In worst case scenario, how shall we prevent "cabin fever", so to speak. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

okay, im 15, my dad's preparing like crazy. the Y2k bomb seems like a real thing. i cant thank my dad enough for taking a responsible role in preparing us whether or not disaster strikes. However, i have some more trivial, however still important, concerns. In worst case scenario, if this is a problem which will last a year or more, how will we pass the time? How should we prepare for the mental effects of no power. How will we deal with loneliness. If we have to spend Year 2000 at our farm in the middle of no where, how shall we preven "cabin fever" so to speak. I mean, u cant live on rice and canned beans forever. Please take my question seriously and I would really appreciate an answer. - Bakedaple

-- (, January 25, 1999


Hey, Baked ...

Our family is rural, home-schools and has five kids (do you have brothers or sisters)? Post-Y2K will be anything BUT dull, though many of us will experience loneliness and even fear at times. Your dad will help you.

Here are some practical suggestions:

If you like to read, get a bunch of REALLY good books, not the cheap stuff, but books that people have been reading for hundreds of years in some cases. You'd be surprised how cool they can be.

If you're into music, think about learning an instrument. You can do a lot on your own if you pick one that's right for you. Or, if you're artistic, bring in a batch of supplies.

If you can make things, have a supply of tools and supplies around to get you going (furniture, for instance).

If you like pets, see if your dad can get you one. Sure, you'll need to feed it, but they're great for the loneliness part.

I'm sure others will have even better ideas. I'm a *big* believer that Y2K prep should include this kind of stuff for everyone, including adults, BTW. Great question, Baked.

-- BigDog (, January 25, 1999.

Not to dismiss your concerns, but boredom shouldn't be too much of a problem if Y2K is bad. People will be very busy trying to provide the necessities for themselves. January isn't the busiest time for a garden, but there are some things you can do to prepare it for spring planting. Also, January might be a good time to read some how-to books on any of the subjects you'd need to learn about. Here in Arkansas I've been doing plenty of outdoor stuff all month. We've had very good weather. Of course, that's one of the reasons I moved here. As for loneliness, you may find yourself meeting new friends and getting to know them better than you would have otherwise. People would be depending on their neighbors much more than they do now.

-- Noah Simoneaux (, January 25, 1999.

I like playing cards. My family used to play together often when I was your age. There a hundreds of other games available.

If you are a Christian, you could study the Bible cover to cover.

Leather making. Wood carving. Drawing, painting, etc. Hunting. Fishing. Chores.

-- Sue (, January 25, 1999.

Hi Baked...

I agree with the other posters: Life won't be dull, boring and uninteresting. One of the biggest pluses will be the absence of television, and there's a lot of wisdom in the suggestion to lay in a supply of good books. Some of the classics will help you to understand what is happening and how it relates to you and to your family, and to how we all figure in the grand scheme of things. If you do have brothers and sisters, you will become closer to them. and they to you. The same goes for your parents. All in all, not to bad, huh?

-- Vic (, January 25, 1999.

Guilt free hunting and fishing. Instead of bitching about you going hunting or fishing, your wife will be pleased you know how to do it.

-- Bill (, January 25, 1999.

Sorry reread post you are only 15, no wife yet. Scratch wife, insert Mom. The hunting and fishing will be great.

-- Bill (, January 26, 1999.

get a mountain bike... will keep you fit and provide an alternate form of transportation... design a track around the farm... buy extra tubes and tires...

-- michael (, January 26, 1999.

Since you are 15, I'll assume that you are still in school, and that you will still be in school in y2000.

If the schools are no longer open, you can still complete your high school level education at home. Take advantage of the time you have this year to find out what your curriculum will be like next year, and for all the years to follow to graduation. Then obtain as many of the books and materials you will need to do that.

That should, I hope, keep you busy, and your mind well occupied.


-- Casual Observer (who@goes.there), January 27, 1999.

Go into a second-hand bookstore, one of those places that sells books for 10-20c each. Do what I've wanted to do for a while (but never found time..oh well, maybe when I retire in about a hundred years) and buy a couple of boxes of those books, anything that seems remotely cool.

Or, learn a language. If what some of these people seem to be saying about military conquest has any grain of truth, Chinese could be quite useful ;)


-- Leo (, January 27, 1999.

Oh, and regarding high-school education: Don't just bring one year of stuff, bring several. The syllabus is designed for imbeciles, and anyone smart enough to post here should be able to blitz through 7-12 in several months. (Hell, I did.. spent 99% of my time 7-11 playing AD&D in class, and in year 12 was writing; did no homework, no study, still walked off with a respectable mark.) So bring a couple of years' work to do. Without the teachers wasting your time, it'll be far easier.

-- Leo (, January 27, 1999.

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