Invar will be missed.....and the fear will grow : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I only hope all of us remember, that as the world continues to become more and more unstable, we must not forget that, in the end....we all die. The governments could never prevent that, so why worry about them so much? For sure, this need not be a post about what we ought to believe. But I am sure all of us, or most anyway...know we were created. And surely God is watching. We can only completely control what we individually do, and can also have a profound effect on those around us. But what should be our primary goal? To save ourselves? From what? We can't be sure what is coming, though we all have a feeling about things.. The fear will grow, and panic will soon start. What should be our pattern and what should we do? We should continue to consider the other person. Do the right things. And rely on our Creator. He will not leave us, no matter what. "they become faint out of fear of the things coming upon the inhabited earth...." need not be our response. "As you see these things occuring, raise yourselves erect, because your deliverance is getting near" I am talking about the incoming Kingdom of God of man-made government will survive. So what is really important? Y2K? China's nuclear capabilities? Our relationship with the Creator is the most important thing we can consider...and when that is strengthened, then fear is cast aside, as it always excercizes a restraint anyway...

-- rick shade (, May 27, 1999


EXCUUUUUSE MEEE???!! Speak for yourself please, pal. I will miss Invar like I'd miss a terminal case of hemmoroids!

-- @ (@@@.@), May 27, 1999.


You are a terminal case of hemmoroids!

-- CT (ct@no.yr), May 27, 1999.

Once again @ shows himself for the butthead he is.

Rick, I hear you, I'm not concerned for myself, but my daughters are both in their very early 20's and I hate to see something like this come upon them in the prime of their life.

-- Nikoli Krushev (, May 27, 1999.

Did I miss something, and I do miss Invar.

-- R. Wright (, May 27, 1999.

Yep Rick - did I miss something???

We all need to follow the golden rule, to be the best we can be, to look out for others. Yep we're all on this planet for a limited time so make the most of it. I could say a lot moe but this is not the time or place - suffice it to say that we are all here for a reason, up to each of us to find out why...


-- Andy (, May 27, 1999.

Nikoli said: I hate to see something like this come upon them in the prime of their life.

see _what_ come upon them?

-- huh? (dazed@con.fused), May 27, 1999.

See INVARS goodbye post on "y2k is the least of our problems"

-- Nikoli Krushev (, May 28, 1999.

As the late Willie Dixon once told me: "Friend, we a short time here and a long time gone" implying make the most of every day ya got 'cause when the final whistle blows you may suddenly realize you haven't had nearly enough after all.

-- Yan (, May 28, 1999.

Yeah, INVAR was a great guy, and he was right on the money with a lot of things too... We'll miss you man! I hope you come around from time to time! Good luck!

-- Crono (, May 28, 1999.

CryiNg iS DIeteR NOw!!!!!! WEePIng unCONTRoLLabLY!!!! wOE is dE WeLt WheN MisSIng iS INvAR, Is THis nOt sO??????? JACkalS WEEp fOR InvAR And hIS LEgioNS Of dOOm!!!!!! hAVE wE NoT BROugHT THis pLagUE UpoN OursELveS?????????? YeA SAyS dietRe!!!!!! We aRE nOT of THe haRD ENouGH coRE!!!!!! weAK aRE WE!!!!!! acURSeD And weAk!!!!! wE LivE ToO LARgeLY, ENjoYInG OF thE MAny cOMFORTs aRe wE!!!!!! DooMEd I saY, DOOmed!!!!!!! Go yE, aND PRostrATe yOUrselVEs!!!!!!!! bEg Of Ye Of foRGIVeneSS!!!!!!! oF THe moMENt immEDIatE!!!!!!

And The fEar!!!!! The feAr!!!!!! Oh gOd, heLp diETer!!!!!!!! hElp hIm i saY!!!!!!!!

THe fEAr!!!!!!!

-- Dieter (, May 28, 1999.

Invar will survive. However, those harboring fear will suffer great emotional distress. Do not let fear defeat you! Stick courage in your heart and proceed boldly! This economic prosperity will not last!

-- dinosaur (, May 28, 1999.


You need something for that fear little one. Lighten up. Try... bug39.asp

Or something to really FEAR (1st one)... bug12.asp

See also...

INVARs latest post...

Y2K is the LEAST of our will only make a bad situation WORSE. 000se3

-- Diane J. Squire (, May 29, 1999.

Is this Sweeps Week on the Forum, or what?

DiETer -- you're going for the "Yourdie", right? (You've always had MY vote, anyway.)

I just don't think Mike Myers can play you anymore -- you've outgrown mere comedy -- and I know you're going for a Brando, or similar. But I think we've gotta get down a little nitty-grittier. Could it be Malkovich? Can he do the accent? Kevin Spacey better... Any ideas, D-Man? Call me.

-- jor-el (, May 29, 1999.

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