Turn out the lights, the party's overgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
During the past couple of months, I have been an infrequent lurker on the site. Frankly, with each visit I find a bit less of interest. (I note with amusement that my place on the statistical register has moved steadily downward).I miss the rollicking days of '99 when the doomsayers were frantic and the old site bubbled with interest. Truth be told, I found TB 2000 far more entertaining than the Debunker sites. It was like the Jerry Springer show, near addictive in its bizarre antics.
I write because I sense a few other "old timers" lurk from time to time. From the lack of familiar names, I sense Flint, Brian Mc, Jim Cooke and others have wandered back into reality... or at least a different Internet neighborhood. If you gents read this, be well.
I also wish those attending the Las Vegas gathering an enjoyable adventure. I did the northern VA Y2K gathering... and it was interesting, to say the least. I gave a thought to wandering out to Vegas, but I readily admit to never having the strong social ties some of the former regulars enjoyed. For me, the interest was always the debate... aside from a few fine individuals with whom I corresponded. (chuckle)
I suppose I feel a bit sad. The great raucous old forum has come to an ignominious end. So it goes.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@att.net), August 24, 2000
Deja Vu.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 24, 2000.
Decker Needs a 12 Step Program http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=002BRP
-- Banned Person (NonPerson@EZbanned.edu), August 24, 2000.
OT: And let's play my highlight reel from 1999...
greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread
Sorry if I missed anyone... highlights from the past year."MOST CLEVER (Polly): Ken Decker. Nobody, but nobody, can mislead and confuse better than he. His view on personal preparation, where he always claims to be all for it, and even somewhat of an expert at it, but always emphasizes that Y2K itself is NOT anything worth preparing for."
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), November 10, 1999.
"As I said Mr. Decker -- you are a hypocrite or blind -- you choose which one."
-- Brooklyn (MSIS@cyberdude.com), November 09, 1999
"As far as Decker, he's a pablum-spewer, a reader of Tom Clancy novels, a bore, a "man who likes a warm fire on a cold night." He's a shill, nothing more. Always divisive, always the gainsayer, desperately trying to maintain credibility while oozing condescension, he struggles to quell his animus, and fulfill his misbegotten mission."
-- Spidey (in@jam.classactionsuit), November 10, 1999.
"You are such a smarmy, deceitful son of a bitch. Game over, Decker. You're trolling again. And, yes, if I have a chance to see you at the picnic in DC, I'll say it to your face."
-- BigDog (BigDog@duffer.com), June 16, 1999.
"Hey decker...what would you do if a woman called you a red-faced, puffed up, Son of a Bitch? Just curious "Montana Man". Women in Wyoming shit bigger than you!"
-- Will continue (farming@home.com), June 16, 1999.
"Blow me Decker. Give us one good reason to put all our faith and trust in the fairy tale that the grid won't go down and stay down."
-- Milord (gammorean@guard.net), June 16, 1999.
"You expect an honest reply from Decker? There are reasons that people call him Double-Decker."
-- R. Watt (rkwatt@hotmail.com), May 17, 1999.
"Never read so much codswallop in my life. Rationale? double- decker is an irrational egocentric know-nothing who thinks he knows it all. Two words. Bullshit advice."
-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), May 19, 1999.
"I think dDecker is following in the footsteps of most economists in that he is totally incorrect in his analysis."
-- Ray (ray@totacc.com), September 26, 1999.
"What a patronizing bugger he (Decker) is! Let's hope he's through mingling with the wretched peasants."
-- Old Git (anon@spamproblems.com), May 06, 1999.
"Decker ... do keep laughing. Perhaps you wont notice the obvious ... youre transparent. Rather like that childrens story about the emperor."
-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), May 07, 1999.
"Decker is deaf, blind, and probably dumb to y2k."
-- George (jvilches@sminter.com.ar), July 08, 1999. "February 2000 - Decker's parents ask him to leave the house. Takes a temporary position shoveling pig shit at Milne's farm."
-- a (a@a.a), July 09, 1999.
"Maybe newbies will pick up a few quick lessons on whose opinions to trust around here. If they fall for Flint and Decker's spew, they'll be cooked in the time remaining."
-- Will continue (farming@home.com), July 29, 1999.
"For the first time I detect a hint of fear in you. Maybe your posts indicate a bit of "Denialist" in your mental constructs. Could you be afriad of your world changing? Your ability to adapt and evolve with the uncertianties of the future? Do you ever get this niggling doubt that you will ..... fail."
-- Brian (imager@home.com), May 27, 1999.
"It's okay BigDog. Decker's created the lovely illusion of mannerly hypocrite. Ignore him ... he ain't worth it. He and others, who know who they are, deliberately provoke, to side- track emotions and issues. Quite pointed and obvious. Once they get you in a defensive position, they feel like an "alpha" dog. It's temporary. Stay on target instead."
-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), May 07, 1999.
Gosh... it's been swell.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@worldnet.att.net) , January 01, 2000Answers
ahh now we see the real Mr Decker
-- (.@...), January 01, 2000.
Gosh Ken... if I didn't know better... I'd say you're acting a lot like Y2K Pro. Naw! Don't go there.So... we take it you'll finally be leaving us? Oh joy!
Have a "nice" life... "Mr." Decker.
-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), January 01, 2000.
We come this far together, and you exclude moi?"Decker is the biggest egolomaniac on the planet who'd try to take down a 'persian cats' forum if any real men posted there." - lisa lisa@work.now
-- lisa (lisa@work.now), January 01, 2000.
Ahhhh, truly the forum caught at it's best moments!!! Sort of a "Kodak moment with Ken".
