Do mess with me trolls! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I am the mighty SYSOP! I hold your cyber-lives in my hand!!

IIIIIIIII hold the delete keys!!!!!

-- Diane J. Squire (, November 30, 2000


Nice try...we still don't buy it..troll!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 30, 2000.

As much as deleter J sigher probably fantasizes about deleting people she doesn't agree with, I doubt she is a sysop here.

Vindicated Regards,

-- Andy Ray (, November 30, 2000.

Hey Andy!

Do ya have any immediate plans of pissing 'Unk' off so he closes this place down like you did when you pissed OTFR (Chris) off over at the now deceased TB2k Uncensored thanks to your constant bitching?

Just curious...

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 30, 2000.

Chris destroyed the forum because of an appalling double standard.

All I did was point it out.

You may want to paint me as the villian, but it won't work. Try again.

Vindicated Regards,

-- Andy Ray (, November 30, 2000.

Excuse my mess.

Humble Regards,

-- Andy Ray (, November 30, 2000.

A sample of Andy Ray's whining.

There's no reason for anyone to paint you as a villain, Andy Ray. Your own words show the kind of person you are.

-- (quot@bly.quoted), November 30, 2000.

You may want to paint me as the villian,

No Andy you do a good job all by yourself without any help from me or anyone else. Your constant ragging about who said what from a dead by-gone era (Y2K) is enuf' to show everyone the truth of who/what you are about.

It's just...well we just moved into the new place and thought it might be nice if you didn't piss on the new capeting right away.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 30, 2000.

We could lock him in the basement storage room for awhile. It's tiled down there, and there's a big drain in the middle of the floor.

-- (raven@never.more), November 30, 2000.

Andy is welcome to piss on the carpet here, since there is no carpet. And I shall do my best to be fair to everyone, especially those with whom I have dis-agreements, I will not play favorites. And if anyone thinks that I am playing favorites they are welcome to bring it up and bitch about it. They can call me any name they want to and they will not get deleted, and if their complaint is valid I will correct the situation as best I can.

But in the end I am God here, a kind, fair and loving God, but God nonetheless.

-- Uncle Deedah (, November 30, 2000.

(heard mumbling under his breath) You'd think God could grow himself a decent head of hair.

-- Eyes Lowered to Appease His Highness (, November 30, 2000.

We could lock him in the basement storage room for awhile. It's tiled down there, and there's a big drain in the middle of the floor.


Well, I hope it's a BIG drain, kuz he does a LOTTA pissing!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 30, 2000.

ROTFL back at ya, Ain't. YOU calling another poster onto the carpet for pissing all over the place? She/He with the smallest of bladders ever being evacuated?

Sorry. Had to let loose. Hope I didn't spray anyone else.

-- Rich (, November 30, 2000.

YOU calling another poster

Andy was named by OTFR as the one with a LARGE bladder problem NOT ME!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 30, 2000.

Well, I hope it's a BIG drain, kuz he does a LOTTA pissing!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 30, 2000.

You were saying? :)

-- Rich (, November 30, 2000.

I don't know about the "decent head of hair", but he sure seems to have a nice tan.

At least he did in those pictures he posted a few months ago.

And for cryin' out loud, could you guys PLEASE clean up after yourselves?

(mumbling) ruined a damned good pair of shoes.....whine.....complain.....damn MEN and their damn AIM......

-- Patricia (, November 30, 2000.

Didn't Chris say that the andy ray recently posting on the old board was coming from an anonymizer, and that she was sure it was not him?

How do WE know it is the real andy ray here? Not that I really care. Just food for thought.

-- SydBarret (dark@side.moon), November 30, 2000.

I thought you were dead. And you, a dead guy, are wondering if Andy is real?

-- Uncle Deedah (, November 30, 2000.

Oh, BTW, I enjoy your early stuff, See Emily Play is still one of my favorites.

-- Uncle Deedah (, November 30, 2000.


The madcap still laughs - in private.

-- flora (***@__._), November 30, 2000.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hauhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahhahahahah

-- SydBarrett (dark@side.moon), November 30, 2000.

***You'd think God could grow himself a decent head of hair.***

Are you nuts?! Bald men are sooooooo sexy =oP**

-- cin (cin@=0.)), November 30, 2000.

I got a bald head for ya!

-- swampthing (in@the.swamp), November 30, 2000.

Mean people suck!

