JournalCon 2001: are you going? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
I just caught up on the JournalCon mailing list (see that first link for all other links and info) and discovered that the hotel rooms for the con are all booked up, although there are still rooms available in another hotel down the street. JC hasn't even started taking registrations yet, so I guess this is going to be a big one. But since I won't know if I can go for at least another month or so, I'm thinking I'm not going to make it this year. Damn.How about you? Are you going?
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
Oops. There's a new message there this morning that seems to indicate there are still rooms available ... can someone confirm this? I for one had no idea the rooms were going so quickly, so I imagine there are other folks who are also out of the loop.
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
Yes, I'm going - Molly is going to room with me - she was smart enough to have already reserved the room - I'd have waited until the registration showed up, and probably wound up camped out at the Greyhound station or something.
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
I'm planning on going, too, and also have a room reserved thanks to having an on-the-ball roommate (that would be Athena--we're going to have the clean-living, non-smoking, getting-up-early-in-the-morning-and- going-to-the-gym room. OK, well, at least the non-smoking part).I'm sure there will still be hotel rooms available somewhere nearby the convention a month from now.
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
It's too early for me to decide. I'd like to, but if I have a heavy courseload, I'm not sure it will happen. But I'm thinking I will. I'm indecisive. And I have no problem with staying at a different hotel if the others are booked.
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
If I have enough miles and $300 (is that an unreasonably low estimate?), I will go. I want to see Jenn and Beth and Columbine and meet Jen and Dora and Melissa and a lot of folks who also are iffy about going. I don't know if Shelley's planning to attend again. I'd love to meet her.
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
So far, I'm planning on going, but not on staying in a hotel. I was going to bring the Howard and stay with my sister. Have a good old road trip long weekend.
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
Oh, so Jen and Athena are going to have the non-smoking, getting-up- early, clean living room? Yeah, well Lynda and I are going to have the smokin', staying up late, beer-drinking, seducing-the-Vodkatea- boys, silly happy living-it-up room.Don't worry, organizers - we're non-destructive peaceful types. We just like being a little bad - right, Lynda?
... Uh, Lynda? Shoot, I think I just scared off my roomie!
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
Nah, we're not really bad - we're just drawn that way!
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
I'm going. I think I got one of the last rooms at the Days Inn. But I want to see what the price is at the hotel down the street, because, okay, I'm cheap that way. Thrifty. Yeah.I wouldn't worry about the room situation, Beth. Someone is going to cancel, two people who both booked rooms will end up being roomies, and blah blah blah. If you want to go, a room will appear, I'm sure.
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
I was planning on going, but I don't have a room yet either. I had fun at the last one so I figured I might as well go to this one too. Maybe if all the rooms are taken, they'll reserve additional ones? I just joined the planning list yesterday....Jen, can I join you & Athena at the gym?! I'm trying to do that no smoking gym going thing. :)
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
According to the con organizers, there are many rooms still available in the JournalCon block at the hotel. They aren't sure what happened with the hotel staff telling people 1) that there were no more rooms left in the block, or 2) that they were getting "one of the last rooms available", but I personally would chalk it up to general incompetence over there, based on the person I talked to when I reserved my room.The point is, there are still lots of rooms left, so don't panic!
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
I've been wavering on going cuz a) I haven't been sure if I would be in Seattle or New York around that time and didn't want to buy a ticket I couldn't use; b) Wasn't sure what the state of my finances was and whether I could afford JC; and c) Don't really feel like I'm part of the "journalling community" and will probably be the only straight dude there.However, now I am pretty sure I will be in Seattle for another year, and my finances are doing well (I'll be out of debt by then, woohoo!). Part c still applies but I love chicago and if I get bored I can always go to the Field museum or look up the local anarchists.
However, the idea of dealing with renting a room and all of that stuff now is scary. Anyone need a roommate?
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
I'm pretty sure there were more than a few straight guys at last year's JournalCon, unless you know something we don't, David. Also, there were quite a few folks there who probably wouldn't consider themselves to be part of the journalling community, either. But we still all had a great time.
