Bilderberg Summit Agenda Leaked... MUST READING! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Bilderberg 'Summit' Agenda Allegedly Leaked 5-29-99 Note - John Whitley, Editor of the New World Order Intelligence Update, is one of Jeff's regular guest political analysts. You can hear his appearances via our program Archives 24 hours a day.

The News is today publishing, for the first time anywhere in the world, reliable indications of the agenda items for this year's meeting. The items on the agenda should however be treated as "tentative" and "flexible", and confirmation from the group itself is not possible due to its secretive nature.

John K. Whitley, an internationally respected researcher into the Bilderberg movement, has sent us what is reliably believed to be the Sintra agenda. The items are as credible as they can be at this late stage and, bearing in mind the secrecy of this group, it could have been already altered somewhat since the last contact was made with a Bilderberger insider. The entire agenda will be printed in the Toronto-based New World Order Intelligence Update later this week at

The first point open for discussion in Sintra will be the review of the progress being made in the formation of an Asian bloc under the leadership of Japan. Free trade, a single currency and a political union similar to the European Union is planned for the region. The installation of an American Union is up for discussion, this being similar to the E.U, with a quick review of the scheduled splintering of Canada. This theme was originally scheduled for discussion in 1997, though the proposed break-up of Canada has been reportedly facilitated by the presence of a Canadian media magnate and alleged Bilderberger.

Next on the agenda, and more contemporary, is the Kosovo war. The Bilderberg meeting will include discussions on the formation of a greater Albanian state following "trusteeship" of an "independent" Kosovo, the dismemberment of Yugoslavia (by the return of its northern province, which has 350,000 ethnic Hungarians, to Hungary) as part of a general re-drawing of borders in the region (calculated to continue regional instability and conflict), and the reconstruction worth billions of dollars of the destroyed regional infrastructure at western tax payers' expense.

Another item is the ultimate replacement of NATO with a Western European Army, probably sooner than later due to the bad press NATO has endured over this current campaign. Efforts will be made to speed up the transformation of the W.E.U into a credible European military force initially relying on American back up. This will complete American military disengagement from Western Europe and leave US forces available for wider global policing, if necessary, with W.E.U. backup in return (first reported on the Bilderberg plan in the 1996 Bilderberg report). The key point here is that the Bilderbergers win no matter what happens to NATO - if it survives a little longer, they can use it as an emergency global police force; if it loses credibility over the Kosovo affair, then they just accelerate its replacement in Europe with the W.E.U. which they planned on doing anyway.

Bilderbergers are said to be extremely concerned about the global impact of, and opportunities offered by, the Y2K problem (which the Bilderbergers believe to be far worse than many people have realised). The alleged presence of Bill Gates at the Sintra meeting may substantiate this claim. On the possible appointment of a Y2K Czar to oversee global passage through the "Y2K Emergency" (one name repeatedly coming up as the most likely candidate here is Mikhail Gorbachev, whose international standing would win him ready acceptance).

Other key topics so far are said to be some oil items and financial affairs (IMF, U.S. economy and stock market, gold market manipulation).

With the meeting now only a few days away, nothing has appeared in the Portuguese, European or international media, though the internet is 'alive' with speculation. One international press agency in Lisbon is reported to have said that it has been waiting for the international press to request stories or photos, yet so far not one single request has been received from anywhere.

The wall of silence remains impregnable - almost!

Stop Press:

As The News went to press on Thursday we received two additional agenda items from John Whitley.

1. Preparation for a "mid-East peace settlement" (ie - the declaration of a Palestinian State and the final disposition of Jerusalem - quote: "The results for Israel will not be good.") This explains the heavy emphasis on Israeli and international Jewish representation, plus the attendance of key representatives of Arab regimes which are implacably opposed to Israel - quote: "The deal on Jerusalem has already been done, and the Golan issue is being ironed out right now."

2. Global taxation in support of the UN, as the emerging "global governance" centre, to begin with a world-wide tax on e-commerce (this may be why the CEO's of so many key computer companies, including Bill Gates, are in attendance) and to be followed by an individual direct tax collected on the UN's behalf by national governments. __________

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-- Andy (, May 30, 1999


Global taxation in support of the UN, as the emerging "global governance" centre, to begin with a world-wide tax on e-commerce


-- Andy (, May 30, 1999.

"Preparation for a "mid-East peace settlement" (ie - the declaration of a Palestinian State and the final disposition of Jerusalem - quote: "The results for Israel will not be good.")"

The mighty of the nations can plot and scheme, but God's purpose will stand. Jerusalem is His city, and He has given it to Israel.

ZECHARIAH 12:2 "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. 3 And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it." (NKJV)

-- Zechariah (zechariah@ch.12), May 30, 1999.

thanks, andy, for posting the News article, page 2. notice the 3rd paragraph of the article, which starts "the first point...". you will see the first point to be discussed involves a "scheduled" breakup of canada. that was the part that made me go ballistic, which is something you will rarely see, believe me.

-- jocelyne slough (, May 30, 1999.

andy, i notice that they speculate the CEOs of computer companies are there to discuss the proposed world-wide tax on e-commerce. but the news article says y2k is on the agenda, so they might all be there for y2k, not taxation.

-- jocelyne slough (, May 30, 1999.