-- Mrs. Cleaver (Mrs. Cleaver@LITBBBB.xcom), November 30, 2000.


delete, *hiccup*

settles back w/drink in hand, watching the laughs.

Hell this is better n a comedy club.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 01, 2000.

Damn Sumer Are you drinking already this mornin?

-- cin (cin@=0.)), December 01, 2000.

I didn't write this

-- Diane J. Squire (, December 01, 2000.

yes, I did

-- Diane J. Squire (, December 01, 2000.

No, I didn't

-- Diane J. Squire (, December 01, 2000.


-- Diane J. Squire (, December 01, 2000.


-- Diane J. Squire (, December 01, 2000.


-- Diane J. Squire (, December 01, 2000.


-- Diane J. Squire (, December 01, 2000.

Yes it was me. Unk, will you please confirm this?

[IP matches DJS's...this one's for real - Deity Deedah]

-- Diane J. Squire (, December 01, 2000.

Cin: Actually I'm awaiting the 5:00 hour, NOT by choice. Cyber drinking IS allowed on the job, hey I can 'wish' cant I? :-)

Shaking head in mass confusion over the above post. ^^^

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 01, 2000.

ok so i hit the submit button, and a message WAS sent to DJS.

Is SHE tracking our ISP's and for what? I thought she wanted NOTTA damn thing to do with us?

Diane, care to respond, since you have my private email?

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 01, 2000.

OK, I'm sooooooooooo confused.

But I think it's better that way. At least I'll have an excuse.

-- Patricia (, December 01, 2000.

Don't know who is who, and I don't care. Y'all are on your own around here, in case I wasn't clear about that. I am not a babysitter.

-- Uncle Deedah (, December 01, 2000.

Hey Unk, I hear babysitting is paying well these days - $4.50 and hour plus all the food you can steal from the refrigerator.

-- Dr. Pibb (, December 02, 2000.

Now come on Unc, surely you wouldnt miss a chance to change some diapers, now would cha?

hee hee.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 02, 2000.


Payback is a bitch!

-- Diane J. Squire (, December 03, 2000.

Or....a bitch is paying back? hmmm?

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 03, 2000. (11)

hmmm, for someone 'uninterested' it sure looks to me like she is.

baiting someone perhaps? :-)

-- in your face. (now@post.this), December 03, 2000.

It's not safe to assume all or even most of those eleven messages with Diane's name on them are really by her. For example, this thread from a few days ago was almost certainly not started by Diane.

-- Abraham Lincoln (no@not.really), December 03, 2000.

Abe! that one is clearly NOT diane because the e-mail address doesn't match hers! The rest DO match hers, e-mail her and ask her yourself!

-- Friend of Diane (, December 03, 2000.

I won't rest until all the debunkie troll forums are CLOSED!

-- Diane J. Squire (, December 04, 2000.

Diane lives in California. There is probably someone by that name at Indiana University who is wondering why some fucking troll is using her e-mail address.

-- FBI (tracking@down.trolls), December 04, 2000.

I don't really care if it is Diane or not.....I just have a question.

In light of the date (December 4, 2000) and in light of the non-event, what the hell is a "debunkie-troll"? Am I one of them? Or one of us? But if I'm a regular poster (and at this point, I do believe I am), isn't SHE the "troll"? And if it IS Diane, isn't it kind of poetic that she is able to post without being censored?

OK, it was more than one question. Sue me.

-- Patricia (, December 04, 2000.

Of course it's not Diane. Use your head, people.

-- Peter Errington (, December 04, 2000.

In light of the date (December 4, 2000) and in light of the non- event, what the hell is a "debunkie-troll"?

I wouldn't get bent out of shape about it, Patricia. Whether it's Diane or not, it IS a troll attempting to provoke. I will say the message at the beginning of this thread is not written in Diane Squire's usual style.

If it isn't Diane, it could easily be somebody attempting to discredit her and possibly draw her out into the open. In other words, somebody who's not a doomer.

-- Somebody who's never had access (to@delete.keys), December 04, 2000.


she,ll get it!!!

-- al-d. (, December 05, 2000.

How sweet!

-- Barry (, December 05, 2000.

sounds like SIGH/DI to me! All she could ever talk about at the end of the last few months on timebomb was deleting "debunkie trolls" and "getting even"! She even said she wanted to punch one in the nose!

violent gal, that DI!