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001
I'm going, and planning on rooming with Corina and Kate and Elizabeth and Colleen, if she decides to go. When I registered for my room, I was told it was the last one. Since I know of three other people who got rooms after me, obviously that was a crock. Not exactly inspiring confidence in the hotel, but I'll cross my fingers.
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001
I'd like to go but I'm a little hesitant about dunking moolah into the deal without knowing a good deal more about what we're going to do when we're there. Plus, I need to finagle some time off for this shindig, and that's a slight iffy.So where I stand, I'm about 70-30 in favor of going. Like David, I will need a roommate. I don't snore...
...loudly. :)
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001
I want to go. Now I just need a roommate.
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001
Isn't it funny how we *all* got The Last Room? Hee.I think we need a Roomie Board or something so that people who don't have them can find them, or if you lose your roomie at the last minute you can track down someone else. (I currently have a roomie. I am very happy about this.)
I am not worrying too much about the "con" aspect since I am not a very con-goin' kinda gal. I figure it'll be like Austin Film Fest was the last year I went ... there were lots of things going on, and there were also those of us who slept late and took long lunches and ducked in and out of conference rooms. I figure if my goal is to have fun with a lot of people I know and people I don't know and so forth, I'll be happy enough.
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001
I wonder if the "last room" thing is just a ploy to make you feel special or to give you a sense of urgency about paying up quickly. I know when I bought my cellphone I was told this deal I was getting was good only though the end of the week, but Sprint is still advertising it six months later.How do folks feel about co-ed roomsharing?
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001
Oh yeah, I just found out that Southwest is currently advertising a ton of specials to Chicago. None from Seattle though. But some of yinz might want to check out if you're going.
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001
(Love the idea there, Jan, totally stole it.. about the email addresses.)I'm so there, no roommate yet. If all goes well, Jo_ham of is coming to Pittsburgh to visit me and we're going to try to drive the 8 hours. Could be interesting, I think.. might have to skip some school, waaaah.
But I am so so so there. Wheee!
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001
I'm not opposed to coed room sharing. Of course, it depends on the co.
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001
Hey, all -Just wanted to confirm (again) that there's still plenty of room at the Days Inn. I have no idea what the problem is with the people there repeatedly telling many of you that there are no rooms left, or that you're getting the last room, or WHAT, but the hotel faxed me a list earlier this week of those who have reserved rooms within the block, and as of Tuesday, there were 15 rooms left from the original block.
In addition, I reserved an extra 4 "executive suites" which were available. Those rooms have two queen sized beds in them, and depending on just how cramped people are willing to be, they might be a good deal for four people to share.
When I originally reserved the block of rooms, I was told that I wouldn't be able to add rooms to it. The fact that I was able to add 4 more rooms to the block when the block wasn't even full yet leads me to believe that as we get closer to October, more rooms will open up, and we can add those to the block. I plan to start calling them once a week or so to get an updated list of names, check current availability, and reserve more rooms if possible.
If you're having trouble with the Days Inn, please let me know and I'll get in touch with them myself and try to straighten out the problem. If we find out all of the rooms really ARE taken, us locals will do whatever we can to make alternate arrangements for you. (As somebody else mentioned, there's another hotel literally one block away, and their room rates are cheaper.)
Finally, I just want to let you know that the lovely talented Krystyn Wells of Glitter is designing and putting up the official website, which will be up before next week. That being up should help a lot as far as quashing rumors, finding out the status of hotel reservations, etc.
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001
Thanks, Jessamyn! Believe me when I say that we all appreciate the hard work you're doing.
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001
I am planning on getting a big king sized bed and sharing it with Jen and Eleanor. I call the middle! Anyway, I couldn't find hotel info on the site. Can someone possibly let me know who I have to call to reserve the Girly Love Bed?
