March 11 -- today's saints and blesseds : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread


On March 11, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

St. Alberta of Agen (martyred by beheading c. 286)
St. Angus the Culdee of Clonenagh (Irish, abbot, c. 830)
Holy Martyrs of Antioch (Syrian, many martyred [set on red-hot gridirons] c. 300)
St. Aurea of San Millan [also known as Amunia] (Spanish, Benedictine hermitess, daughter of St. Amunia, died at about age 27 in 1069)
St. Benedict Crispus of Milan (Italian, archbishop for 45 years, d. 725)
Sts. Candidus, Piperion, and twenty companions (North African, martyred c. 259)
Bl. Christopher Macassoli of Milan [Cristoforo] (Italian, Franciscan friar, d. 1485 [beatified 1890])
St. Constantine of Crail (Scottish, prince, martyred by Danish pagans in 874)
St. Constantine of Cornwall (British, missionary to Scottish Picts, martyred c. 598)
St. Constantine of Carthage (North African, priest, early martyr)
St. Eulogius of Cordoba (Spanish, nobleman, priest, scourged and martyred [beheaded] by Moslems in 859)
St. Euthymius of Sardis (Lydian [from part of what is now Turkey], bishop, martyred [scourged to death] by iconoclasts c. 840)
St. Firmian of Fermo (Italian, Benedictine abbot, c. 1020)
St. Firminus of Amiens (French, abbot)
Sts. Gorgonius and Firmus (Middle Eastern, martyred in 3rd century)
Sts. Heraclius and Zosimus of Carthage (North African [from what is now Tunisia], martyred c. 263)
Bl. John the Baptist Righi of Fabriano [Giovanni Battista] (Italian, Franciscan hermit, died at about age 70 in 1539 [beatified 1903])
St. Peter of Babuco (Spanish, hermit in Italy)
St. Sophronius the Sophist of Damascus (Syrian, patriarch [archbishop] of Jerusalem, ecclesiastical writer, opponent of Monothelite heresy, died at Jerusalem or Alexandria in 639)
Bl. Thomas Atkinson of East Riding (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under James I in 1616 [beatified 1987])
Sts. Trophimus and Thalus of Laodicea (Syrian, martyred by crucifixion c. 300)
St. Vigilius of Auxerre (French, bishop, martyred in 685)
St. Vindician of Bullecourt (French, bishop of Arras-Cambrai, died in Belgium at about age 80 in 712)

If you have anything to share about these holy people, please reply now -- biographical episodes, prayers through their intercession, the fact that one is your patron -- whatever moves you. If you are interested in one of these saints or blesseds and want to find out more about him/her, please ask. Additional information is sometimes available on the Internet.

All you holy men and women, saints of God, pray for us.
God bless you.

-- J. F. Gecik (", March 11, 2005


-- (", March 11, 2005.

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