Interactive menus with Nero Burning ROM v. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I tried checking the checkbox the says 'Use CD-i application' but I still cannot click on the items, nor do I see anywhere to configure which links go where. The only menu I can make is a that has thumnbnails and chapter numbers for video clips. If I'm unable to make this VCD have interactive menus, would there be any chance I can use a CD-RW drive to make a DVD? Thanks in advance for your responses.
-- Joseph Ravinson (, March 05, 2005
VCD doesn't really support interactive menus. It only officially supports primitive text menus. I have never made a VCD menu with anything, so I can't help you there. No, you can't use a CD-RW drive to burn a DVD, although you can burn DVD format to CD-R discs. Just understand that most standalone DVD players will refuse to play the discs. It's a long story, but most players don't realize that CD-R discs might contain DVD format, so they never check for it. You don't get much recording time on CD-R discs either. An 80 minute CD-R disc will hold about 23 minutes of DVD format video with a constant bit rate of 3700 Mbps. 3700 Mbps is a fairly low bit rate for DVD.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), March 07, 2005.
Thanks for your answer...I didn't think you could burn DVDs with a CD-RW drive, but just wanted to make sure. Thanks!
-- Joseph Ravinson (, March 07, 2005.