Are we going to have a reunion this fall (2000)? : LUSENET : Portugal Porto Mission : One Thread

I was just wondering if we were going to have a reunion this fall. It would be nice if we were to have one. How about Viera finally getting married?

Ate logo

-- David Mark Ringle II (, September 13, 2000


Dear Fellow Mission Alumni (1987 to 1990):

President Copeland is here in Utah for General Conference and has asked me to help him get the word out that he is holding an open house for his missionaries on Friday, October 6, 2000, from 7:00 to 9:00 (or later). The open house will be held at the Copeland condominium in Kimball Junction  6955 North 2200 West, Unit 5-I, Powderwood Condos just west of the outlet stores in Kimball Junction. Take I-80 east up Parleys Canyon. Exit on the Jeremy Ranch exit and follow the frontage road east until the condos before the outlets (or take the Kimball Junction exit and go west just past the outlets). Unit 5-I is in the set of condos second closest to the clubhouse / swimming pool, and is on the middle of the three unit levels. If you have trouble, call 435-940-1124. Spouses and children are welcome. Dress is casual.

Please join us! President Copeland will provide desert for everyone. If at all possible, please let me know by e-mail, phone or otherwise if you plan on attending so President Copeland can have enough food for everyone.

Also, I desperately need your help to get the word out. Please call / e-mail your companions and friends and pass this information along. I have tried over the last year and a half to put together a list of mission alumni and their current whereabouts, but have not gotten the response I hoped. Any new information you can send me regarding yourself or others would be wonderful. I will put it in the list and make sure it is available for you.

Muito obrigado! Hope to see you on Friday night!

Eric Pearson,, 801-519-0300

-- Eric W. Pearson (, October 04, 2000.

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