Do Ya Think This May Be Why B.S.A. Doesn't Permit Homosexual's Into Their Program? Whadya think Tarzan? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Monday March 12 10:47 PM ET Jury Selection Starts in Rape CaseBy BRIAN SKOLOFF, Associated Press Writer
BENTONVILLE, Ark. (AP) - Jury selection started Monday for the trial of a man charged along with his roommate with rape and capital murder in the death of a 13-year-old boy.
Jesse Dirkhising of Prairie Grove died Sept. 26, 1999, after being tied up and drugged in the home of Joshua MaCabe Brown and Davis Don Carpenter in Rogers, prosecutors said. The state is seeking the death penalty.
A medical examiner said the boy died of positional asphyxia, meaning he was unable to breathe after being placed face down.
Brown, 23, has asked that the trial be moved out of Benton County, but Judge David Clinger said he wanted to hear from the potential jurors before deciding.
Carpenter, 39, is to be tried May 7. Their trials were separated because of indications they will try to blame each other for Jesse's death. According to one of Brown's statements to police, Carpenter diagrammed the rape and watched as Brown carried it out.
The boy's grandmother said the seventh-grader had been going to the men's apartment on weekends for two or three months, presumably to go to work with Carpenter, a hair stylist.
But according to one of his statements, Brown had started a sexual relationship with the boy.
According to court records, Brown said he and Carpenter had tied Jesse's hands behind his back, placed his underwear in his mouth and secured it with duct tape. He said they also placed belts around the boy's legs and ankles and then raped him with a number of objects.
Carpenter called 911 after they noticed the boy had stopped breathing.
Homosexual rape, murder trial begins - Arkansas seeking death penalty for killers of boy, 13
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001
Exactly. All homosexuals are child-molesting murderers.
-- (save@the.children), March 13, 2001.
Gosh, I hope not, Ain't. For the BSA to make a judgement about an entire group of people based on the actions of two (who apparently have no actual connection to the Scouts) would be prejudice, and it would go against what the BSA supposedly stands for. But you knew that, right?
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
based on the actions of two all means, lets continue to let our children be raped and murdered until we can conduct a meaningless government funded study.
Simply stated, homosexual males are driven to have sex with other males. Exposing male children to this unnatural act is ridiculous.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Simply stated, homosexual males are driven to have sex with other males.By that alleged logic all heterosexual males should be kept away from all female children. Ridiculous. The urge to commit pedophilia has about as much to do with sex as the urge to beat someone with a bat has to do with baseball.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
By that alleged logic all heterosexual males should be kept away from all female children.Do you really think men should be camping, you know, sleeping in tents and cabins with little girls is a good idea?
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Do you really think men should be camping, you know, sleeping in tents and cabins with little girls is a good idea?No, absolutely not. I've done it before, and I will use every breath in my body to warn other men away from it. Young girls are screechy, chattery, high-strung little things that are the exact opposite of sexy. They're more like badgers than women. Twelve hours with a group of pre-adolescent girls is enough to convince anyone that someone who finds them at all sexual has some serious short-outs in their heads.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
By that alleged logic all heterosexual males should be kept away from all female children. Ridiculous.Jesus, do you have any clue how stupid that statement is? You propose that hetersexual males can lead the girl scouts? You propose that heterosexual males can participate in any girl's activities, including in the locker room after coaching baseball practice? What's so "ridiculous" about having restrictions on heterosexual males and girls? God, I hope you never have any children.
-- Maria (, March 13, 2001.
Twelve hours with a group of pre-adolescent girls...Ummmm....Girl Scouts is very much the mirror of Boy Scouts. If memory serves me they too have little girls in their program up to the age of 17.
Tell me Tarzan, do you ask all the little girls over the age of 12 to stay home on campouts when you go along?
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
So do you think the U.S. needs a crash program to build separate restrooms for homosexuals, Ain't?
-- How far to take (separate@but.equal), March 13, 2001.
So do you think the U.S. needs a crash program to build separate restrooms for homosexuals, Ain't?Off of the posted topic. Start a new thread if you wanna. If I have time I might even answer you there.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Jesus, do you have any clue how stupid that statement is?It's not stupid at all. If the only reason you keep gay men away from boys is because gay men like to have sex with men, then you should keep all straight men away from girls. But the fact of the matter is, it's a small minority of both gay straight men (and women for that matter) that molest children.
Subtle distinction, I know, and way beyond you. I really should set the standard a little lower when I know you're reading. Warn me next time and I'll be happy to dumb-down my posts to your level.