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), January 01, 2000.
Hey DEck, enjoy those leeks and garlic!Bad boy, bad boy, what you gona do when they come for you?
Deo Vindicie!, FSI!,
-- brother rat (rldabney@usa.net), January 01, 2000.
Well Ken, that is stepping down a level in character.
-- Mike Lang (webflier@erols.com), January 01, 2000.
Ken,Gloat if you will...though I'm sure it's a bit premature to do so. Why some people relish the idea of "twisting the knife" is beyond me. Maybe you were hurt by some juvenile remarks made in the heat of the argument. Guess I thought a man of your intelligence was above all this "I told you so!" prattle. I guess not.
-- TM (mercier7@pdnt.com), January 01, 2000.
These are your HIGHLIGHTS? I feel sorry for you, you poor man.
-- Jenny (hard@work.here), January 01, 2000.
What a pathetic, petty, little man.
-- Wilferd (WilferdW@aol.com), January 01, 2000.
I've think you've hit a sore spot Ken......wish I'd saved just a portion of the crap insults that I got here the last year or two...The truth hurts 'em I guess so they don't like to see it in black and white.....
Funny thing.....I haven't noticed Jack spewing out the only phrase he is capable of uttering so far today....."Y2K cannot be fixed!"
-- Craig (craig@ccinet.ab.ca), January 01, 2000.
"The only gracious way to accept an insult is to ignore it; if you can't ignore it, top it; if you can't top it, laugh at it; if you can't laugh at it, it's probably deserved."Russell Lynes (b. 1910), U.S. editor, critic.
-- Nathan (nospam@all.com), January 01, 2000.
My goodness. Do you mean you have carefully Copied and saved each insult you received in this ridiculous forum? Surely you have something better to do?
-- Dumdfounded (Incredulous@prozac.com), January 01, 2000.
Ken, that's a pretty impressive accomplishment. I don't think I can top you in quantity, but I think I can beat you in quality:This has got to win the award for the most asinine thread in the history of the forum and there have been many. . .
-- BigDog (BigDog@duffer.com), October 15, 1999
So Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya! You haven't written anything as asinine as I have. And you've got that from no less an authority than the BigDog himself.
But don't feel too bad. If you keep on trying, maybe you can top me this year.
-- Robin S. Messing (rsm7@cornell.edu), January 01, 2000.
Is this what they mean by "rubbing your face in it"? How childish.How typical for a coward like Decker to leave, just as evidence will start to appear that he was wrong. Don't get me wrong, I am overjoyed that you are finally getting your pompous ass off this forum, though as we've seen so may times before, it is doubtful that you will keep your word. Hasta la vista, jerkoff.
-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), January 01, 2000.
Ken...a coward. LOL, Hawk....I'd say that he has been a consistent voice in the wilderness, with the Flints, the Hoffs....and on a larger scale, the Mitch Radcliffes.Ken, you da' man.
Yeah, I know. It's still too premature and we're all gonna die....yadda,yadda,yadda...
-- Bad Company (deal@thepreacher.com), January 01, 2000.
Thanks Ken!! What a delightful gift. Nothing like a stroll down memory lane.EWWWWW....this is FUN. Can we do Flint next? Hmmmm?
-- Will continue (farming@home.com), January 01, 2000.
Actually, I just searched on threads that invoked my last name... I'd forgotten nearly all of the insults, but not those who scorned me. Some of the folks on this forum were civil, concerned and reasonable. There are a few, however, who behaved poorly. It's not that they produced a better argument about Y2K, or better data, or better theories. With a few exceptions, the forum bullies never cared about discussing the "if" of Y2K... just the "when." And they tried to run off anyone who didn't toe the party line.Russ Lipton aka Big Dog has been rather reasonable of late, but I remember his petty tantrums. Andy continues to spout nonsense. "a" was militantly wrong and so was his idol, Paul Milne. Will Continue was a veritable harpy. Well, it's a long list.
This little collection was not for the vast majority of forum participants... but for a select few. Actually, I did bury the hatchet with Diane, but I could not resist adding a few jibes from her, lest anyone think we have neutral sysops.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@worldnet.att.net) , January 01, 2000.
Ken?, What are ya gonna do, when THEY come for you?FSI,
-- brother rat (rldabney@usa.net), January 01, 2000.
"Mr." Decker:You have a lot of class - too bad it's all LOW.
-- Scarlett (creolady@aol.com), January 01, 2000.
Ken:I see your object lesson is totally lost on your objects. When you hold a mirror up to people, they use the feedback constructively. When you hold it up to pigs, they just keep grunting. But it *is* kinda funny.
-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), January 02, 2000.
Hey Flint, since you obviously have your head stuck up Decker's butt, it would seem that when he leaves he's going to have to pull you along with him. I sure hope you don't become unstuck. Happy trails!
-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), January 02, 2000.
Flint,Perhaps one shouldn't take it upon himself to go showing pigs that they're pigs without carefully studying one's own snout first.
-- Nathan (nospam@all.com), January 02, 2000.
NoNO NO! Everybody...it is excellent that the Polly jerks can spend these days scoring points off us. Remember what the other option was? I feel happy for them in their happiness at our expense.(ps, call me a tinfoil, but I still think that many things are going wrong as we speak, I still expect a snowball - it's just off to a leisurely, low-volume start. yay!)
-- number six (! @!.com), January 02, 2000.
number six,they are surprised as "us"... :o)
time will tell - watch banking and the markets next week...
hope you're MEX's work out!!
-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), January 02, 2000.