-- Anonymous, May 28, 2001
no way, man. I get the middle. I'm better at it.what were the hotel prices, again? no, wait, I can probably do something exciting like go look that up, can't I. huh.
-- Anonymous, May 28, 2001
Clean living doesn't exclude the seduction of Vodkatea boys. At least I hope not. That would take all the fun out of the whole trip. I don't think those boys will be able to stay away from Jen.
-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001
D'you think we could have a panel discussion on the best way to seduce people at conventions/conferences? Because it's been a long time since I've been to an out-of-town con and I know I'm out of practice. And I might get bored with all the other stuff, and need something interesting to do, and don't want to be laughed at for my rusty seduction techniques.
-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001
I am unseduceable. I am officially spoken-for. However, I will flirt readily with all interested parties. Just ask Jen the Formidable.
-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001
It's true, it's true! Columbine makes you feel very pretty, and also smart and cool. Two out of three con-goers would agree, too, I am certain.As for seduction, please take note of lessons learned throughout my hotel room-sharing days: be courteous of your roommates, and plan to stage your liasons in single-occupancy, unshared sorts of rooms. Your roommates can hear every rustle and groan. I promise you this. Thank you.
-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001
If Columbine will help me feel pretty AND cool, I'm so there.
-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001
What's the likelyhood of still being able to go to JC if I make the plans at the last minute, like late September/early oct? I know I may be slitting my own throat as far as airline tickets goes, but can anyone venture a guess as to whether or not I'd be able to get a room, get into the events, etc?
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001
Um, er, don't take this the wrong way, Columbine, but I wasn't exactly planning to seduce YOU.[moment where Jette can no longer remain composure and despite working in an open space, begins to squeak, loses it entirely and bangs her head on the desk several times while giggling helplessly]
Hee. Somehow that struck me as hilarious. Hee. Okay, it's been a long week.
Which is not to say that Columbine isn't someone you all would want to flirt with and perhaps you might even toy with seduction if you didn't know about the spoken-for bit, but in my own specific case this is different.
[more giggles]
Oh, hell, just ignore me today. I don't even know how to steer this post back to the JournalCon topic, other than to say that I hope I can find cheap airfare soon because it looks like it'll be a fun weekend.
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001
David, I don't know that this will apply this year, but last year I did not decide to go to JC until September and it was more than fine. The only potential problem I see by waiting is a cheaper hotel room, but no doubt some kind of room will be available in the area.
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001
Jette, most cool girls at conventions attract men of all shapes and sizes and...ah...degrees of...stuff... without even trying.Okay, so my main experience is at sci-fi conventions.
Alright, maybe we should have that panel after all. Do you think the boyfriend would object?
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001
Not only do I think you should have the panel, I think you should Webcast it for all of us who can't be there.
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001
I don't know whether I'm going or not. I keep thinking I will, then maybe I won't. Or shouldn't. I don't know. I'm not going to make a final decision until late August I'm sure.
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001
Whee! I'm going!If I can get there from Australia (thanks, of course, to the wonder that is the Qantas Frequent Flyer programme), nobody has any excuse for not going.
-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001
How does Jeremy feel about meeting rabid fans/online friends? I mean, I wanna have lunch or drinks or something with you, and I'd love to meet Jeremy.. but does he think we're all freaks?Just checking...
-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001
I'm on the phone with Jeremy right now, and he says of course he thinks you're all freaks, but I already told him that he definitely wants to meet you, Emily. He's okay with freaks.
-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001
yay for jcon! I'm going, and Emily and I are roommates!!Who's the luckiest girl in Chi-Town?
It's me, it's me!
-- Anonymous, June 29, 2001
Yay! Oh, I'm so happy. So Beth: we are so on for (shady) drinks or dinner or SOMETHING.Yay! Claire: I'm the luckiest girl in Chi-town, baby. Oh yes.
-- Anonymous, June 29, 2001
Definitely.Damn. I just realized that when I get home, I'll have three hours to drive from Oakland to Sacramento and go to class. That's so weird to think about.
