NINE ARTICLES : LUSENET : Ask Jesus : One Thread

Below are nine artucles

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), March 09, 2005


To thee Oh Lord do we trust and turn, and in thee do we commit ourselves, and offer form this day our lives.These artckes to do Oh Lord, taken form thy sacred word, and given through thy servents, we must oerfom, and so we sware.

These nine articles oh Lord, they are thine.

1: To live a life for thee, and not worship idols or place others before thee, for thou art the most important of all, and the focus of all we do. so we shall love thee Oh Lord, fully and completley, and Love thee truely.

2: To be kind to all, and lvoe our neighbour, for loving our neighbours as our bretheren causes advancement of our bretheren and through them for ourselves and our society. it spreads peace and cheer, and decreaes wickedness and pain. Further, they, as we, are thy creaitons, and shoidl be given their respect.

3: To be true in all things, and seek honesty. for lies and falsehood obscure reaosn and truth, and elad to a destruction of trust, and after his, a desturction of the soul. No good end cometh of a lie.

4: To be virtuous, and to not act unseemly, to do for others what needs be done cheerfully, and to perform more htna is expected f us. for this end shall we be established, we and all our bretheren, for each act of virtue to them will resiprocate acts of love in return.

5: To be friends with our enemies, even so to protect ourselves, we shall not spite or curse them, for this leads only to a continuation of aggression.

6: To seek to respect others boundaries, and not to cross them unduely.

7: To lead holy lives. for holiness is what all are claled ot do as children of God.

8: To live a life of chastity, for fornicaigon, adultery, and all manner of pervwerison, bringeth desturction of body and soul.

9: To seek wisdom, and understanding, and all manner of Knwoeldge, for this is the principle thing, and the cheifest concern for man, and is the most important of all tasks, for with this, all the above shall be made easy.

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), March 09, 2005.

Sweet article, Zarove. :)

-- temple (, March 09, 2005.

fornication is good(in some cases)

-- sdqa (sdqa@sdqa.Com), March 09, 2005.

How can that be, SDQA..?

What is good about it..?

-- temple (, March 09, 2005.

He only thonks of the Physical pleasure of the act, and forgets th elong term effects, even having exweirneced crfushign pain for himself. he is young and nieve. when he is older he will relaise how useless he makes sex throg fornicaiton, an dby then it shall be too late to get good sex...

He's sellign hsi uture short.

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), March 09, 2005.

After all, SQQ did it and felt physical pelasujre, so tis nto a sin, he said so. Logn term effects are also to be ignored...

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), March 09, 2005.

alright.. So SDQA, ive got a good question. Zarove said youve already done it.. so im assuming you have. I remember you were grief-stricken for a girl.. so im assuming youve done it with her..

Ask yourself this.. do you think her leaving you would hurt that much if you guys havent done it..? :)

I know the feeling of "making love" is uncomparable.. but it is only beautiful and meaningful if you know youre gonna be with the same person for the rest of your life. Its a special bond. I know its not that way with the vast majority of people, but thats only because they treat it that way.. not because its not special.

In some "friends with benefits" cases i know - girls even still find themselves emotionally leeching onto their "friend" even if she agreed not to. Why? Its important to the girl, its a matter of allowing him to enter her. It shouldnt be about orgasm, or having already done it... but about 2 people sharing their bodies to each other.

it is that special. :)


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-- temple (, March 09, 2005.

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