Even though 10% of the world is experiencing minor glitches randomly in the basic infrastructure now, it should be noted carefully by all IT professionals and computer experts that the other 90% of the system hasn't yet been fired up in real-time testing. As people will go back to work on Monday fire up those systems and then we will soon see what kind of interconnectivity problems surface as the whole system is then put into full operation. If we start seeing snowball effects happening over the next few weeks we wil soon know how far the system can cope without collasping on itself.The small glitches that we think are 'minor problems' now can easily at any time start escalating through the infrastructure, so its a waiting game to see how many of these glitches will surface. If there is enough of those little tiny glitches or outages happening all at once this can clog up or collaspe the infrastructure and grind it to a halt, but only time will tell if the glitches start increasing in their accelerations or remain at a stable level that the system and the programmers are able to cope with, for this is the big hidden danger of the y2k issue now.
I am sure there will be an increase in the amount of glitching when the other 90% of the code is put into operation when people go back to business as usual and with those systems that couldn't get their embeds upgraded because not enough time, in the meantime last minute fixing is probably being done during the holidays to try to turn back the glitch bomb before people go to work. We must also take into account that this is where the "non-compliant or incompleted systems" around the world start to play the part in provoking a interconnecting glitch snowball effect for nearly half the world's computer systems did not make it to the deadline of 31st Dec 1999 and so technicians hope to try to fix things in 2000 after the glitching starts for the danger is far from over, if the glitches snowball, it may outdo the number of technicians and programmers to fix it, it's just the beginning, wait and see.
Now it all depends if there is enough glitching to outdo the number of programmers patching the systems up, this will be quie interesting. The bomb has gone off, but it hasn't quite detonated fully yet, its a Year 2000 Timebomb, not a Day 2000 Timebomb. So many think that because everything in the basic infrastructure is still operational so far with only minor glitches that this y2k bomb is only a fizzler.
We will know if the infrastructure stands once it starts going into full real-time testing, we can't know if the system is going to pass the test until the whole thing is tested. Before we celebrate thining the y2k bug has been beaten, not everything was put in full operation on New Year's celebrations, because we see the power and phones still working or basic utils, this don't mean that the whole system has jumped the hurdle over y2k.
TO SUM UP =========
The immediate effects of y2k are not really immediate but over time, its a timebomb, not a daybomb. Not until the whole system is put into full real-time operation will be begin to know of the ramifications of y2k over the next few weeks. y2k is not a day event, its a year event, possibly even longer. Pollies can gloat all they like about the rollover event, for it dosen't matter to the billions of glitches and unfixed systems around the world, they don't take day events. If there are problems with embeds, they might take a while to show up. The non comp ones though would probably crash as soon as they are fired up. But the y2k in the software code plus the billions of glitches will prob slowly detonate over time.
-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), January 02, 2000.
I am just catching up on forum news and saw this thread. Although I do not have an extensive file like Decker and cannot search the archives (old posts have been unavailable since December 30), I did keep one of Decker's old posts.Ah, our jackboots come into the light. Big Dodger and Dianne Squire, MBA. Who else is on the "home team?" No "heretics," I presume. (laughter)
Not too much of a stretch, is it, BD? I imagine the robes of SysOp fit nicely on you. Perhaps Dianne can tell you about your past lives? I can imagine you have worn the robes before... extracting confessions during the Inquisition perhaps? Keeping the common folk from the Scriptures while peddling indulgences? Playing the politics of imperialism, all in the name of the Holy Church?
I recognize you now, Brother Russell, with your sincere eyes and soft hands. Enjoy your church, BD... I just hope Dante was right.
On to lighter work... Lisa. Rattled? Hardly. I just hope you take a moment to thank the men and women who served so you could prattle on about how terrible America is. Like a spoiled child, you treat poorly the freedoms you never had to earn.
Of course, here I am talking about freedom in a private club. Close the windows, folks, and keep out the light.
-- Mr. Decker (kcdecker@worldnet.att.net), June 28, 1999.
I know he has been very insulting to many others but this was one of the worst.
-- pot (kettle@black.too), January 02, 2000.
"Thanks Andy,Fuck you, "appreciative" [triple x, huh?] I have had enough of Decker's bullshit. This ends now!
No more entertaining his banal posts, no more "gentleman's" debate.
-- BigDog (BigDog@duffer.com), May 06, 1999.
-- better bigdog (he@is.a sly one), January 03, 2000.
Big Dog never said "fuck you"...
-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), January 03, 2000.
-- Banned Person (NonPerson@EZbanned.edu), August 24, 2000.
OT: And let's play my highlight reel from 1999...
greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread
Sorry if I missed anyone... highlights from the past year."MOST CLEVER (Polly): Ken Decker. Nobody, but nobody, can mislead and confuse better than he. His view on personal preparation, where he always claims to be all for it, and even somewhat of an expert at it, but always emphasizes that Y2K itself is NOT anything worth preparing for."
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), November 10, 1999.
"As I said Mr. Decker -- you are a hypocrite or blind -- you choose which one."
-- Brooklyn (MSIS@cyberdude.com), November 09, 1999
"As far as Decker, he's a pablum-spewer, a reader of Tom Clancy novels, a bore, a "man who likes a warm fire on a cold night." He's a shill, nothing more. Always divisive, always the gainsayer, desperately trying to maintain credibility while oozing condescension, he struggles to quell his animus, and fulfill his misbegotten mission."
-- Spidey (in@jam.classactionsuit), November 10, 1999.
"You are such a smarmy, deceitful son of a bitch. Game over, Decker. You're trolling again. And, yes, if I have a chance to see you at the picnic in DC, I'll say it to your face."
