marriage to a Catholic after divorce to non-Catholic : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

My question is this, I am catholic and was married to a non-religious man. Much to my parents disapproval, we were married out side of the catholic church in a civil ceremony. We have two children together. He became involved in pornography, excessive drinking, gambling and had an affair with a married woman. He filed for divorce from me and left me and our children. I have since met an amazing catholic man. We would one day like to be married. However, how can we get married in the catholic church. What do I need to do? Thank you.

-- kathleen bailey (, March 12, 2005


Response to marraige to a catholic after divorce to non catholic

1st - Go see your pastor and tell him what you just told us.

2nd - Petition for a Declaration of Nullity for your first marriage on the grounds of Lack of Canonical Form. It is usually a simple and painless process. May only take a couple of days.

-- Fr. Paul (, March 12, 2005.

Response to marraige to a catholic after divorce to non catholic

And, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, confess (to the same priest or another) what you have done, so that you may be forgiven and permitted to receive other Sacraments (Holy Communion and Marriage).

God will reward you for returning to Him and wanting to do the right thing.

-- (, March 13, 2005.

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