-- (c@re.ful), December 06, 2000.

I think is one of the extreme doomers trying to discredit know, impersonate Diane because the obvious suspects would be pollys.

I wouldn't be surprized to find out it was Old Git, Invar, or Diane herself! They did it before, they can do it again!

-- (, December 06, 2000.

Dianne was gullible but not stupid. I seriously doubt she would troll this place using her own real name. I think every post here with her name is fake.

-- Dr. Pibb (, December 06, 2000.

sounds like SIGH/DI to me! All she could ever talk about at the end of the last few months on timebomb was deleting "debunkie trolls" and "getting even"!

Maybe that's the way you saw it, but the Diane I remember was a good example of grace under pressure.

Anyone interested in the roots of this feud should check out the following two threads from last year.

-- roots (of@the.feud), December 06, 2000.

For all of the bitching about al-d, he gets a LOT of responses. I still say that trolls will go away if ignored, but the temptation to respond seems too great for many, including me from time to time. Rather than just pick on al-d, perhaps a general limit on how many new threads may be started by anyone in a 24 hour period. To me that seems to be the best compromise between total freedom of expression, and overloading the board with nonsense.

Even idiots have a point of view, and should be allowed to speak, IMHO.

-- Unc D (, June 13, 1999

^^^^see EVEN then our Unc was the 'shit'.

Unc, who luvs ya babe?

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 06, 2000.

After all, if it was up to Doc Pauley we would ALL be silenced.

-- Unc D (, June 13, 1999.

memories.......? :-)

-- (just@for.shitz&grinz), December 06, 2000.

FWIW, if anyone will look at the last post on the first link, then tell me what these links do to convince (if thats what they're for) anyone that 'she' wasnt antagonistic herself?

Perhaps I'm biased, I didnt like her much anyhoot?

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 06, 2000.


That was an awesome trip down memory lane!! And Flint had my back. Thanks Flint!!

Man, there sure were a lot of doomers that literally hated ol' Deano.

And there I was, really and truly trying to pass on honest-to- goodness good news. Didn't realize just how HATEFUL some of those folks were until now.

I sure wish Ray, 'a', Andy, OutingsR and hardliner were around now.....might be nice to hear what they have to say now......NOT!!!


-- Deano (, December 06, 2000.

And there I was, really and truly trying to pass on honest-to- goodness good news. Didn't realize just how HATEFUL some of those folks were until now.

Deano, you just happened to get caught in the crossfire. Tempers were beginning to flare because a lot of the regulars knew there was an attempt afoot to censor every single one of us.

-- roots (of@the.feud), December 06, 2000.

'tempers were flared' - they sure were!

Still tickles the hell outa me that some thought I was a bonafied government shill!!!

Just one of many Y2K project managers, working on a very large project, for a very large corporation, with hundreds of large business partners across the country. When the good news came across my desk, I shared it with the forum.

Man, those were the good ol' days fer sure......


-- Deano (, December 06, 2000.

How bout a link to the debunkie place they were all talking/hating so much about?

hee hee

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 06, 2000.

Dunno, Deano:

Only a secret agent would knowingly dissemminate those jello shooter recipes, dude.

-- flora (***@__._), December 06, 2000.

Wearin' those rose-colored glasses again, Deano? :)

-- Rich (, December 06, 2000.

You were a bonafide shill who got a raise when I didn't. I haven't forgotten Deano. They could have at least given me a Christmas bonus, but they didn't have any money left in the budget because they spent it all on your raise.

-- butt nugget (, December 06, 2000.


I had to let the secret out sooner or later.......only to be fair.


Rose colored glasses?? Please explain.......


Well, they sure as hell didn't put it in my check!! 2 1/2 years on a huge, successful project and we each got a whole $100 mall gift certificate. YOWZA!


-- Deano (, December 06, 2000.

Sensible and reasonable, #2. BTW, just a few weeks ago Mutha said on Der Boonkah that OutingsR is Uncle Deedah. Others at Der Boonkah have said variously that OutingsR is BigDog, Paul Milne, Lisa, CT and someone named Yar. They also say a@a.a ia Sysman and others. To my knowledge, none of us have ever tried to extort anything because of it. BFD.

-- OutingsR (us@here.yar), June 09, 1999.

^^^now that WAS funny. Unc? Remember that one? *snickering*

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 06, 2000.