-- BigDog (BigDog@duffer.com), June 16, 1999.
"Hey decker...what would you do if a woman called you a red-faced, puffed up, Son of a Bitch? Just curious "Montana Man". Women in Wyoming shit bigger than you!"
-- Will continue (farming@home.com), June 16, 1999.
"Blow me Decker. Give us one good reason to put all our faith and trust in the fairy tale that the grid won't go down and stay down."
-- Milord (gammorean@guard.net), June 16, 1999.
"You expect an honest reply from Decker? There are reasons that people call him Double-Decker."
-- R. Watt (rkwatt@hotmail.com), May 17, 1999.
"Never read so much codswallop in my life. Rationale? double- decker is an irrational egocentric know-nothing who thinks he knows it all. Two words. Bullshit advice."
-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), May 19, 1999.
"I think dDecker is following in the footsteps of most economists in that he is totally incorrect in his analysis."
-- Ray (ray@totacc.com), September 26, 1999.
"What a patronizing bugger he (Decker) is! Let's hope he's through mingling with the wretched peasants."
-- Old Git (anon@spamproblems.com), May 06, 1999.
"Decker ... do keep laughing. Perhaps you wont notice the obvious ... youre transparent. Rather like that childrens story about the emperor."
-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), May 07, 1999.
"Decker is deaf, blind, and probably dumb to y2k."
-- George (jvilches@sminter.com.ar), July 08, 1999. "February 2000 - Decker's parents ask him to leave the house. Takes a temporary position shoveling pig shit at Milne's farm."
-- a (a@a.a), July 09, 1999.
"Maybe newbies will pick up a few quick lessons on whose opinions to trust around here. If they fall for Flint and Decker's spew, they'll be cooked in the time remaining."
-- Will continue (farming@home.com), July 29, 1999.
"For the first time I detect a hint of fear in you. Maybe your posts indicate a bit of "Denialist" in your mental constructs. Could you be afriad of your world changing? Your ability to adapt and evolve with the uncertianties of the future? Do you ever get this niggling doubt that you will ..... fail."
-- Brian (imager@home.com), May 27, 1999.
"It's okay BigDog. Decker's created the lovely illusion of mannerly hypocrite. Ignore him ... he ain't worth it. He and others, who know who they are, deliberately provoke, to side- track emotions and issues. Quite pointed and obvious. Once they get you in a defensive position, they feel like an "alpha" dog. It's temporary. Stay on target instead."
-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), May 07, 1999.
Gosh... it's been swell.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@worldnet.att.net) , January 01, 2000Answers
ahh now we see the real Mr Decker
-- (.@...), January 01, 2000.
Gosh Ken... if I didn't know better... I'd say you're acting a lot like Y2K Pro. Naw! Don't go there.So... we take it you'll finally be leaving us? Oh joy!
Have a "nice" life... "Mr." Decker.
-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), January 01, 2000.
We come this far together, and you exclude moi?"Decker is the biggest egolomaniac on the planet who'd try to take down a 'persian cats' forum if any real men posted there." - lisa lisa@work.now
-- lisa (lisa@work.now), January 01, 2000.
Ahhhh, truly the forum caught at it's best moments!!! Sort of a "Kodak moment with Ken".
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), January 01, 2000.
Hey DEck, enjoy those leeks and garlic!Bad boy, bad boy, what you gona do when they come for you?
Deo Vindicie!, FSI!,
-- brother rat (rldabney@usa.net), January 01, 2000.
Well Ken, that is stepping down a level in character.
-- Mike Lang (webflier@erols.com), January 01, 2000.
Ken,Gloat if you will...though I'm sure it's a bit premature to do so. Why some people relish the idea of "twisting the knife" is beyond me. Maybe you were hurt by some juvenile remarks made in the heat of the argument. Guess I thought a man of your intelligence was above all this "I told you so!" prattle. I guess not.
-- TM (mercier7@pdnt.com), January 01, 2000.
These are your HIGHLIGHTS? I feel sorry for you, you poor man.
-- Jenny (hard@work.here), January 01, 2000.
What a pathetic, petty, little man.
-- Wilferd (WilferdW@aol.com), January 01, 2000.
I've think you've hit a sore spot Ken......wish I'd saved just a portion of the crap insults that I got here the last year or two...The truth hurts 'em I guess so they don't like to see it in black and white.....
Funny thing.....I haven't noticed Jack spewing out the only phrase he is capable of uttering so far today....."Y2K cannot be fixed!"
-- Craig (craig@ccinet.ab.ca), January 01, 2000.
"The only gracious way to accept an insult is to ignore it; if you can't ignore it, top it; if you can't top it, laugh at it; if you can't laugh at it, it's probably deserved."Russell Lynes (b. 1910), U.S. editor, critic.
-- Nathan (nospam@all.com), January 01, 2000.
My goodness. Do you mean you have carefully Copied and saved each insult you received in this ridiculous forum? Surely you have something better to do?
-- Dumdfounded (Incredulous@prozac.com), January 01, 2000.
Ken, that's a pretty impressive accomplishment. I don't think I can top you in quantity, but I think I can beat you in quality:This has got to win the award for the most asinine thread in the history of the forum and there have been many. . .
-- BigDog (BigDog@duffer.com), October 15, 1999
So Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya! You haven't written anything as asinine as I have. And you've got that from no less an authority than the BigDog himself.
But don't feel too bad. If you keep on trying, maybe you can top me this year.
-- Robin S. Messing (rsm7@cornell.edu), January 01, 2000.
