From "DRUDGE" News Link - Nasdaq Drops below 2000 first time since 1998 : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 12, 2001


What do you think this means, Ain't?

-- Little Nipper (, March 12, 2001.


-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 12, 2001.

I still would like to know what you think this means.

-- Little Nipper (, March 12, 2001.

I dunno.....I'm no expert. Just reporting some news.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 12, 2001.

There must be some way to blame this on Clinton...

-- Rush Limbaugh (I'll think @ of. something), March 12, 2001.

So, you are just engaging in random activity, like a housefly zig-zagging around a room?

-- Little Nipper (, March 12, 2001.

So, you are just engaging in random activity, like a housefly zig-zagging around a room?

-- Little Nipper (, March 12, 2001.

Bad weekend for you or are you a stock market loser today?

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 12, 2001.

"Bad weekend for you or are you a stock market loser today?"

I had a great weekend. I own no stocks. (I'm risk-averse, so I much prefer bonds.) I just find it truly odd that you choose to post a news report, but you apparently don't have a clue what it means.

-- Little Nipper (, March 12, 2001.

I just find it truly odd ...

No thats a lie. You just wanna find a reason to bitch about something is all you want.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 12, 2001.

Let me see if I understand this. You don't understand enough about the stock market to formulate an opinion about an article you posted, yet you can read another poster's mind and discern his reasons for posting? Are you out of your mind?

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 12, 2001.

"yet you can read another poster's mind and discern his reasons for posting?" There are some things that are plainly obvious even to the casual observer.

-- Maria (, March 12, 2001.

What a surprise! Mensa candidate Maria (AKA "Don't respond to what I said, respond to what I meant,") is also psychic!

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 12, 2001.


Go back to the thread Tar, you need a lesson in reading.

About Bush's faults

I wrote "Tar, I was the fifth (I think, I might need to recount) one on this thread to comment on sex and lies. Right behind Barry, Anita, Rich, and Dr Ruth. Show me the last post I had regarding Clinton's BJ. The last conversation I can remember was with Bemused." NOTICE the words "on this thread".

And you proceed to quote me from that thread, claiming you satisfied my request. Shaking head in disbelief, talk about taking things out of context. Sheez!

-- Maria (, March 12, 2001.

Maria, despite your efforts at changing history (also known as "lying") what you ACTUALLY wrote was Show me the last post I had regarding Clinton's BJ. The last conversation I can remember was with Bemused.

Once again, if you find it impossible to express yourself clearly, that is not my problem. I will only respond to what you write, not what you meant to write.

One more time.

I will only respond to what you write, not what you meant to write.

Then, you compound your error by saying, And you proceed to quote me from that thread, claiming you satisfied my request. Shaking head in disbelief, talk about taking things out of context.

Actually, taking your quote from the very same thread was perfect context. It looks like your inability to think clearly and articulate those thoughts has gotten the better of you.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 12, 2001.

I wrote "Tar, I was the fifth (I think, I might need to recount) one on this thread to comment on sex and lies. Right behind Barry, Anita, Rich, and Dr Ruth. Show me the last post I had regarding Clinton's BJ. The last conversation I can remember was with Bemused." NOTICE the words "on this thread".

Notice bold letters and italic letters above, just before your post. Of course, you only bolded the second part of my post. But let me repeat "on this thread", so you can continue to ignore it. Congratulations on your reading level.

-- Maria (, March 12, 2001.

yawn, its the never ending dull drama of Tarzan/Already Done Happened/Little Nipper and his/her/its other personalities. CPR is that you?

-- dudesy (, March 12, 2001.

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