Hey, Dieter! Where are you?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


-- wondering (enquiringminds@wanttoknow.com), May 19, 1999


WHAt????? aRE YoU TeLLinG DIetER THaT SOmE PEopLE DO'nT WEaR THeM EVeRYwhERe tHEy gO?????? IDioTS!!!!! diETeR WEaRS HiS ALwaYS, DOeS HE Not?????? iN The shoWEr?????? OF couRSE jaCKALs!!!!! evEN THOugH DIetER's HELmeT MakeS IT TOUgh fOr diETER tO SEe otHErS ABovE THe neCKLIne, hE IS NevER WIthOUt iT!!!!! whY????? BecAUsE YOu Are ALL CraZy!!!!! LAugHINg at DIetER ALWayS!!!!! JACkassES!!!!

-- Dieter (questions@toask.com), May 19, 1999.

-- Tracker (of@dieter.inc), May 19, 1999.

He also showed up on the "Compact" thread.

(a little shameless promotion never hurts)


compact thread

-- Chuck, a night driver (rienzoo@en.com), May 20, 1999.

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