Is this what they mean by "rubbing your face in it"? How childish.How typical for a coward like Decker to leave, just as evidence will start to appear that he was wrong. Don't get me wrong, I am overjoyed that you are finally getting your pompous ass off this forum, though as we've seen so may times before, it is doubtful that you will keep your word. Hasta la vista, jerkoff.
-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), January 01, 2000.
Ken...a coward. LOL, Hawk....I'd say that he has been a consistent voice in the wilderness, with the Flints, the Hoffs....and on a larger scale, the Mitch Radcliffes.Ken, you da' man.
Yeah, I know. It's still too premature and we're all gonna die....yadda,yadda,yadda...
-- Bad Company (deal@thepreacher.com), January 01, 2000.
Thanks Ken!! What a delightful gift. Nothing like a stroll down memory lane.EWWWWW....this is FUN. Can we do Flint next? Hmmmm?
-- Will continue (farming@home.com), January 01, 2000.
Actually, I just searched on threads that invoked my last name... I'd forgotten nearly all of the insults, but not those who scorned me. Some of the folks on this forum were civil, concerned and reasonable. There are a few, however, who behaved poorly. It's not that they produced a better argument about Y2K, or better data, or better theories. With a few exceptions, the forum bullies never cared about discussing the "if" of Y2K... just the "when." And they tried to run off anyone who didn't toe the party line.Russ Lipton aka Big Dog has been rather reasonable of late, but I remember his petty tantrums. Andy continues to spout nonsense. "a" was militantly wrong and so was his idol, Paul Milne. Will Continue was a veritable harpy. Well, it's a long list.
This little collection was not for the vast majority of forum participants... but for a select few. Actually, I did bury the hatchet with Diane, but I could not resist adding a few jibes from her, lest anyone think we have neutral sysops.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@worldnet.att.net) , January 01, 2000.
Ken?, What are ya gonna do, when THEY come for you?FSI,
-- brother rat (rldabney@usa.net), January 01, 2000.
"Mr." Decker:You have a lot of class - too bad it's all LOW.
-- Scarlett (creolady@aol.com), January 01, 2000.
Ken:I see your object lesson is totally lost on your objects. When you hold a mirror up to people, they use the feedback constructively. When you hold it up to pigs, they just keep grunting. But it *is* kinda funny.
-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), January 02, 2000.
Hey Flint, since you obviously have your head stuck up Decker's butt, it would seem that when he leaves he's going to have to pull you along with him. I sure hope you don't become unstuck. Happy trails!
-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), January 02, 2000.
Flint,Perhaps one shouldn't take it upon himself to go showing pigs that they're pigs without carefully studying one's own snout first.
-- Nathan (nospam@all.com), January 02, 2000.
NoNO NO! Everybody...it is excellent that the Polly jerks can spend these days scoring points off us. Remember what the other option was? I feel happy for them in their happiness at our expense.(ps, call me a tinfoil, but I still think that many things are going wrong as we speak, I still expect a snowball - it's just off to a leisurely, low-volume start. yay!)
-- number six (! @!.com), January 02, 2000.
number six,they are surprised as "us"... :o)
time will tell - watch banking and the markets next week...
hope you're MEX's work out!!
-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), January 02, 2000.
Even though 10% of the world is experiencing minor glitches randomly in the basic infrastructure now, it should be noted carefully by all IT professionals and computer experts that the other 90% of the system hasn't yet been fired up in real-time testing. As people will go back to work on Monday fire up those systems and then we will soon see what kind of interconnectivity problems surface as the whole system is then put into full operation. If we start seeing snowball effects happening over the next few weeks we wil soon know how far the system can cope without collasping on itself.The small glitches that we think are 'minor problems' now can easily at any time start escalating through the infrastructure, so its a waiting game to see how many of these glitches will surface. If there is enough of those little tiny glitches or outages happening all at once this can clog up or collaspe the infrastructure and grind it to a halt, but only time will tell if the glitches start increasing in their accelerations or remain at a stable level that the system and the programmers are able to cope with, for this is the big hidden danger of the y2k issue now.
I am sure there will be an increase in the amount of glitching when the other 90% of the code is put into operation when people go back to business as usual and with those systems that couldn't get their embeds upgraded because not enough time, in the meantime last minute fixing is probably being done during the holidays to try to turn back the glitch bomb before people go to work. We must also take into account that this is where the "non-compliant or incompleted systems" around the world start to play the part in provoking a interconnecting glitch snowball effect for nearly half the world's computer systems did not make it to the deadline of 31st Dec 1999 and so technicians hope to try to fix things in 2000 after the glitching starts for the danger is far from over, if the glitches snowball, it may outdo the number of technicians and programmers to fix it, it's just the beginning, wait and see.
Now it all depends if there is enough glitching to outdo the number of programmers patching the systems up, this will be quie interesting. The bomb has gone off, but it hasn't quite detonated fully yet, its a Year 2000 Timebomb, not a Day 2000 Timebomb. So many think that because everything in the basic infrastructure is still operational so far with only minor glitches that this y2k bomb is only a fizzler.
We will know if the infrastructure stands once it starts going into full real-time testing, we can't know if the system is going to pass the test until the whole thing is tested. Before we celebrate thining the y2k bug has been beaten, not everything was put in full operation on New Year's celebrations, because we see the power and phones still working or basic utils, this don't mean that the whole system has jumped the hurdle over y2k.