You propose that hetersexual males can lead the girl scouts? You propose that heterosexual males can participate in any girl's activities, including in the locker room after coaching baseball practice?
You ought to post a "No Smoking" sign with all those straw men Maria!
Actually, I don't have a problem with men leading the Girl Scouts, although the purpose of the Girl Scouts is for girls to bond with other girls and have positive female role models. My father ran my sister's troop for a time when the woman who handled it got too ill to take care of the troop and no one else would step in. The girls got their badges, sold their cookies, and were none the worse for the evil male presence.
Regarding the coaching situation, men already coach girl's sports. While some male coaches do molest some female athletes, the overwhelming majority do their jobs well with an eye on professionalism rather than the rears of their athletes. Why on earth would a coach need to shower with his or her team at all?
What's so "ridiculous" about having restrictions on heterosexual males and girls?
It's ridiculous to restrict all straight men from having all interactions with female children for fear they'll be molested.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Mr. Tarzan….please! You are embarrassing yourself with these ridiculous statements that flow from your keyboard. It is painfully obvious that you are not a person with much worldly experience, so why go out of your way to prove it? In an attempt to be a champion of the politically correct sector, you are tripping over common sense and falling smack on your face. Somehow, I seriously doubt that any of this will register with you so enjoy your ignorant bliss.
-- So (, March 13, 2001.
But the fact of the matter is, it's a small minority of both gay straight men (and women for that matter) that molest children.Point me to the case study that proves this ridiculous arguement you attempt to make! You will also need to do better than point to any biased study made by the Gay/Lesbian groups when/if you do it.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Socrates-To be considered foolish by one with as meager reasoning abilities as yourself is a compliment of the highest order. Clearly I am on to something.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
But the fact of the matter is, it's a small minority of both gay straight men (and women for that matter) that molest children.Why would any parent put their child put in this situation? They are in effect, "playing the odds" that nothing will happen.
Not with my kids!
Shaking head on this one....
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Just so we're all clear on this (nod to Maria), I said, But the fact of the matter is, it's a small minority of both gay straight men (and women for that matter) that molest children.Ain't responded to this with, Point me to the case study that proves this ridiculous arguement you attempt to make!
Are you seriously asking me to prove only a small amount of adults molest children? Are you taking the stance that a large amount of adults are molesting children?
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Are you seriously asking me to prove...Sad...very sad. You really don't get it Tarzan. Those of us with children understand how sacred they are to us. It is our job as parents to keep them safe.
Sad as it may be, all you seem to care about is how politically correct you can be.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Why would any parent put their child put in this situation? They are in effect, "playing the odds" that nothing will happen.Not with my kids!
This was in response to my assertation that only a small minority of adults are pedophiles. Given the context, you seem to be saying that you will never allow your child to be alone with any adult, ever. No school (wouldn't want them to meet the teacher after class!), no scouts (can't trust them troop leaders!), no music lessons (wouldn't want some pervert piano teacher brushing against my kid!), no sports (what kind of an adult wants to watch kids run around all day!), nothing. So in an effort to save your children from being molested, you would cut them off from all contact with the outside world.
You're a strange one, Ain't.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
-- (clean, March 13, 2001.
Mr. Tarzan….clearly you are ON something.
-- So (, March 13, 2001.
Actually, we've had guardianship of my fiance's nephew for several months now. Naturally, we don't want anything to happen to him, but unlike you, we're not willing to erect an impenetrable shield around him. We want him to do normal kid activities, like riding bikes in the park, playing little league, learning the piano, etc. He knows what is acceptable behavior from an adult and what isn't. While I'd like an iron-clad guarantee that nothing bad will ever happen to him, I realize that the only way to get that guarantee is to isolate him completely from everything that could also help him grow as a person. Now you are free to make whatever parenting choices you wish, including apparently the irrational fear of every single adult other than yourself. As for us, we choose to prepare our nephew to deal with the world with the understanding that not every adult is a good person.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Socrates, you're just mad that I obliterated your argument on the other thread.Try to put it behind you, old chap. As the Marines say, FIDO (forget it, drive on).
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
...several months now.Several MONTHS does not a parent make. Come back in several years. Preferably from birth to age 8-10. Then lets talk when you are ready to let your little boy or girl go away with people overnight.
