stand alone video cd recorders : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Looking for companies that manufacturer stand alone video cd recorders. Currently recording live karaoke at clubs and giving out vhs tapes. Need a disc format that's quicker than dvd. Thanks

-- Lee Rappaport (, February 10, 2005


Terrapin made one a few years ago. I don't know if you can still get them or not as VCD is really "old school" technology at this point, but you could always do a web search and see. I found this which might be of interest to you: Please note that these types of recorders would likely cost you more than a DVD recorder.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), February 11, 2005.

Thanks for your response to my question. Terrapin Tech still makes stand alone VCD recorders and sells them for about $150.00 -- very cheap. I was hoping to find something more "industrial " for professional use. I do "realtime" mobile video production of music videos, tv commercials, sports and more, as party favors, at parties and other events. Need to produce a disc format but it has to be quick -- no chapters or any need to use menus to start recording. DVD's need too much record prep-time.


-- Lee Rappaport (, February 11, 2005.

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