TO SUM UP =========
The immediate effects of y2k are not really immediate but over time, its a timebomb, not a daybomb. Not until the whole system is put into full real-time operation will be begin to know of the ramifications of y2k over the next few weeks. y2k is not a day event, its a year event, possibly even longer. Pollies can gloat all they like about the rollover event, for it dosen't matter to the billions of glitches and unfixed systems around the world, they don't take day events. If there are problems with embeds, they might take a while to show up. The non comp ones though would probably crash as soon as they are fired up. But the y2k in the software code plus the billions of glitches will prob slowly detonate over time.
-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), January 02, 2000.
I am just catching up on forum news and saw this thread. Although I do not have an extensive file like Decker and cannot search the archives (old posts have been unavailable since December 30), I did keep one of Decker's old posts.Ah, our jackboots come into the light. Big Dodger and Dianne Squire, MBA. Who else is on the "home team?" No "heretics," I presume. (laughter)
Not too much of a stretch, is it, BD? I imagine the robes of SysOp fit nicely on you. Perhaps Dianne can tell you about your past lives? I can imagine you have worn the robes before... extracting confessions during the Inquisition perhaps? Keeping the common folk from the Scriptures while peddling indulgences? Playing the politics of imperialism, all in the name of the Holy Church?
I recognize you now, Brother Russell, with your sincere eyes and soft hands. Enjoy your church, BD... I just hope Dante was right.
On to lighter work... Lisa. Rattled? Hardly. I just hope you take a moment to thank the men and women who served so you could prattle on about how terrible America is. Like a spoiled child, you treat poorly the freedoms you never had to earn.
Of course, here I am talking about freedom in a private club. Close the windows, folks, and keep out the light.
-- Mr. Decker (kcdecker@worldnet.att.net), June 28, 1999.
I know he has been very insulting to many others but this was one of the worst.
-- pot (kettle@black.too), January 02, 2000.
"Thanks Andy,Fuck you, "appreciative" [triple x, huh?] I have had enough of Decker's bullshit. This ends now!
No more entertaining his banal posts, no more "gentleman's" debate.
-- BigDog (BigDog@duffer.com), May 06, 1999.
-- better bigdog (he@is.a sly one), January 03, 2000.
Big Dog never said "fuck you"...
-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), January 03, 2000.
-- Banned Person (NonPerson@EZbanned.edu), August 24, 2000.
Well, there's a walk down memory lane, though just a link would have worked. As for "Hmmm," the forum has declined even further since my June 8 post. I am delighted you are enough of a fan to remember a post from a couple of months ago. My guess is that you are a recycled regular from the old forum with a new handle and old memories (and friends)... not that it matters much. The post today was not meant as a commentary on the forum as much as an expression of what I miss about the old TB 2000, flawed as it was. As anyone can see, I was extremely unpopular, but at least there was some fire in the debate. I miss the energy, and I don't see it coming back any time soon.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@att.net), August 24, 2000.
You've been saying the same thing at regular intervals since the begining of Spinoff. But you keep sticking around. Is this your way of poking the fire? Rather boring if it is. Why waste your energy whining instead of provoking an interesting debate?
-- (smarty@wannabe.one), August 24, 2000.
My observation was meant for lurkers like me. I thought a few oldtimers like Flint might still be knocking about. The people who think this forum is the cat's pajamas can scroll on by.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@att.net), August 24, 2000.
The forum would have retained some sense of direction and at least a smidgeon of interest if either something, anything, had really gone wrong, OR if the flamethrowers so eager to dance on my grave hadn't shown their true colors and slunk silently away.It was fun while it lasted, and it's gone forever. Be well yourself.
-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), August 24, 2000.
Yes,those people did silently slink away,as you probably had allready predicted,and what you are left with is a mish-mash of people who either felt like you did about y2k or didn't and stayed here to take the heat and/or felt vehement about the banning/censorship issue at SLEZ and decided to hang their hat here.What form of esotericism or racousness do you desire? The fervent pitch of pre-y2k is a blink in the eye of history and we are left with today,what should we do with tomorrow? Have you any ideas or thoughts? Are your aspirations for Mensan caliber verbosity exclusive or is there room for lighthearted social interaction mixed with various other issues that may or may not intrigue you or anyone else.Only you can answer these questions or tell us about the great forum(s) you have found that match the intensity of the old TB2K,my bet is that it does not exist and will not until the next social,tech or global crisis (real or not) emerges.What we have is what we got,make the best out of it.
As an aside,Ken,this is my final attempt at extending a cyber handshake to address whatever I may have done to piss you off ( I still don't know) and was looking forward to having a cool refresher with you and Flint in Vegas.
If the utopian forum that you seek exists,my wish is that you find it.
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), August 24, 2000.
Yo! capn, that was, like, cool words, eh." OR if the flamethrowers so eager to dance on my grave hadn't shown their true colors and slunk silently away. "
So, that's what it's all coming down to, isn't it? You and Ken are bored with the forum because you're not getting the attention you used to?
Ah well. Your 15 minutes of fames have come and gone. Silently slunk away.
-- (smarty@wannabe.one), August 24, 2000.
Diane Squire seriously sucks.
-- not a fan (am@zed.by.this.girl), August 24, 2000.
Smarty,I'm not bored with the forum!!! Ken said that not moi.I have never had the attention to get used to,so why would it matter to me now (that's funny).BTW,I haven't slunk anywhere,where did you slunk in from?
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), August 24, 2000.
OK:This is a test.
Have you noticed the approach to discussion by members of the forum?
How is the approach of Ken Decker identical to the approach of al-d?
We are not talking content. We are talking approach.
Extra credit for explaining why they are near twins at debate. :<)
Go to it!!!
-- DB (Debunker@nomore.xxx), August 24, 2000.