Lifes experiences have a tendancy of changing one's views especially when it's your own kids at stake.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Then lets talk when you are ready to let your little boy or girl go away with people overnight.I hope you're not really letting your little boy or girl go away with people overnight. They will be molested and killed! How could you allow this to happen to your precious children?
-- (, March 13, 2001.
Spare the kids-I'm sure you meant that to be funny, but it really isn't. As Ain't has demonstrated, there are people out there who really ARE that paranoid, who attempt to put their children in a virtual bank vault to avoid anything bad happening. Unfortunately, they cut them off from everything positive as well, to say nothing of the pleasure that must be drained out of their lives by such constant overriding paranoia. I feel sorry for Ain't's kids and for Ain't himself. That's no way to live.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Talking to yourself again Tarzan?Get some help will ya!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
???Are you implying that I'm "Spare the Kids"?
Why would I need to use a fake handle when I've been kicking your ass with my real one?
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Ain't wrote, "Simply stated, homosexual males are driven to have sex with other males. Exposing male children to this unnatural act is ridiculous."Tar wrote, "By that alleged logic all heterosexual males should be kept away from all female children. Ridiculous."
Then Tar explains how anyone can "enjoy" being around little girls is baffling to him. (Like we care what he thinks of little girls or like it matters to this topic.)
Then Tar writes, "It's ridiculous to restrict all straight men from having all interactions with female children for fear they'll be molested."
Well, first what logic was Tar referencing? Did he have any logic? No he extrapolated from "homosexual males are driven to have sex with other males" to "all straight men should avoid all interactions with female children". No bad for the mentally handicapped Tar. But the logic that Tar fails to see is that heterosexual males are driven to have sex with women. And the situations, which make it easy for child molestation to occur, should be restricted.
BTW Tar, I love your response to So. You still on the kindergarden playground?
-- Maria (, March 13, 2001.
How could you allow this to happen to your precious children?You mock Tarzan because you don't have a clue, YET, what being a real parent is.
ALL children are precious.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
I don't get it. Exactly how is this different from, for example, my posting a story about a minister murdering his wife and running away with the church organist - then saying: "This proves it! Christians are murderers, philanderers and hypocrites!"Sure. If you can prove two or more christians have any trait, good or bad, then you may truthfully say, "Christians have this trait."
Sure it is literally true. But it is stupid. Really stupid. The only way to overlook how stupid it is, is to have a really heavy fog of emotion clouding up your mind. Almost any emotion will do the trick, but I recommend fear. It is cheap and readily available in large quantities on short notice.
Tarzan, you're fighting against raw, stupid fear. It can get very tiring fighting a big heavy bag of fear. In this kind of argument you can cut a person to ribbons and they won't even know they're hurt. They just blink heavily, shake their heads, grunt, and come at you again.
-- Little Nipper (, March 13, 2001.
Why would I need to use a fake handle when I've been kicking your ass with my real one?Because you haven't and you know it. You have been in a no win arguement and never knew it. Your naivety as a would be parent is very apparant to all who would read and there is no possibility two posters on this board have the same level of ineptness as you do on this subject matter.
You have outsmarted yourself on this one Ape.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Oh boy! Now another of Tarzan's personalities surfaces!!! Well as dudsey said yesterday...yawn, its the never ending dull drama of Tarzan/Already Done Happened/Little Nipper and his/her/its other personalities. CPR is that you?
-- dudesy (, March 12, 2001.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Of course I'm not Tarzan, but whether I am or not is really irrelevant since you haven't answered the question:ALL children are precious.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Then why are you allowing yours to be exposed to people who might molest and kill them? What, do you get off on that or something?
-- (, March 13, 2001.
Well as dudsey said yesterday...Quoting yourself again, Aint???
-- (, March 13, 2001.
(shaking head at Maria)Poor little dummard. Let me try this again.
The "logic" that drives the claim that all homosexual men are driven to molest any boy that they have access to is the same logic that drives the claim that all heterosexual men are driven to molest any girl that they have access to. Yet we know this isn't true. Only a small number of adults of any orientation are pedophiles and only a small percentage of children are molested. Here's a link for you. According to one DOJ report, only 2.3% of all girls and .6% of all boys will be subject to some form of sexual abuse(note, these stats aren't normed for underreporting). Preventing your child from molestation by preventing them from having any contact with an adult other than yourself is like preventing your child from getting hit by a car by never letting them leave the house.
I'm starting to believe that YOU were the poster known as "Spare the Children", since you've used this post twice as a bully pulpit. And you still haven't answered any of my questions.
