Do you want to play Word Association with me? : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
I have never played this game on a bulletin board before so I'm not sure how well this will work. Forgive me if it's bad please. What I will do is start by throwing out a word, I'll wait for two minutes, and pay the winner with the change I have in my pocket. (Of course I'll be the judge because I have the money :-)First word --- money
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000
-- Debra (, August 23, 2000.
You are going to pay every two minutes??ok.
Money. Fertilizer.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
Not bad Deb. That's worth a quarter.![]()
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
Fertilizer? Like in spread the cr#p around? That's only worth a penney :-)![]()
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- Debra (, August 23, 2000.
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- Debra (, August 23, 2000.
No. Fertilizer as in causing to make more, causing growth.Fear/Freedom
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
That's a drag Deb. When I think of fear I think of action. How about the word -- soft?
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
I was going to say Fertilizer/Growth but then we moved on ... :)
-- Debra (, August 23, 2000.
growth is good Oxy. That's worth a few...'s
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
no, weak.
oh, i don't know.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
Wow.Thanks for the fertilizer.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
No, I didn't intend for you to link the words together :-) I meant you should give the first word that pops into your head after each individual word.
OK, how about -- liquid?
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
You're welcome. Where I come from we call it scratch.
-- (netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
When I think of fear itself I think of no-action, emptiness. Kind of like 'being with' fear. Understanding it.To me, action, is a very important 'reaction' to fear. A way of 'getting out of' fear not 'being with' fear.
-- Debra (, August 23, 2000.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
1st word restart = liquidGas comes to my mind, am I weird or what?
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
liquid ... why does squid come to mind?I REALLY have to go to work now. Hopefully your still playing tonight!
-- Debra (, August 23, 2000.
Gotcha Deb. Here's a few bucks for going to the trouble of clarifying that.![]()
-- (netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (, August 23, 2000.
LOL Netsc@pe. Maybe I DON'T have to go to work!
-- Debra (, August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
Have a good day Deb. For you:
-- (netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
feet/ purposepurpose
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
-- (netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
Ok, let's try -- smoke.
-- (netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
-- (, August 23, 2000.
Cute hmm. You owe me five bucks for that :-)
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
bucks/young men
-- (, August 23, 2000.
I like gun. Here's a few cents for you smarty...![]()
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
Ok, how about -- stocks?
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
pants/penis stuck in zipper
-- (, August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
my system is slow.what is the damn word now? gun? smarty? impotence? bucks?
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
-- (, August 23, 2000.
You guys are focusing on physical attributes too much :o) If you keep that up, you'll owe me a fortune.
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
stocks = chainsxoxo,sumer
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
physical attributes/me
-- (, August 23, 2000.
stocks/ punishmentpunishment
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
hartburns? (We're on stocks Oxy.)
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
stocks volatility = ulcers= heartburns
-- (, August 23, 2000.
fortune cookie.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
I liked chains. Here you go consumer..![]()
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
you just like consumer :P
-- (, August 23, 2000.
Ok, I gottcha now smarty.
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
-- al-d. (, August 23, 2000.
Next word -- Taos
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
-- (, August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
Come on hmm, you can do better than that. (Unless you're a Vietnam vet,,,in which case I'd like to thank you for keeping this country safe.)
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
Geeze, I was looking for Yourdon associated with Taos.
OK next one -- glass.
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (, August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
Hey not fair, my refresh is not working. Typed house twice after you said glass, hmm's showed but not mine.(hacker was in response to cracker)
-- (, August 23, 2000.
Actually, I thought of Taos/Lady Logic. Have no idea why.Glass/ Obsidian
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
I like house.![]()
(I took out what you owed me.)
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
beer >
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
Beer = capn funxoxo,sumer
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
you >
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
hmm only has beer and sex in mind, he's disqualifiedGive next word, Nesc
-- (, August 23, 2000.
