Kill the Spammer : LUSENET : People Photography : One Thread

That's the second time that jerk has spammed us in a week...if it happens again, I'll ask for some help on how to keep him from doing it any more...

-- shawn (, June 11, 2001


Unfortunately LUSENET isn't the full AD discussion forum where you can block on IP addresses and other things...

For the moment, I think we just have to live with it and delete them as they come. I just nuked a chain letter. If it gets out of hand, then I may write another little perl script to try and reduce it (but it would never catch 100%).

(PS: I've changed the category on this thread to 'Admin' -- should probably also have reduced the expiration time but never mind...)

-- Allan Engelhardt (, June 11, 2001.

thanks shawn, allan, you guys are great!

-- edward kang (, June 12, 2001.

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