Regarding my nephew: I help him dress in the morning, I fix his lunch, I take him to school. I help him with his homework, I take him to his various after school clubs and activities. I feed him, clothe him, created and maintain his college fund, look after his health, and love him with all my heart. I was the one who sat up with him for two weeks straight when he had bronchitis. I was the one who explained what death means when his mother died and I was the one who helped him build a small box for his keepsakes. We are already making arrangements for adopting him. If there is anything beyond this to parenting, please let me know.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Lets ask Uncle Deedah shall we? :-)
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Nipper-Yeah, I know. I keep hoping that somehow they'll be an inkling of light in the dark recesses of the tiny brains of people like Ain't and Maria. I guess I'm just an optimist.
I'll bet you $10 that by the time I post this, Ain't will declare that you're me.
Spare the kids-
Ain't used a lot of fake handles on the Darrell Scott threads a few weeks ago. Maybe it's a guilty conscience that makes him suspect others of sinking to his level? Either way, I apologize for saying I thought you were him.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Sure thing. In the meantime, perhaps you might address why you would subject your precious children to molestation and death.
-- (, March 13, 2001.
By all means, let's ask Uncle Deedah! And let's get him to tell us who was behind the alter egos on the Darrell Scott threads while we're at it. Would you like to write him, or shall I?
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Tarzan...they are gonna come with a net if you keep it up.You have been exposed....kinda hard to put the genie back in the bottle once he's escaped.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Yawn Ain't. Let's wait for Unk, shall we? I've already e-mailed him.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Sure thing. In the meantime, perhaps you might address why you would subject your precious children to molestation and death.To clarify, I meant this as a response to:
Lets ask Uncle Deedah shall we? :-)
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
-- (, March 13, 2001.
Spare the kids-I don't think Ain't can think that fast!
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Slow down Tarzan...jeeesh! Your gonna pop a vain or something.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
If you post any faster or under more handles they will need another T1 into MIT!:-)
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
You seem to subscribe to Maria's "If you repeat a lie long enough, eventually someone will believe it,"Why don't you answer any of the questions I asked you, Ain't?
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Slow down Tarzan...jeeesh! Your gonna pop a vain or something.-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Which doesn't change the fact that you are willingly exposing your children to being molested and killed.
-- (, March 13, 2001.
You seem to subscribe to Maria's "If you repeat a lie long enough, eventually someone will believe it,"My my...Nipper/Tarzan/Spare/Already Done"What a tangled web we weave when at first we try to deceive"
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
What a tangled web we weave when at first we try to deceiveAt least we're not allowing our children to be brutally beaten and killed, as you are.
-- (, March 13, 2001.
Yes, that's it, Ain't. Keep repeating the lie, shut your eyes really tight and hope someone, somewhere, is distracted by it long enough that you don't have to answer any questions.Here's my e-mail to Unk:
Hi Unk-
You don't know me, but I am the poster who goes by the name Tarzan. On a recent thread, Ain't has accused me of being every poster who disagrees with him. I know that this is not true, and I would appreciate it if you would set him straight on this particular thread. I'm not asking you to tell me (or anyone else)who these people are all I'm asking is that you settle this. I would also appreciate it if you would not publish by IP address or my personal e- mail address (my Tarzan alias doesn't seem to be working).
The URL in question is:
Thank-you for your time and attention.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
At least we're not...Now you are calling yourself WE?
Maybe Cybil next 'eh? :-)
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Show me once, just once where I stated anything close to, "all homosexual men are driven to molest any boy". I don't believe this in any context; I would never extrapolate the way you have. I said, "the situations, which make it easy for child molestation to occur, should be restricted". You've become very sad indeed Tar.
-- Maria (, March 13, 2001.
Maybe Cybil next 'eh? :-)Call me whatever you like. It doesn't change the fact that you are willingly exposing your children to being molested and killed.
-- (, March 13, 2001.
Show me once, just once where I stated anything close to, "all homosexual men are driven to molest any boy". I don't believe this in any context; I would never extrapolate the way you have.Not you, dip, but Ain't. Try to keep up.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Here's my e-mail to Unk:Gee Tarzan....there would be no way you could be in front of two PC's with different accounts or using an anonymizer with any of these aliases is there?