No wait.Glass Hotel.
yes, glass hotel.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
capn crunch
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
OK smarty I believe you. Here ya go.![]()
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- consuemr (, August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
Smarty is a cheater, give next word....
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
oowee! I'm up to a $1.01?
-- (, August 23, 2000.
Displaced? I dont know why.
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
Yo! hmm, Netsc is giving the words :P
-- (, August 23, 2000.
Smarty your only up cuz you whinned :-0xoxo,sumer
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
OK Oxy. You win all the money AND my brother...
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
uh, your brother ??
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
sister >
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
somehow that didn't sound like you were a big winner....
-- (, August 23, 2000.
Dang it,(He's cuter in person :)
I gotta get some work done. See ya later!
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- (, August 23, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
-- (, August 23, 2000.
Bye Netty.Thanks for all the scratch.. and um, you know...
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
-- (, August 23, 2000.
Oh wait! Before I go I wanted to let you know I thought of another fun game. I have to spend some time reading your archives, but I'll meet you back here on Friday about the same time.
Afterwhile, crocidile!
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 23, 2000.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
shoot that was Fun, now what am I to do now?Darn, back to work....
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
sumer, when five of us tried it in Bok's it was faster and pretty funny, but not quite as profound.a lot of scrolling, though.
maybe later.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
-- (, August 23, 2000.
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
Checkmate - money store
-- Butt Nugget (, August 23, 2000.
money store - Jim Palmer
-- Patricia (, August 23, 2000.
Jim Palmer - Arnold Palmer
-- smarty golfer (no@not.really), August 23, 2000.
Jim Palmer/underwear
-- (, August 23, 2000.
underwear/clothes line
-- (, August 23, 2000.
clothes line/ Calvin Klein
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
{Calvin Klein/underwear/Brooke Shields}
-- flora (***@__._), August 23, 2000.
Brooke Shields - Blue Shield Medical
-- Butt Nugget (, August 23, 2000.
Dress shields
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 23, 2000.
Body armor
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
Body Armor = Right Guard :-)Hey werent we 'supposed' to be working ? LOL.
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
Right Guard/ hockey
-- Oxy (, August 23, 2000.
-- consumer (, August 23, 2000.
Body Armor - chainmail
-- Bingo1 (, August 23, 2000.
Puck - Mtv's Real WorldChainmail - Chain Letter
-- Butt Nugget (, August 23, 2000.
chain letter - daisy
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), August 23, 2000.
Daisy - Dukes of Hazard
-- BO (and@LUKE.duke), August 23, 2000.
-- (, August 23, 2000.
road - path
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), August 23, 2000.
path - unbeaten
-- flora (***@__._), August 24, 2000.
unbeaten - eggwhites (huh?)
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), August 24, 2000.
egg whites=merangue-yu know that fluffy white stuff on pies!
-- al-d. (, August 24, 2000.
meringue - tart
-- Oxy (, August 24, 2000.
pop >
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 24, 2000.
pop - weasel
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), August 24, 2000.
weasel - snake
-- Bingo1 (, August 24, 2000.
-- (, August 24, 2000.
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 24, 2000.
Yourdon - donutskin - flint
-- Bingo1 (, August 24, 2000.
lol Bingo. I'd pay you for skinflint but I ran out of pocket change yesterday. I have an alternative though. I'll put whoever gives the best answers their name in lights.
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 24, 2000.
donut - krispy kreme (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............)
flint - stone
-- Patricia (, August 24, 2000.
Netty, I'm looking for $$$. If I wanted my name in lights I'd have persued my talents as a thespian. My folks paid for French lessons for me just so I could read Shakespeare's stuff in his original language. Too bad I never got the chance to use it.
-- Bingo1 (, August 24, 2000.
stone/weed...are we going in circles here?
-- (, August 24, 2000.
weed - eve{where is that Queen of Quackgrass, anyway?}
-- flora (***@__._), August 24, 2000.
