand that on Mac machines, even if the background has been set to #ffffff on the first post, it can still be over taken by subsequent posts. If that is the case, then perhaps you could tell me which post exactly is causing the problem.That's interesting. From a Windows machine, you should actually see the background since it was posted as the first response to the thread. I tried to fix it later on, but it still shows up for most Windows users. Perhaps there is a Windows browser that behaves similarly to Mac IE 5.0 with regards to background tags.
The post in question was the first response. It was posted by "mr@teal.man" and included the tag (body background="http://SPACE1.homestead.com/files/teal.jpg).
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 26, 2000.
Hmmm, it's bizzarre. I'm using IE 4.0, version 4.72.2106.8, and with it I don't see the teal background. I fired up Netscape Communicator 4.73 to view that thread, and still I could not see the teal background. I then looked at the settings on NS's preferences, and I had "automatically load images" disabled. I check it, reload, THEN I see the background.I know I have images set to load on IE because they do load up with the page. But no teal background on that particular thread. So indeed, it does seem that different browsers on Windows will handle this forum differently also, and not just Macs.
I will leave Andy's "Heroes and Cowards" thread untouched for now, to give time to Andy and those reading this thread to check their browsers behavior is they want to (to verify what I'm saying.)I'll fix it later tonight or tomorrow when I log back on.
Now that I see more clearly how complicated this problem can be, I suggest to everyone to report to me directly via email anytime such an attack occurs.
-- Old Time Forum Regular (freespeech@yahoo.com), September 26, 2000.
Hmm and everyone, while pondering this problem some more, it just occured to me that it might not have anything to do with the version of the browsers, or even the platform, but everything to do with the cash; i.e., since you already had viewed the thread and hence loaded the disrupting gif with it, when you attempted to fix it later on, because you had that gif in your cash (and also people that had already viewed the thread before your fix), it just loaded up with the refresh. Since I viewed this particular thread AFTER your fix, that could be why I don't see the teal background.It could depend how each individual's cash is configured also.
-- Old Time Forum Regular (freespeech@yahoo.com), September 26, 2000.
Thank you for your response. Having been misunderstood throughout most of the debate on Y2k, I have become quite the paranoid skeptic.
In answer to your (and FactFinder's) earlier question about a link to the "misinformation" I quoted anonymously - which was later quoted before Congress by Mr. Webster - I respectfully decline.
After a couple of death threats over the Y2k issue - one delivered in such a way as to remove any doubt the person could, in fact, locate me personally - I constructed Andy Ray. Not quite ever anonymous enough to be a true anonymous person, but not as easily traceable. And, I have repeatedly misdirected any and all questions regarding race, religion, location, and age. Even those whom I consider friends have been misled thus. It is not a matter of trust - it is a statistical fact that the only true secrets are owned in singularity.
If one has an active email box, I do not consider one a troll - or completely anonymous. It's a distinction I make for my purposes only, and I'm certain you can appreciate it. You probably prefer to control the means of communication and access some (one or two come to mind) have with you, too.
Again, thank you for your response.
Andy Ray
-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), September 26, 2000.
Hmm and everyone, while pondering this problem some more, it just occured to me that it might not have anything to do with the version of the browsers, or even the platform, but everything to do with the cashI'm not so sure that's what's happening in my case. You can force a redownload of a page from the server rather than from the cache by holding down (I think) Ctrl when refreshing on Windows machines and "option" when refreshing on Macs. I try this and get the same result as I always have. The Mac browser shows a white page, then it changes to teal, then back to white. The Windows browser just shows teal.
Also, whenever I would "fix" a page on the Mac, I would see immediate results leading me to believe the problem was really fixed. If I was still loading the page from cache, I would think I would still see the problem.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 26, 2000.
Hmm and everyone, while pondering this problem some more, it just occured to me that it might not have anything to do with the version of the browsers, or even the platform, but everything to do with the cashOTFR, interesting additional points about browser settings. Another such setting which can affect display of background tags is custom background colors.... But testing this background thingee again on various browsers and ruling out any effect from personal settings, I am STILL getting differences in this behavior on different browsers and platforms.
Perhaps there is a Windows browser that behaves similarly to Mac IE 5.0 with regards to background tags
hmm, yes. With IE 4.0 (version 4.72.3612.1713) I am getting the same behavior as you (OTFR) did on your version of IE 4.0 (I do NOT see the teal). (And this is with having cleared cache and history; set browser to load URLs from server each time; auto-load images, and do not use custom background colors.)
I just tested IE 2.0 on Windows NT4 Workstation (SP6), and with that I do not see the teal background, either. (It WAS still there in the Heroes and Cowards thread as of the tests). ...
Curious can of worms we've opened up.... latest version of IE (5.5) for Windows and an early version of IE (3.01) for the Mac, and so far all Netscapes, behave the same with this feature; while others don't... There is no pattern or possible underlying rationale that I can see why it's so. (I should be surprised at this??) Acourse I haven't tested anywhere near EVERY browser nor each BUILD .
Thanks hmm... in Netscape 4 on Windows, it is a Shift-Reload (Option- Reload for the Mac) to fetch the latest version of the URL regardless of how your cache is set to fetch it.
-- Debbie (dbspence@usa.net), September 26, 2000.
Debbbie, you may have tested a fraction in your own arena, but you never traveled the many miles some others did in seeking out the "expert testimony". They all fell short. I read them all, and sought other advise. Fools were abound, and incompetent in the political arena on this subject matter. I saw them, I read them, I have their ineptness in print. For shame.... 99 rolls of toilet tissue on the wall, 99 rolls of tissue. take them down, you get the picture.
-- Hate to be redundant (badthingshappento@goodpeople.com), September 26, 2000.
Andy, I understand your wish to remain safely anonymous. If you have another moderation issue in the future, I encourage you to email me to discuss it.Debbie, you are right. I have tested my browsers again and they do behave very differently with the same settings. I have set them both to override the webpage fonts, colors and backgrounds with my own choices of white background, black text and size 12 Times font. IE 4.0 Windows overrides everything (Andy and CPR's type looks like everybody else's), but on Netscape 4.7, Andy's font is still in teal, although in Times and not bold, while CPR is still in large fonts. The background remains white on both browsers.
I would suggest to everyone to tinker with your browsers settings for fonts, background and colors to gain control over what you see on this forum. Some browsers, like Netscape 4.0+ give the option of making different user profiles and one can choose which one to use when starting up the browser. Make one titled "Spinoff" with options set to override all fonts etc. with your own settings and not load images automatically.
Thanks Debbie and Hmm for the tip on the Shift-Reload command, that's one I didn't know about and is very handy.
-- Old Time Forum Regular (freespeech@yahoo.com), September 27, 2000.