Mr. Ken, from where I observe, it "ain't" over. One possible scenerio was electricity et all would continue, yet the economy could suffer. I see this. I see it in the autos parked in shopping centers and on the side of the road with "for sale" signs in the window. I see this in the large number of men lined up at the local labor pool, the rig trucker who has spent more time parked in his yard, than he has on the road. I continue to see this. Don't get me wrong, I do not think the whole country will fail now, suffering only matters to those who are going through it, and to those who can see it. I gave away the bulk of my Y2K food stock to the local soup kitchen, and they were glad to receive it, since their monthly check was running late (for whatever reason). Keep your eyes open to the plight of others. Not everyone was born with a Silver Spoon in their mouth, or human experience of a skin hardship. Some only remember central heat and air, with an automatic washer and dryer. I certainly would not want to be on the Millionaire Island with that lot. Give me Mr. Rudy, anyday.
-- LOOK TWICE (around@you.com), August 24, 2000.
capn, I praised you, then I quoted Flint. tsk tsk, pay attention ;)
-- (smarty@wannabe.one), August 24, 2000.
Turn out your own lights Dicker, this party is just gettin started. I seem to recall that you gave your big goodbye speech about 8 months ago! Do you think you will ever learn to keep your word?Let me spell it out, since you seem rather dim...
1. Leave this forum, NOW
2. Don't come back, EVER
3. Door
4. Ass
5. Make sure you feel the door hit your ass, that way you might finally understand that you have actually left like you said you would, instead of thinking that you are still here.
-- (just@do.it), August 24, 2000.
Flint, fair winds and following seas. I'll keep your name in the book on the off chance I wander through the southland.Cap, the sense of urgency is gone. Y2K was an unusual confluence of ideas amped up by a "drop dead" date. The usual domestic policy and foreign affairs issues simply lack the same intensity. For example, I'm interested in Chinese military ambitions, however, there is not a great deal of energy in this particular discussion. Oh, if the lunatic fringe had not retreated to EZB I suppose the pot would bubble a bit more.
As for light hearted social banter, I have plenty of this in real life. My enjoyment of the Internet fora was based on the ability to have a unfettered intellectual discussion without worrying about not being invited to next week's canasta game. (chuckle)
To this end, I have no idea what you mean when you talk about me being angry. My decision to forego Las Vegas is based on the simple fact that I don't have a social relationship with the remaining forum regulars. If you do, I wish you a wonderful time in the City of Sin.
As for "smarty," it's time to get over being wrong about Y2K. Maybe you'll do better next time. Why do I suspect you as a long time regular in disguise? You have the logic of an unreconstructed doomsayer. I have argued on many occasions that the whole Internet Y2K debate was a tempest in a teapot--hardly anyone's 15 minutes of fame, except for Ed Yourdon. As for attention, who cares? The two dozen people who read this forum? (laughter) The same people I'll never meet and who have absolutely no influence over my real life?
As for DB, my intent with the post was not to debate, but to let a few lurkers (like Flint) know that I am saddened by the fate of the forum. I don't expect you to understand. I do expect a bright fellow like Flint to figure it out rather quickly.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@att.net), August 24, 2000.
Just, your post came after mine. You call this a party? CPR and anonymous Y2K retreads arguing over the price of unleaded gasoling? Break out the party hats! As for goodbye, dolt, when I left TB 2000 I did not post again. I never posted on the Y2K prep forum, just as promised. In June, I made the general observation that the forum sucked, but I still popped in every week or so to read a few threads... pretty easy when there are only 10 or 20 new threads a day, most with a couple of responses. But, hey, this is probably the center of your intellectual and social life. Enjoy your party.Oh, I think I will fully realize I'm gone when I don't encounter people like you... who look like an ass and are smart as door.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@att.net), August 24, 2000.
Ah Ken, just whining like commoners. And now you've fallen to new lows by responding and acknowledging the existance of anonymous "no-names/non-entities" like me.I was going to say something to the poster "just-do-it" of something like "c'mon, be tolerant", but now I think he's doing you favor trying to nudge you into moving to a more suitable forum for your demanding intellect.
-- (smarty@wannabe.one), August 24, 2000.
Oh and btw, you said: "he two dozen people who read this forum? (laughter) The same people I'll never meet and who have absolutely no influence over my real life?"You're wrong there. "absolutely" was certainly a poor choice of words, as obviously you feel compelled to come back here and either lurk or post.
-- (smarty@wannabe.one), August 24, 2000.
Smarty, thanks... you reminded me of another way I'll know I'm not here. Poor spelling. It's existence, not "existance." Have a good life, smarty.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@att.net), August 24, 2000.
Ken, go ahead insult me all you want, but just look at yourself. Here you are complaining about the forum, telling those of us who still like to post here that it is "over", yet YOU are still HERE!!If YOU don't like this forum, why don't YOU just leave???
Is that so hard to understand?? For a pompous psuedo-intellectual simpleton like yourself, who thinks he is a lot smarter that he actually is, I guess you still just can't figure that out! LMAO!!!
-- (break.our.hearts@and.leave), August 24, 2000.
Thanks for the spelling correction Ken. See, that's why I'm a wannabe.
-- (smarty@wannabe.one), August 24, 2000.
You call this a party? CPR and anonymous Y2K retreads arguing over the price of unleaded gasoling? Break out the party hats!Not to mention the hot word association thread we have here.
Really, though, it seems to me that you answered yourself when you said:
Oh, if the lunatic fringe had not retreated to EZB I suppose the pot would bubble a bit more.