-- Anonymous, June 30, 2001
And I might get bored with all the other stuff, and need something interesting to do, and don't want to be laughed at for my rusty seduction techniques.All you gotsa do is smile realy pretty when you say "Hi rudeboy, wanna do it?" and I won't laugh, I promise.
please take note of lessons learned throughout my hotel room- sharing days: be courteous of your roommates, and plan to stage your liasons in single-occupancy, unshared sorts of rooms. Your roommates can hear every rustle and groan.
rustle and groan got my attention. Was this some of the stuff you guys were sworn to secrecy about from last time? Can you just share some of the grunts? Or maybe the groans? You can call me if you wanna keep it on the down low.
-- Anonymous, July 01, 2001
In fact, let me extend that invitation to all you wonderfully talented intelligent women. If you have a lover or boyfriend whose sole function in the evening after gulping down his microwaved chicken pot pie has become climbing on top of you, doing his business and rolling over to catch the last half of Sportscenter or work on his computer, never once inquiring about your day...or if you have a husband who has grown complacent, contented with laying on the couch with the remote in his hand flipping aimlessly through old westerns and mindless infomercials instead of looking, much less talking, to you...
then give me a call. For only $1.99 a minute I will politely listen to your tales about Luke and Hope divorcing because she's his long lost twin brother's third grade girlfriend. I will listen as you spill your guts about how you slaved in the kitchen all day choosing just the right pot pie to throw into the microwave and how under appreciated you felt when he gulped it down without a single word of thanks. I'll be there for you when you wanna talk about bon-bons and how they go straight to your thighs. And if Judge Judy was totally off da hook today, laying the smack down on some worthless, credit card using, phone bill running up worthless man, I will be there to listen to it all.
("Mmmm-hmms", "Uh-huhs" and "No he did not" s are also available for a small surcharge.) call XXX-555-RUDEBOYCARESABOUTME
-- Anonymous, July 02, 2001
Okay ... J and I have our plane tickets and hotel reservation taken care of. We're staying at the Comfort Inn and flying in from Oakland on Southwest ($99 one-way internet specials, oh yeah).There is a small chance that Jeremy will have to bail on the trip (we found out *after* reserving the tickets that he'll have class on Monday morning, and he'll have to miss it, and JC is right during midterm season), in which case I'm going to have a nice non-smoking room all to myself, since I'm not sharing a bed with any of you. Sorry. Well, maybe Emily, but she already has a roommate.
-- Anonymous, July 04, 2001
I'm going. Tickets will be purchased very, very soon. Rooms should already be taken care of. Will send registration in by August.Yay!!
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
Just wondering, Beth, what you've got against a structured format. A conference implies that there will be conferences, no? Otherwise it would be the Journal Get-together. If I were going to go to one of these things-- and pay all that money-- I think I'd want to learn something if I could. Anyway, it doesn't seem reasonable (to me) to be disappointed about, or fight against, structure. If people want to go to the meetings, then that's what they'll do, and if they don't they won't. All the organizers can do is make the classes/panels available-- to suit everyone's desires.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
I have no interest in participating in the 9,000th discussion about "why journal" or whatever. If I wanted to do that, there are at least four online discussion groups I can think of where I could do that. No offense is intended to those who do want to discuss those issues, but if you'll remember, this was a concern people had last year, as well. I'm going because it's my chance to meet a bunch of journalers at one time in one place, and that's the ONLY reason I'm going. I'm sure I'm not alone.I attended last year's con and thought it was fantastic even though I skipped a lot of the sessions. I liked the fact that the events were somewhat unstructured. I just really hope that this year the people who choose to skip the sessions aren't made to feel like truant children, which was sort of the case last year.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
You're not alone, Beth. The only reason I'm going is because something like JournalCon is my best chance to meet a bunch of people I've been, well, wanting to meet. I'm not interested in most of the panel topics being talked about - I'm sure a lot of people are, and I think that's terrific. People are going to want different things. But I've been journalling for just about three years now, and I know why I'm doing it...I was anonymous and I'm not now, so that's not an issue...I have a design I'm thrilled with...etc.Don't get me wrong - I'm not slamming the panels or the organizers; I'm on the planning list and if I could come up with good, interesting panels that I'd want to attend I would certainly suggest them. I am sure I will attend some panels. But I wasn't much interested in the panel topics from last year, either, and I don't feel a great need to hear people read out loud from their journals. I read their journals at home. I want to meet the people behind the journals and basically kick back, goof off, and have a blast.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
I'm still down for the Museum of Science and Industry/Seminary Co-op Bookstore tour, yo.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
I'm still not sure if I'm going yet, but may I just share that my husband, until a few days ago, thought it was called JournalThon? I keep picturing us all sitting at rows of computers, hands poised for action over our keyboards, ready to type out the fastest entry."Okay, journallers! On your mark! Get set! GO!"
