Annulments and Baptism : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Quite awhile back I attended RCIA classes with the full intent of becoming baptised. It was stopped because of my previous marriages needing to be annuled. I am now divorced again. I guess my question is, do I need to get my marriages annuled before being baptised? Doesn't make sense to me. Can sure se some guidence on this. Are there other requirements that I don't know about?

-- Mikel Deam Krause (, March 12, 2005


This is entirely a guess, but I would simply imagine that any priest would want you disposed to faithfully attempting to be a Catholic before he would be willing to Baptize you.


-- KARL (, March 12, 2005.

Another guess, but I would think that Baptism would not be withheld until your previous marriages were annulled, however, you would definitely not be allowed to be married in the church until they were.

-- Lori (, March 12, 2005.

Lori is correct. As long as you are at least trying to live a virtuous life, you can be baptised.

If at any point you do seek to remarry, both of the former ones would need to be investigated for validity first. If either were found not found to be invalid, you would not be free to remarry.

-- Fr. Paul (, March 12, 2005.

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