Wow, that's a drag about your parents Bingo. I guess I'll have to appreciate my own more from now on :-)
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 24, 2000.
apple - crab
-- Oxy (, August 24, 2000.
The kicker, Netty, is it took my folks 4 years and $30,000 before they realized Shakespeare wrote in the King's English. By then they had a 2nd mortgage on the house, so they could not afford to send me for lessons in the King's English. Now I'm stuck washing cars for $2.65/hr. + tips.crab - yoga
-- Bingo1 (, August 24, 2000.
$2.65/hr. + tips? Yeah right :-) It must be hard to afford a computer and connection at that rate. (Maybe you make great tips? Tell me the secret!)
Sorry about your folks. Sometimes people have bigger plans than resources. That certainly is the case in most peoples lives. Ah, what the hell. Let's just play on the computer all day and don't worry about it :-)
yoga/deep breath
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 24, 2000.
Should I take my images off my website so this page loads faster?
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 24, 2000.
Deep Breath/EXHALExoxo,sumer
-- consumer (, August 24, 2000.
That makes good sense, Netty.EXHALE - peace
-- Bingo1 (, August 24, 2000.
-- Joy (, August 24, 2000.
love/puppy(gotta new puppy. gives new meaning to puppy-love...and happiness.)
-- (, August 24, 2000.
Puppies = unconditional love. I'm happy for you smarty :-) What kind is it?
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 24, 2000.
It's the cutest mutt! White, with a few light brown and black patches, soft and fluffy, dark brown patches on the both eyes, floppy brown ears with white tips. About 5 pounds now, and will be at most 15 pounds fully grown. She has a sweet personality, loves to cuddle, but very assertive and fisty when she doesn't get her way. Very smart, has great potential....ok, I'll stop, I'm babbling too much. Like a proud parent.unconditional/parents
-- (, August 24, 2000.
parents - nurturing
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), August 25, 2000.
Good morning, friends!nurturing - growth
-- Bingo1 (, August 25, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 25, 2000.
fungus - toes (not mine, of course...)
-- eve (, August 25, 2000.
toe/ line
-- Oxy (, August 25, 2000.
-- Debra (, August 25, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 25, 2000.
lambada/beta kappa
-- liu (, August 25, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 25, 2000.
-- consumer (, August 25, 2000.
house - relocate ;^)
-- Bingo1 (, August 25, 2000.
relocate - nose
-- eve (, August 25, 2000.
nose/blackhead? :-)
-- consumer (, August 25, 2000.
-- liu (, August 25, 2000.
-- consumer (, August 25, 2000.
Ok, guys -- given consumer's last response -- no matter the temptation, NO proper names.May the games continue...(Oh yes, p.s. -- Hi flora -- I'll have to have the moniker installed on my address post out front...)
-- eve (, August 25, 2000.
asshole - nickname{My brother's, he's rather proud of it. Long story, or not}
-- flora (***@__._), August 25, 2000.
nickname - moniker(and don't anyone use: moniker - Lewinsky)
-- Bingo1 (, August 25, 2000.
Lewinsky/Jenny Craig (sorry eve couldnt resist)
-- consumer (, August 25, 2000.
Craig - The Spoon
-- flora (***@__._), August 25, 2000.
-- consumer (, August 25, 2000.
The Spoon - Harry Chapin{"The cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon..."}
-- Bingo1 (, August 25, 2000.
Harry Chapin/Dad
-- consumer (, August 25, 2000.
Dad/ root beer
-- Oxy (, August 25, 2000.
root beer/real beer
-- Lars (, August 25, 2000.
real beer/beer farts
-- (, August 25, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), August 25, 2000.
Craig-Homer Simpson
-- Uncle Deedah (, August 25, 2000.
nemesis,I thought you said the dog did it!
gas - {CPR / Cave Man} - apocalypse
-- flora (***@__._), August 25, 2000.
-- Debra (, August 25, 2000.
destruction/EZ Board
-- liu (, August 25, 2000.