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
Oh, lord. Timed journaling drills. You've just described hell for me, right there.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
I'm not necessarily going to attend all the structured stuff either. It depends on the topic and the people involved. Some people are naturally very good in that environment and I'd like to see them there, but journalling is not the main focus in my life right now and I don't feel like I need to do it better, or differently, or attract a larger audience.So I may be asking to tag along on people's romps about town. "Romps" in the strictly platonic sense, rudeboy.
And I should go book the airfare noooooow, but I'm feeling very tentative about expenses this week, since I have scary mortgage papers all over my desk.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
I just really hope that this year the people who choose to skip the sessions aren't made to feel like truant children...You mean the way you make people who choose to go to the sessions feel like the class nerds?
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
"Romps" in the strictly platonic sense, rudeboy.You know, "romps" is so close to "rumps" and you mentioned it in the same sentence as my name - I wonder if there's a subconscious something going on. Things that make you go hmmmm. But, before I make any assumptions I 'spose I should go and lookup what "platonic" means.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
Ah, Jim, how I've missed you. Let me ask you a question: are you keeping a journal? Are you going to JournalCon? Or are you just doing your usual thing where you pop up here because you think there's going to be a big online journal flamewar, and it's a chance to take a few potshots at me? If it's the latter, then I'll kindly invite you to fuck off, because honestly, I was lying. I didn't miss you or this crap at all.If anyone who is actually keeping a journal and planning to attend JournalCon thinks that *I* think they're a class nerd, then I humbly apologize. But this forum isn't here for Jim to snipe at me, and it's not going to degenerate into that this time around.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
Boy oh boy, Beth, you're awfully sensitive. And no, I don't keep a journal. When I did, you said I disagreed with you to get more hits. Now it's something else, that I have no right to talk since I'm not overtly involved. When will I be able to disagree with you without being villianized or have my voice discounted? Probably never. That being the case-- and since you won't miss me anyway, things having been so very interesting without me-- so long, toots.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
If it's the latter, then I'll kindly invite you to fuck off, because honestly, I was lying. I didn't miss you or this crap at all.I didn't wanna repost the whole thing, but see? The setup, the lead in, the whole thing - it is an art form I tell ya. How could you not luv a woman that can tell you to fuck off in such a complete way? The feelings she stirred up inside of me well, they almost makes me sorry I posted the grosser than gross question. Almost. I still have to assure myself that the troll blood lives on in me somehow.
Anyway, Jim V. seems really similar to Dave V. Both have a driving desire to be the wussy whipping boy, both can turn a phrase on end to thinly disguise its true meaning and both seem to be infatuated with Beth. Some may say that I am most of those things myself, but, if there's one thing I'm not, it's a wussy whipping boy.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
Yes, I have to side with Beth on this one as well. I mean, not only did Jim have the tenacity to hold a differing opinion (gasp!), but he had the brazen impudence to actually express that opinion for all to see! And his opinion is so clearly different. If you look at Beth's opinion, and compare it to Jim's opinion, what you can't help but notice is how very different they are. They're not the same. Yet he posted it anyway. How cheeky. What a cheeky boy.Speaking of cheeks, c'mon Rudeboy, are you really going to tell us you didn't get an erection when your momma spanked your bottom? You know you wanna be Beth's whipping boy.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
I don't think I'll be going to everything, given that anything before about 2 pm is when my bodyclock will be telling me to sleep, but I just want to note that going to the panel that includes me is compulsory. Truancy is not an option.Besides, I'll have snack-sized tim-tams (the world's most fabulous treat) for anyone who asks me a question.
