Jews must turn to Protestants for salvation : LUSENET : Ask Jesus : One Thread

The catholic church ha given up bringing Jews to Christ. I supppose that now the Protestant churches are their last hope of salvation. go get 'em.

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: Don't evangelize Jews The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement Monday saying that Catholics should evangelize non-Christians—but not Jews. "The command of the Resurrected Jesus in Matthew 28:19 to make disciples 'of all nations' means that the Church must bear witness in the world to the Good News of Christ so as to prepare the world for the fullness of the kingdom of God," says Reflections on Covenant and Mission.

However, this evangelizing task no longer includes the wish to absorb the Jewish faith into Christianity and so end the distinctive witness of Jews to God in human history. Thus, while the Catholic Church regards the saving act of Christ as central to the process of human salvation for all, it also acknowledges that Jews already dwell in a saving covenant with God. The Catholic Church must always evangelize and will always witness to its faith in the presence of God's kingdom in Jesus Christ to Jews and to all other people.

-- TC (, February 21, 2005


Response to Jews must turn to Protestants for salvtion


-- TC (, February 21, 2005.

Response to Jews must turn to Protestants for salvtion

When I spoke with Father Malachi Martin about the heretical antipope of the apostasy in the Third Secret, Father Malachi's response was, "Were it only that." The antipope and his apostate collaborators will be (as Sister Lucy calls them) partisans of the devil (os partidarios do demonio) "who work for evil and fear nothing."1 It is these "partisans of the devil" who constitute the "third of the stars of Heaven" swept down by the tail of the dragon. These men who masquerade as ‘Catholic’ clergy are secret members of the sect and are consecrated to the devil. They will gain control over the Vatican apparatus and establish the ‘Catholic’ branch of a new ecumenical world religion. Their counterfeit ‘church’ will be Catholic in name only. It will form the ‘Catholic’ part of the established and compulsory religion of the New World Order. True Catholicism will be outlawed, and the remnant of faithful Catholics will be subjected to the most ferocious persecution that there will have ever been in the history of the world.

Catholics will not be welcome in the Civilization of Love: the exclusivism of their dogmas (such as extra ecclesiam nulla salus, i.e. "Outside the Church there is no salvation") will cause them to be viewed as dangerous ‘fanatics’ and ‘terrorists’ — a mortal threat to the ecumenical unity and ‘peace’ of the New World Order. Thus, the real Catholic Church will be treated as an outlaw organization, and a threat to world peace. The Church's status will therefore be the same as it was during the Roman persecutions, when the Church was viewed as a subversive and criminal organization. There will be penal laws enacted to punish non-conformist practitioners of ‘outmoded’ pre-conciliar forms of religion that threaten world ‘peace’ (the neo-pagan ecumenical order of the Civilization of Love) by their divisive attachment to dogmatic exclusivism which (it is already alleged) leads to inquisitional ‘persecutions’ and religious wars and crusades.

-- TC (, February 21, 2005.

Response to Jews must turn to Protestants for salvtion

And aparelty hey need to look ot hem for beter manners. Check out the Olde English Bibels thread...

Midn you, it wasnt even abot theology, its about HISTORY.

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), February 21, 2005.

Response to Jews must turn to Protestants for salvtion

Isn't th 8. e question of John Paul's papacy a mere matter of opinion? Absolutely not. Our eternal salvation depends upon our submission to the Roman Pontiff. Therefore the question of John Paul's papacy is of supreme importance, and we must resolve our consciences about it one way or the other. If we conclude that Vatican II contradicts the teaching of the Church, then we must reject John Paul II as a true pope. If we conclude that Vatican II is not a substantial alteration of the Catholic Faith, then we must accept him as a true pope, and follow what he commands us to do. A Catholic who is indifferent as to whether he is the pope or not is no Catholic at all. Rather he has the spirit of schism and of repudiation of authority. In the Great Western Schism, in which there were three claimants to the papal throne, St. Vincent Ferrer condemned those who were indifferent as to who was the true Pope.

-- TC (, February 22, 2005.

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