Antidisestablishmenterrianism. Why. Just ta let you know I am back
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), August 26, 2000.
wb FS! Missed youback/forward
-- Aunt Bee (, August 26, 2000.
FS, you misspelled "antidisestablishmentarianism." Not usin' that spell-checker again, I see. Tsk, tsk...forward - march
-- eve (, August 26, 2000.
march - madness
-- Butt Nugget (, August 26, 2000.
(Does anyone else think this thread is taking too long to load?)
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), August 26, 2000.
violence - violinsyeah, maybe we could start another one without the grafix
-- lanny (, August 26, 2000.
Violence-Violins-Rosanne Rosannadanna
-- Uncle Deedah (, August 26, 2000.
violins - Rosanne Rosannadana - television
-- flora (***@__._), August 26, 2000.
television - Barney!
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), August 26, 2000.
Barney Oldfield
-- flora (***@__._), August 31, 2000.
Flintstones at Ebbets
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), August 31, 2000.
Ebbets (Ebbets Field?)/Jackie Robinson
-- Lars (, September 01, 2000.
Jackie Robinson/ postage stamp
-- Oxy (, September 01, 2000.
postage stamp/Terrance Stamp
-- Lars (, September 02, 2000.
Terence Stamp (who?) - Terence Trent Darby
-- cin (cin@cinn.cin), September 02, 2000.
Terence Trent Darby (who?)postage stamp/rubber stamp
-- Lars (, September 02, 2000.
Terence Trent Darby/ reporter
-- Oxy (, September 02, 2000.
(well, he WAS one before he was a recording artist)
-- Oxy (, September 02, 2000.
Clark Kent
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 02, 2000.
reporter - who else? Superman
-- cin (cin@cinn.cin), September 02, 2000.
whoa...get outta my head hmmm
-- cin (cin@cinn.cin), September 02, 2000.
"If I go crazy, then will you still call me ... "
-- Oxy (, September 02, 2000.
superman/Xray vision
-- (, September 02, 2000.
Xray vision/ MRI sex research
-- Oxy (, September 02, 2000.
MRI - CT scan
-- cin (cin@cinn.cin), September 02, 2000.
Connecticut scan?
-- Lars (, September 02, 2000.
CAT scan! silly
-- cin (cin@cinn.cin), September 02, 2000.
scan horizonsilly string
-- flora (***@__._), September 02, 2000.
-- Aunt Bee (, September 03, 2000.
kite - Benjamin Franklin
-- cin (cin@cinn.cin), September 03, 2000.
benjamin franklin/fool with a kite
-- Futureshock (gray@matter.think), September 03, 2000.
Fool on the hill
-- flora (***@__._), September 03, 2000.
{come on, Andy Ray, you can use the same answer over on this one}
-- flora (***@__._), September 03, 2000.
-- (, September 03, 2000.
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), September 03, 2000.
Golf/ in the kingdom
-- Oxy (, September 03, 2000.
-- Peg's Evil Twin (too@much .spam), September 03, 2000.
come - hither
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), September 03, 2000.
-- Grace (, September 04, 2000.
slither - slatherAre we being psycho-analyzed btw? Please be sure to post the results, so that we know how disturbed we are. =)
-- cin (cin@cinn.cin), September 04, 2000.
-- Lars (, September 04, 2000.
Burma Shave
-- flora (***@__._), September 04, 2000.
Burma Shave/Whiskers
-- Grace (, September 04, 2000.
-- (, September 04, 2000.
hicky - tickles
-- cin (cin@cinn.cin), September 05, 2000.
-- Peg (too@much.spam), September 05, 2000.
-- flora (***@__._), September 05, 2000.
-- Lars (, September 06, 2000.
-- Peg (too@much.spam), September 06, 2000.
-- Lars (, September 07, 2000.
-- cin (cin@=0.)), September 08, 2000.
-- Aunt Bee (, September 08, 2000.
-- icognito (, September 08, 2000.