As you were.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
I will do anything for a TimTam. Tell me what time your panel is so I can plan accordingly.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
Ah, that was a question, so you've already gained a tim-tam.In answer to your question, I don't know yet, but I'll tell you when I know.
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
Speaking of panels...I see signs everywhere of people being asked to speak on panels...anyone have any idea what the panels actually are?
-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001
Bethums, my fourth roommate just bailed.. so lemme get a powwow with the other two (Claire and Mary Ellen), but I wanna invite you to stay with us. We've got two big beds, and a slumber party plan, and want you to come hang out with us!Wanna wanna wanna?
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001
I'd love to, Emily, but as of right now Jeremy is very much planning on attending, and I think he'd be lonely.
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001
Hey, folks.As one of the organizers of this year's event, I can vouch that I intend to make no one feel like a truant or the class nerd! People are of course welcome at whatever sessions they'd like to attend, and are similarly welcome to just hang out with others, away from the sessions. (Personally, I always kind of enjoy the "freedom" feeling I get when I go to a conference and then skip out on some of the panels that don't interest me. Is that just me?)
I do, though, want to address the concerns people have expressed about there being too many sessions and planned events, because I think that the amount of planned time will actually take up a smaller percentage of the weekend than the planned events at last year's con. (But I don't know for sure, since I didn't go last year.) Before we started doing much planning at all, we heard from a lot of people who were vocal about how they "didn't want to come to Chicago for nothing," and that there needed to be a LOT of panels. We ended up trying to plan a schedule that includes several "formal" sessions, but leaves time for informal fun.
That said, I'm afraid the way that the website currently lists the schedule may be misleading; we plan to finalize (well, as much as possible) a schedule by mid-July, which we'll immediately post on the website. For your info, though, the planned events are as follows: Friday - group reception dinner; Saturday - sessions from 10 - 12 or 12:30, two hours for lunch, sessions from 2:30 to 5 or 5:30, the rest of the evening free (but we'll help people make reservations if large groups want to eat dinner together, and we'll suggest other activities for those who are interested); Sunday - sessions from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., with the rest of the day free.
Thanks for your patience, everyone, and thanks for your input! I'm so glad to hear concerns NOW, when we can possibly do something about them, rather than after the whole thing's over...
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001
Okay, I'll go to Anna's panel. I might even go to one or two others, but I agree with Beth - I don't have much interest in drumming up new readers, becoming a better journaler etc. If someone wants to tell me what the magic words are that will make web registrars dance to my tune, I'll definitely attend that one.Meanwhile, I'm on for museum outings etc. My goal for that weekend is to see a bit of Chicago and meet a bunch of people. I don't care if schoolmarms try to make me feel like a class truant because I *was* a class truant and have no problem with that. Frown away.
This should be fun... Now that I'm committed, I'm looking forward to it very much. Although I'm pouting because everyone got better air fares than I did.
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001
$156.50, baby! :)
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001
Jessamyn wrote:
Personally, I always kind of enjoy the "freedom" feeling I get when I go to a conference and then skip out on some of the panels that don't interest me. Is that just me?I agree. Feeling like a truant teenager is a good thing. Perhaps Beth needs a chant to help her feel the right vibes. Something like this:
"I'm not going to any formal session and you can't maaake meeeee. Nyah, nah, nah, nah-nah, nyah."
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001
See!? EVERYONE got better air fares than I did. Sheesh.