No Tarzan or which ever personality answers thing is certain. You may be a lot of things but you are not stupid. Inexperienced and underinformed yes, but not stupid.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Ooops! Try this anonymizer instead. anonymizer
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Gee Tarzan....there would be no way you could be in front of two PC's with different accounts or using an anonymizer with any of these aliases is there?Two? TWO??? Surely, you jest. We are, in fact, in front of eight thousand different machines, all configured with separate identities. All the posts you have seen thus far, except yours of course, come from the exact same person. Even Maria is fake. We're just trying to mess with your head. Looks like it's working.
But it still doesn't change the fact that you are willingly exposing your children to being molested and killed.
-- (, March 13, 2001.
You are completely paranoid, aren't you, Ain't? Even the server logs themselves wouldn't prove to you that there are at least three people on this thread who think you've lost it. I guess you took the Darrell Scott/feet of clay thing kind of hard, didn't you? Hey, not everyone is as questionable as he is. Try to learn to trust again, ok?In answer to your question, Ain't, yes, I am in front of three PCs. Two of them are on different ISPs, one of them is running an anonymizer. I split the phone cable at my house with my trusty Eagle Scout knife, but I could only make two connections that way, so I am dialed up on my cell phone on the third PC, paying .90 a minute just so I can watch you make an ass out of yourself. I am typing all of these posts simultaneously with my three extra sets of hands. I am so incredibly smart, that I can keep all these conversations going and get lots of work done at the same time.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Spare the kids-SSSSHHHHH!!! Moebius told us NOT to let him get wind of it yet!
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
and get lots of work done at the same time.You are getting ZERO work done by my calculations with all the posting you've been doing :-)
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Actually, I'm home sick today with my nephew.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
You are getting ZERO work done by my calculations with all the posting you've been doingWhich doesn't change the fact that you are willingly exposing your children to being molested and killed.
-- TarzanMaria Unit #2853 (, March 13, 2001.
Actually, I'm home sick today with my nephewWhy? As much time as you are spending here posting you might as well be at work, posting and getting paid.
You sure haven't been spending quality time with your new sibling today now have you?
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
You sure haven't been spending quality time with your new sibling today now have you?But, unlike you, we aren't willingly exposing our children to being molested and killed.
-- MariaTarzan Unit #1366 (, March 13, 2001.
Especially for someone like yourself that is so up-to-speed on this parenting stuff as you are!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
Especially for someone like yourself that is so up-to-speed on this parenting stuff as you are!Well, we might not know everything, but at least we know not to expose our children to being molested and killed, as you are doing.
-- Marizan #81 (, March 13, 2001.
Tar, try to keep up...Tar wrote:
(shaking head at Maria)
Poor little dummard. Let me try this again.
The "logic" that drives the claim that all homosexual men are driven to molest any boy that they have access to is the same logic that drives the claim that all heterosexual men are driven to molest any girl that they have access to. Yet we know this isn't true. Only a small number of adults of any orientation are pedophiles and only a small percentage of children are molested. Here's a link for you. According to one DOJ report, only 2.3% of all girls and .6% of all boys will be subject to some form of sexual abuse(note, these stats aren't normed for underreporting). Preventing your child from molestation by preventing them from having any contact with an adult other than yourself is like preventing your child from getting hit by a car by never letting them leave the house.
I'm starting to believe that YOU were the poster known as "Spare the Children", since you've used this post twice as a bully pulpit. And you still haven't answered any of my questions...
Sounds like you actually did address me in "all heterosexual men are driven to molest any girl". Disengage.
-- A mind (, March 13, 2001.
Oh man, Spare the Kids. This is one of the funniest exchanges I've ever seen! And Ain't seems to honestly believe that he's talking to yours truly.Shoot me an e-mail, you sound like a hoot and I'd love to know who you are. I promise I won't tell Ain't (he wouldn't believe it anyway, he'd just sit there with his hands over his eyes going "LALALALALALALAL") My address is real (it's an alias through my ISP) but it is troublesome occasionally. Let me know if you have any trouble.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Maria (or Spare the Kids, or Nipper, or me, for that matter)-How do you not fall down more?
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
Amazing! You continue to post message after message. You claim you are home with your sick nephew today but you have spent the last three plus hours solid on here posting.As the good parent you want us to believe you are it makes you look like a liar or a fool or both!
With these FACTS in mind you loose credibility with EVERYONE!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 13, 2001.
With these FACTS in mind you loose credibility with EVERYONE!Our credibility may be loose, but at least we know not to expose our children to being molested and killed, as you are doing.
-- (, March 13, 2001.