Deano, your reference to the good old days triggered my comment. Surely you must be wearing rose-colored glasses if you view those times with a misty eye, no?

-- Rich (, December 06, 2000.

Outings R Me? LOL, I had forgotten that entirely, too funny!

-- Uncle Deedah (, December 06, 2000.


Gotcha. I was accused of looking at the world thru rose colored glasses back then - ya know my glass is always half full.

Truthfully, I don't miss those days at all. It was an exciting time with some very heated 'discussions', but I am certainly not misty- eyed that those days are now history.


-- Deano (, December 06, 2000.

How bout a link to the debunkie place they were all talking/hating so much about?

Your question is now the link, sumer.

-- (Rather@not.say), December 06, 2000.

Hell, even I took some sharp jabs at Deano. Remember Deano?

But we have gone past that, and we can now wrap an arm around each other and cry in our beers together because of the folks who cannot do the same.

-- Uncle Deedah (, December 06, 2000.

[Beer's one thing, Unk - but watch those shooters, dude. Pinko plot, I tell ya!}

-- flora (***@__._), December 06, 2000.

I remember Unk. You always seemed to keep it civil though where some of the other folks got downright nasty. And then that brought the nasty out in me and so on and so on.......Thank God the past is past!!

BTW - will probably be headed down to Singer Island with my better half sometime in late January - early February for a long weekend. You should head over to Sailfish Marina for a few rounds of cold ones. It'd be a hoot!

flora - ever had a jello shooter? Lotsa fun I tell ya!!


-- Deano (, December 07, 2000.

Re the "debunkie link": That's the third incarnation of that board. The one to which those old threads are referring got eaten by Bud, The Giant Evil Mainframe Computer.

Seriously, it was originally housed on Inside the Web. Don't know if you're familiar with that particular boarding house, but it has gone through so many incarnations of software and cgi scripts and java and all the link-exchange kind of imploded one day in mid-1999.

So what you've linked to is the third Debunker board (the second one was also attempted on ITW and lasted maybe two weeks, tops, before Bud got hold of it).

As far as I know, Bud even ate the archives of the first Debunker board, and not too much of it was able to be "saved". Shame, really; that was where I "started" my Y2K posting. Lots of great stuff got wiped out (not just mine ;-)).

Still, the one you've linked to is an excellent record of history ;-)

-- Patricia (, December 07, 2000.

That place was full of hate and vinegar. Very unlike the loving souls on the original TB2000. INVAR, Andy, Diane, Old Git, Freddie The Freeloader and all of the other lovelies.

-- tb historian (the@way.was), December 07, 2000.

"tb historian", you forgot "ray".

But each place had their "loving souls" ;-) Which is why in retrospect (and even at the time!) the whole thing was downright hilarious at times.

And I'm NOT putting myself above all the nonsense either. Guilty as charged. There were painfully few people on either side who didn't get "down and dirty" at least at some point.

If nothing else, it makes for amusing anecdotes these days. (Looking on the bright side here; go with it.)

-- Patricia (, December 07, 2000.

well, its good to know that this "debate" will continue to pop up every few months. The important thing is that the archives of TB2K stay intact. They speak for themselves.

It takes mear minutes to find pessimists attacking optimists, painting them as shills, goverment "plants" and other crap.

The doomers can try and rationalize all they want....the truth speaks for itself.

The unfortunate part about the insidetheweb board collapsing, is that noone can see the post where every single debunker stated they opposed Doc Paulies move to have TB silenced. The very first poster to denounce him? Charles Reuben! Go figure!!

There was not one poster who agreed with what doc was doing, and in fact, pauly later clarified that he didn't want TB silenced, he just wanted them moved off MIT's servers.

Do the doomer revisionists ever mention that? Fat chance. Easier to paint people you don't agree with as extreme, than bother to search out the truth.

Happy Holidays,

Your Fellow Human Sojourner

-- (blah@blah.blah), December 09, 2000.

^^^^^^ Right on, you meme-infested, mcveigh worshipping doom zombie from the Yourdonefor Hysterium. Much easier.

-- (yawn@stretch.scratch), December 11, 2000.


-- (I'm a@little.teapot), December 11, 2000.

what is she trying to acomplish by trolling this forum?

-- (ll@is.NUTZ!), December 11, 2000.

Laura, I mean

-- (ll@is.NUTZ!), December 11, 2000.

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