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001
I don't think the schedule is too structured; if anything it's LESS structured than last year's.I am one of the people who feels that if I am paying a relatively significant sum of money to go to a convention, it would be nice if there were con-type activities there. I am very happy that the organizers are putting some time and effort into making this happen. If the point was to just go hang out with a bunch of journalers and do totally unstructured stuff, there would be no reason for an organized con. We could just all go stay at the same hotel and drink ourselves into oblivion, or whatever.
I guess I just don't understand the big disappointment over all the structured time. If you don't want to do the structured stuff, you have the option of not going to it. However, if you DO want to do the structured stuff, and there is none, you don't have the option of going. So I'm glad there will be structured activities, and I see no reason for anyone to feel let down or disappointed that there will, in fact, be structured activities at what is an organized convention.
If anyone feels personally slighted by this, please feel free to blame it on my raging pregnancy hormones. The passenger and I won't mind.
-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001
Screw whether the damn thing is structured or not - hasn't anyone noticed that the forums devoted to discussing JCon Chicago 2001 are popping up everywhere? Yahoo, Topica and now, Delphi. What on Earth are these people thinking? Is there an allergy to consistency in Chicago? Dear JCon organizers: get your acts together and fast - quit making people who want to attend this thing jump through hoops.
-- Anonymous, July 09, 2001
There's one official forum, and that's the one at Delphi - - the other two you mention, gabby, are email lists. The other two were also set up by people other than the organizers of this year's Chicago con.I can't understand why this bothers you so much, though, since you've said you're not planning on going.
For everyone who IS planning to go or who IS interested in going, I apologize if you feel like you've been made to jump through any hoops. I assure you, one Chicago Journal Con forum is all we plan to create.
As always, lemme know if you have questions. Or comments. And of course, even complaints.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001
I fail to see how having multiple forums available (and/or mailing lists) can possibly be construed as forcing people to jump through hoops. It seems to me that the more discussion the better. How does more exposure and a choice of venues compel anyone to vault through a circular strip like a circus performer?
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001
So, Kim Hayes, who started the Topica group, is no longer an official Journalcon organizer?(I read Topica and Yahoo!Groups on the web rather than individual emails, so for me, they are forums.)
My point is that, had the choice been made to have one, single, official discussion site, you would have nearly eliminated the desire and/or need for topics popping up at various forums - control the message, etc. It's simple marketing.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001
Kim Hayes is still an official JournalCon organizer. My comment about the Topica list was mistaken. We did want to have a bb-type forum in addition to those email lists, however, which is why the delphi forum was created.I don't think the creation of that forum was a mistake.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001
...anyone to vault through a circular strip...circular strip? that the best replacement for hoop you could find when thumbing through the thesaurus?
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001
eight foot wide flaming bracelet of doom sounds a little better
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001
"Eight-Foot Wide Flaming Loop of Flesh-Blistering Death" sounds even cooler, though.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001
"Gee Dave, would you like a beer? And some cookies?" That sounds even better (to me).
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001
Jen and rudeboy, you two put me to shame. Yes, 'circular strip' was the best I could come up with. I feel so humiliated.And Mr. Grenier, you are clearly insane. Beer does not go with cookies.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001
There is one general JournalCon mailing list, which was used primarily before the venue was chosen this year. It will be used again after this year's JournalCon is over. It is not being used right now.There is one Chicago JournalCon mailing list.
There is one Chicago JournalCon Web-based discussion forum.
Hopefully, this has not been too terribly confusing for anyone to follow.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001
Mr. Dave Van, cookies go with everything. The same argument could be made for beer.As for all the journalcon lists and discussions and so on - I haven't seen a problem or conflict. I go to the main site at glitterbook for hardcore info. I read the discussions on a couple of forums just for the chitterchatter, and to get an idea of who's going.
As long as the organizers use the website as the main source of the important info - which I'm hoping they're doing, as I'm not taking notes on forum posts, and don't check all the lists and so on - I don't see it particularly as a problem.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2001