Which facts would those be, Ain't? The fact that I am posting from several thousand computers at the same time, the fact that I am every other poster on this thread but you, or the fact that I am a big- busted Mexican phone sex operator? Oh, wait, that last one slipped out!My nephew has the flue. He got it this weekend at a slumber party (sorry to break the illusion Save the Kids). He gave it to me. He's been asleep since noon. Now I'm sure a better parent, such as yourself, would have been in there every hour, on the hour, shaking him awake shouting hysterically, "Are you okay? No one's molested you have they?" but I believe in letting the kid sleep. I guess I have a lot to learn 'til I'm as good a parent as you, Ain't.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
That should be flu.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
I agree completely with Tarzan on the homosexual boy scout leaders. A homosexual does NOT a pedophile make, and we had this same discussion a year or so ago and the Department of Justice has all the stats anyone could want to prove this.OTOH, I was probably even more over-protective of my kids than Aint. I never cared whether males, females, heterosexuals, or homosexuals were spending the night camping with my kids, but I made it a point of being there with them myself. Scouts always need volunteers. I was still married when the kids were in scouts and we took the camper and joined the scene. My kids weren't in scouts beyond the age where they frown on parental involvement. They were always happy that the whole family came along. The girls spent the night with us in the camper at the boyscout campouts, and the boy spent the night with us in the camper at the girlscout campouts. We pitched in and helped with the activities, etc., and everyone was happy.
We DID have an incident [well, really not an incident in the framework of this discussion] that disturbed me. My two girls spent the night at the home of their girlscout leader [who had two daughters the same age as my girls.] The next day I overheard them discussing how Mr. X hit Mrs. X. What disturbed me was that they were discussing this as though spousal abuse was "normal" behavior. I interrupted them to ask what had happened. It was a long time ago, so the details are fuzzy, but I don't think that Mr. X hit Mrs. X while they were there, but that the daughters related this information during the sleepover.
I was closer to their other scout leader, so I approached her, asking if Diana was in a spousal abuse situation. She said that she was and that she'd talked to her many times about it, but she refused to seek help. I never even let my kids VISIT that house after that. Diana's kids were welcome in MY home, but I didn't want my girls growing up to think this was normal behavior.
My kids had several homosexual teachers growing up. Their first gymnastics coach was black AND gay. He worked the kids as hard as Russian coaches. Their second was their third grade teacher. Again, he goes down as one of the best teachers they've ever had. He was extremely communicative with the parents, enforced good discipline, yet when he saw a change in behavior he was quick to type off a note to me about it. I still have one of his notes. My dad had died when my second daughter was in his class and he noticed a change in her. She'd already shared that her grandfather had died, and he wrote me to say that he felt she was having a hard time dealing with this death. I made a point of requesting that my children be placed in his class after his success with the oldest. He was an old guy already when he taught my kids, and commuted MILES to preserve the privacy of his home life.
-- Anita (, March 13, 2001.
Thanks for your post, Anita. Unfortunately, in Ain't world, not only does it make you a bad parent, but it also means that you're me. Try not to be alarmed.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
FYI, the Boy Scouts of America have a rule that has been in effect for quite some time now. All activities must be led/chaperoned by at least 3 adults. Makes it much tougher to engage in any shenanigans.
-- Buddy (, March 13, 2001.
Just quickly swinging through during one of our periodic system outages, and fell into this thread. I chuckled in spite of myself.While I differ with Tarzan on some political issues, I gotta support him on this one. And Ain't (and sock puppets), thanks LOADS for portraying the stereotypical knee-jerk homophobic right-wing nutjob on this thread - sure makes things easier for us rather more sophisticated non-liberal types...
-- RC (, March 13, 2001.
People people people!!! For crying out loud, who gives a shit who is who? Worry about whether or not they make sense instead of who they are, or are not. I am not a babysitter.
-- Uncle Deedah (, March 13, 2001.
My, my…look what I have stumbled upon here. Come over closer to the couch Ape person and let me examine you up close. Now lets see…yes, some lithium carbonate should do the trick. Stay off the vines for at least 3 weeks.
-- Sigmund (says@lay.down), March 13, 2001.
aint is LL.yep, that is the ticket.
-- lmao (lmao@the.wholethread), March 13, 2001.
Actually, when Ain't was accusing me of being a bad or inexperienced parental figure, it reminded me of how LL used to question the parenting skills of others.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 13, 2001.
All gays are not bad people,but the ones who have interest in children should be beaten to death.(slowly)
-- Ron Wesson (, March 15, 2001.