C of G decals

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I'm scratchbuilding the 'Fort Mitchell' combine using an old Herkimer car. I'm removing the 'skirts' to look as it did when it was with the Southern Railway. I cant' seem to find any decals that refer to 'Fort Mitchell'. My question is does anyone make decals for this car? Thanks RDC

-- Robert Daniel Cashwell (rdcsouthern1@earthlink.net), March 11, 2005



Lettering for the Fort Mitchell (as well as the Central's other Budd passenger cars and the blue/gray cars) can be found in Microscale decal set 87-1126. These sets were printed utilizing artwork produced by the Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society.

The set is designed to properly letter the CofGa's passenger cars prior to the 1963 takeover by Southern. Although the "Southern" road name is not included in the set, the Fort Mitchell name is.

Also, the Society has a Fort Mitchell kit produced exclusively for us by NKP Car Company. The kit includes a Train Station Products Budd core kit, and nickle plated metal car sides, as well as separate car name and car number boards. It's available at the Society's online store or at any of the train shows we attend.

Allen Tuten President CGRHS

-- Allen Tuten (Allen@cofg.org), March 12, 2005.

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