Was there ever a CofG 'A-B-A ' style lash up?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I think I know the answer to this, but were there ever any 'A-B'A' lash ups of Es or Fs on the Central? How about after the take-over by SR...were any B units ever even on the property? (I'm assuming not.)

-- greg hodges (lynnhodges@earthlink.net), March 04, 2005


I believe it was common for the City of Miami to have an A-B-A set of Illinois Central E units. And after June 1963, Southern B units were used; between Griffin and Chattanooga as early as spring 1964 (I'm fairly certain without digging out the documentation).

-- David Payne (DavidCofGa@aol.com), March 04, 2005.

Greg, The C of G never owned any B units so a true CG A-B-A lashup never happened. But as the saying goes never say never, it might have happened after 63' and I know at least one time the Central leased some Frisco power but I'm not sure what they got from them. Todd Horton

-- Todd Horton (centga@aol.com), March 04, 2005.

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