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), September 08, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 08, 2000.
-- Peg (too@much.spam), September 08, 2000.
cheese - fastball
-- Bingo1 (, September 08, 2000.
-- consumer (, September 08, 2000.
handball - synagogue
-- Bingo1 (, September 08, 2000.
synagogue/spellcheck (4 me)
-- consumer (, September 08, 2000.
-- Peg (too@much.spam), September 08, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 08, 2000.
-- Peg (too@much.spam), September 08, 2000.
backgammon (which i love but haven't played for ages.)
-- cin (cin@=0.)), September 08, 2000.
chess - eve
-- Bingo1 (, September 08, 2000.
-- eve (, September 08, 2000.
beautiful - eve(stalemate)
-- Bingo1 (, September 08, 2000.
-- Peg (too@much.spam), September 08, 2000.
eve-narcissisticchristmas-warm & pine
-- that guy (annoys@me.sometimes), September 08, 2000. we have two.narcissistic/ego
warm & pine/wood stove
-- Peg (too@much.spam), September 08, 2000.
ego= ease God outwoodstove = y2k (kidding)
-- consumer (, September 08, 2000.
ease God out - foolwoodstove - hearth
-- cin (cin@=0.)), September 08, 2000.
that guy,Please realize that my little post you refer to was said with tongue planted firmly in cheek. That's why I put the grin there. I'm really not a narcissistic type.
fool/gold hearth/home
-- eve (, September 08, 2000.
...but thank you Bingo, anyway...:)
-- eve (, September 08, 2000.
-- Grace (, September 10, 2000.
love - unconditional
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), September 10, 2000.
-- Grace (, September 11, 2000.
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), September 11, 2000.
Missing Persons
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 11, 2000.
-- flora (***@__._), September 11, 2000.
vanished/thin air
-- Grace (, September 11, 2000.
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), September 11, 2000.
-- Grace (, September 12, 2000.
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), September 12, 2000.
[great word cin}billowy - fabric {kinda like Marilyn Monroe's dress}
-- flora (***@__._), September 12, 2000.
-- Debra (, September 12, 2000.
cotton to / affection
-- flora (***@__._), September 12, 2000.
(note to self: I will not psychoanalyze...I will not psychoanalyze)affection/affliction
-- Grace (, September 13, 2000.
afflction/a flick, "Shane"
-- Lars (, September 13, 2000.
-- Aunt Bee (, September 13, 2000.
remedy/CURE, (yes thats the ticket)
-- consumer (, September 13, 2000.
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), September 13, 2000.
-- Lars (, September 13, 2000.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 13, 2000.
provolone (yum!)
-- cin (cin@=0.)), September 13, 2000.
recluse in utah
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), September 13, 2000.
Utah/polygamy(FS-is Carl Malone a recluse?)
-- Lars (, September 14, 2000.
Dagnabbit Lars! You beat me -I thought it was a species of spider
-- flora (***@__._), September 14, 2000.
{I've simmered down now, back to the game...}polygamy/monogamy
-- flora (***@__._), September 14, 2000.
-- Lars (, September 14, 2000.
diana ross
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), September 14, 2000.
diana ross/fright wig
-- Grace (, September 15, 2000.
fright wig/right wing
-- Debra (, September 15, 2000.
right wing/conspiracy )(couldnt resist)
-- consumer (, September 15, 2000.
conspiracy - whispers
-- Bingo1 (, September 15, 2000.
-- consumer (, September 15, 2000.
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), September 15, 2000.
seashell/conch (conch potato/)
-- (, September 15, 2000.
-- Aunt Bee (, September 16, 2000.
-- flora (***@__._), September 16, 2000.
-- cin (cin@=0).cin), September 16, 2000.
-- flora (***@__._), September 17, 2000.
-- a (, September 17, 2000.
Haha no one came in here for a while so the word association would be...EMPTY,
-- Bob Potsmoker (, February 19, 2002.