Rural Living : LUSENET : Year 2000 Preparation Archive : One Thread


Rural Living

Red Neck update
Replaced 500 gallon propane tank with a 1000 gallon tank and topped it off. Purchased a ventless propane heater, non electric.

-40 and what I know
I got Y2K when the AuditorGeneral in Canada stated that the Quebec Icestorm was going to be like a picnic. This was over a year ago. I wrote the piece below because of the risk of freezing during a power outage.

A preparedness perspective
I grew up in the wilds of northern British Columbia. No electricity, no running water, no TV, no radio. Our nearest neighbor was five miles away.

Chop Wood Haul Water
I don't know much about computers but I do know a bit about surviving in the cold. This was writen about a year ago as a series of articles about survival in harsh winter conditions.

Chop Wood Haul Water #2 (Bugging out)
It has been a topic for many posters, the idea of leaving the city and getting back to nature. This is getting to be more the message as time goes on. It is like triage for our personal lives and developing contingency plans.

Mobile Home Questions
For those of you out there who know mobile homes: How safe are they? What sort of things do we need to look for, safety, insulation, electrical, water and waste piping? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Quicky rural survival quiz
If you get to 4, you will want to find a VERY friendly neighbor to partner with once you buy that farm refuge!! Every single item up on the ceiling has comefrom a rural farm, or home, and was VERY useful in said home!!

practical information
Iwould like to hear from people with experience in various areas of expertise.Some thoughts of what might be helpful to people would be: what types of animals have people found to be most practical for small homesteading? solar electric experience?

Rural Life - The Painted Bird
Though it was during wartime, the issue wasn't the war. It was the UNSPEAKABLE ignorance, vice, and horrifying brutality of the rural people.(Hey rural people, don't get me wrong,remember my cousins, above, they're nice people!!)

How do you "bug out" with a bag;wouldn't a trailer be better?
If I leave with my family, I wouldassume I need to have all the gear necessary to survive for a long time. How do you transport 55 gal.drums of kerosene or water? What about the untold number of 50lb. bags?

How far is far enough
We live in the suburbs of a metropolitan area of approximately 2 ml. I looked in the classified section of Sunday's paper for real estate and it was amazing the ads for "Y2KRetreats". What I want some help with is, how far away from the city

Paul Milne: 250 Million people CAN'T run for the Hills, & Leave the city....
How can everyone run for the hills, & bail outta the cities? Isn't this IMPOSSIBLE? My gawd, if everyone runs for the hills,won't we just have another *city* in the hills?

In worst case scenario, how shall we prevent "cabin fever", to Mr. Walker,so to speak.
How should we prepare for the mental effects of no power. How will we deal with loneliness. If we have to spend Year 2000 a tour farm in the middle of no where, how shall we preven "cabin fever" so to speak.

Rural bugout farm questions
The following was a series of questions asked late in the above thread. While they were written they pertain to any of us who are rural, who are planning to join a farm, etc.

Year 2000 Preparation Archive

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-- Brian (, May 25, 1999

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