Andy- Since you have previuosly provided a link to Nostradamus prophecies, did you notice quatrain related to possible terrorist attack at a meeting of several european countries. This meeting may me related to european currency issues etc... Do you think this could relate to Bilderburg conference?

-- Gia (, May 30, 1999.


the break up of Canada is a done deal - you really need to listen to John Whitley (a Brit based in Canada) - he can be found in the archives... also he is well up on the plans for the USA...


Not sure which quatrain you are talking about - do you have the number (I have a book here beside me) - for sure many people would like to see the meeting and all participants blown up...

-- Andy (, May 30, 1999.

I KNEW IT!!! See my post from over two months ago, when I predicted the NWO would move next to create single currencies for the Americas and the Asian continent.

previous post

The article regarding Latin America in that post is now defunct, so here is an update, reported today by CNN:

NWO banks will very soon control the monetary activities of the entire American continent!

Side note for Donna "Breathe-easy", if you're still lurking out there,

You said: "This is BS. They cannot and will not effect my community...why are you posting this on a Y2K forum? Breathe. I think Y2K will be a 5-8 on a 10 scale, and I'm breathing...relax......prepare."

I think that Andy's post should answer your earlier question;

"Bilderbergers are said to be extremely concerned about the global impact of, and opportunities offered by, the Y2K problem.."

So it seems as though these very same individuals who are engineering their ultimate control of a single global currency, are in fact VERY interested in the opportunities which will arise due to Y2K.

I more than anyone realize that for many of us, this is not an easy concept to swallow, but it is nonetheless, a reality which we must learn to deal with. So keep breathing easy, but don't bury your head.

-- @ (@@@.@), May 30, 1999.

Andy- Not sure how it would be listed in your book. Was listed as II.39 at: http://web . Hope this is some help.

-- Gia (, May 30, 1999.


I'm at work now and don't have the book, the link doesn't seem to work, any chance you could paste it in? Elsi I'll take a dekko tomerrow. Thanks for the heads-up!

-- Andy (, May 30, 1999.


-- @ (@@@.@), May 30, 1999.

Thanks @,

this is the quatrain,

II.39 A tragic accident shall happen one year before the WW III.

Un an devant le conflit Italique Germain, Gaulois, Espagnols pour le fort Cherra l'escole maison de republic Ou, hors mis peu, seront suffoquez morts


An: year; devant: before; fort: strength, powerful man; cherra (cherir): cherish; nurse; escole: school; maison: house; hors: outside; suffoquer: to suffocate.

One year before Italian conflict Germany, France, and Spain through a strong mediator Nurture the school house of the Republic Oh, except a few, most shall die a suffocated death

COMMENT: One year before the invasion on Italian soil, Germany, France, and Spain during an international conference or summit in oder to save the European Economic Community from collapsing or to inaugurate a research center, European economy shall collapse or the conference site is sabotaged by terrorists, killing most the attendants. A difficult prophecy shall be obvious when the event actually happen.

-- Andy (, May 30, 1999.

The establishment of the U.N. was hailed by the Pope as "the political representation of the kingdom of God on earth..." What is the truth regarding the U.N., and it's predecessor, the League of Nations? For the truth....just ask... In the Bible, in the book of Daniel, and in Revelation, the nations are depicted as wild beasts...and they certainly are...since they crush and abuse people...kill without mercy to keep themselves alive.

What the U.N.? and what is the eventful final move that will trigger Armageddon? The Bildeberger movement, and whoever else is in power...will go after organized religion..."the harlot that sits on the wild beast" and that will be the start of the end of this system of things....apparently we are precariously close.. want to know more....? If interested, e-mail me, or better yet...listen to one of Jehovah's Witnesses next time he comes will be amazed if you keep an open mind...and heart..

-- rick shade (, May 31, 1999.

It is my understanding that the Vatican has already been "compromised" by the NWO for want of a better term.

-- Andy (, May 31, 1999.

"It is my understanding that the Vatican has already been "compromised" by the NWO for want of a better term. "

Hasn't the Roman Catholic Church always had a "global" scope?

-- Anonymous99 (, May 31, 1999.


read Malachi Martin's work for details...

-- Andy (, May 31, 1999.

If the Bilderbergers get blown up by terrorists, they'll be hamburger. With extra fries.

-- dinosaur (, May 31, 1999.


I love that idea, pretty funny too! Unfortunately I think that most of the terrorists are employed by the Bildebergers. Those who would really like to have a barbeque can't get close enough to the "bergers" and don't have the equipment to broil them!

-- @ (@@@.@), May 31, 1999.

Inside job.

-- (, May 31, 1999.

Son of Dust- It would have to be. I can't picture gatecrashers at this party.

-- Gia (, May 31, 1999.

The Catholic Church was the only notable group to oppose the UN resolution to provide abortion.

If Pope John Paul were in with the NWO people, why did the communists (Soviet Union via Bulgaria) arrange for the failed assasination attempt?

I would be more concerned by the possibility of any NWO attempts to infiltrate the Church than by the suggestion that the Pope is one of "them".

-- GA Russell (, June 01, 1999.


just repeating what I've heard from various (dissimilar) sources - most notably the Jesuit Priest Father Malachi Martin.

-- Andy (, June 01, 1999.

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