This is certainly the case, and rest assured, the pot is bubbling quite high over there, just as it did in the "good old days." You'll definitely find a sense of urgency there, what with "Klintoon" refusing to leave office and the economy crashing all around us and latent Y2K bugs blowing up gas pipelines and all. Perhaps the excitement you are seeking is there.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 24, 2000.
Go here if you want to understand the essence of Ken Decker's lawyer- like 'debating' style.http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=003Fgj
-- (-=-@=-=.-=-), August 25, 2000.
Smarty,My bad,I am gonna have to stop posting after these 18 hour shifts : |
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), August 25, 2000.
I really did enjoy the exchange that went on last year. There was something totally addicting about it. Good luck in everything you do, Ken. It's been a pleasure.
-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), August 25, 2000.
Ken,I must say that I agree, I think the "party" has been over for a long time. My meager contributions to this place have waned, and there are periods of time in which I do not post or lurk here, but I am in no hurry to delete it from my 'favorites'.
When Yourdon took his groupies to EZ most of the bitter warfare went with him, as did most of the truly wacky personalities. That special mix of people "debating" a fixed deadline event was a one time deal, and the realization that it will not ever occur again leaves me a bit sad as well, for despite all of the ugliness and insult and fear I had a great time there. I suspect that most everone who enjoyed the old place feels a small empty spot inside. While the Love Boat may be a fun ride, it pales in comparison to serving aboard a destroyer in the midst of a shooting war for the sheer adrenaline charged feeling of being alive.
What this forum needs is a good near Earth orbit asteroid careening out control.
Best wishes,
PS, What exactly do you have against nexts week's canasta game?
-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), August 25, 2000.
Fuck you Deedah.
-- (get lost @ ant. kickers), August 25, 2000.
"My enjoyment of the Internet fora was based on the ability to have a unfettered intellectual discussion"Decker, you always allude to this, but in fact, whenever I approached one of your many posts to disagree, with valid points, you would reply once (off topic) and then ignore any further points.
That is not an intellectual discussion, that is you posturing.
As far as correcting people's spelling: how annoying is that?
-- Not now, not like this (AgentSmith0110@aol.com), August 25, 2000.
Maria, thank you. The pleasure has been mine.Unk, excellent analysis. The hard deadline of Y2K brought the lunatic fringe out in droves. It made for a colorful debate, if nothing else. As for canasta, I haven't played in years. You do hold the honor of being one of the few denizens of the forum I imagine might be a decent card player.
Smith, I do not remember you participating on the old TB 2000 where I did most of my writing. I do recall seeing you pop up here, probably a retread from the old forum. If you made a point I found interesting, I may have chosen to respond. If not, I probably ignored you.
As for annoyance, how about people who are too lazy to use a common dictionary? On a related note, your use of five commas in a single sentence is a truly impressive display of poor grammar. Provide me with some of your "valid points" and I will be delighted to respond. Don't be surprised, however, if I find them somewhat less "valid" than you do.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@att.net), August 25, 2000.
Honesty compels me to admit that I am that rarest of breeds; The charming, hard drinking, fun loving racontuer who does not play cards. Pity really.
-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), August 25, 2000.
I can hardly believe this. I basically stopped checking this forum a few months ago. I had some free time this morning and thought I would kill a few hours doing some mindless surfing. I pop in here and what do I find? People still fighting with Deck! Unbelievable.Well Ken, we had a few disagreements, but I always thought you brought a new level to the discourse (even when you were wrong [chuckle!])
The old forum was fun while it lasted, even with all the mind games being played by the PTB. Impersonating optimists impersonating doomers to get people "kicked out"...what a tangled web! (and it makes my head hurt to think about that garbage. What kind of demented mind must come up with that?) On the old forum we got to see people acting their worst and the old adage "power corrupts" was proven in spades!
Like some said, y2k was a once in a lifetime opportunity. How true.
Good luck to everyone in whatever you might do.
-- Super Polly (FU_Q_Y2kfreaks@hotmail.com), August 25, 2000.
PS Deck:You are still important enough around here to be spoofed (funny, really)
Bye all.
-- Super Polly (FU_Q_Y2kfreaks@hotmail.com), August 25, 2000.
"Smith, I do not remember you participating on the old TB 2000 where I did most of my writing. I do recall seeing you pop up here, probably a retread from the old forum. If you made a point I found interesting, I may have chosen to respond. If not, I probably ignored you."Thanks for proving my point! (On so many levels.)
-- MarHasAlwaysBeen@my.name (AgentSmith0110@aol.com), August 25, 2000.
Unk, pity... I would have enjoyed taking your money.Ah, "Super," I will gladly admit I was wrong about a recession this year. It looks like we'll continuing growing for the immediate future. As for the old forum, my one regret is that Ed Yourdon didn't find a group of reasonable people to serve as sysops in his absence. By choosing his sycophants, the "delete-on-sight" policy was the apex of bad "moderation." Even so, it was quite a show.
Smith, I thank you proving my mine. If you do decide to bring your "valid points" out of mothballs, do feel free to email them to me.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@att.net), August 25, 2000.
Best wishes, Ken. I have had a few lives here on the forum and I remember the past. Most of those "proud crowd" flew the coop when they became self conscious of their promotion of the y2k mantra post rollover, while spewing lots of venom to anyone who didn't "talk the talk"in 1999. I have lurked quite infrequently since but found your posts interesting, though didn't necessarily agree with the perspective--found the writing and the thinking coherent and worth a read. Any how, best wishes and thanks for your two cents over the past 18 months.
-- Ma Kettle (mom@home.com), August 28, 2000.