2-10-2 driver troublegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
Hello Group, I'm working on building a CG 2-10-2. I've got an old brass locomotive frame and drivers. I've got to replace the gear box and here is where the problem comes in. After removing the driver wheel, bearing and the old gear, I reallized that there is no room left to put the axle in my NWSL quartering jig. The 2 bearings, new gear and the gear box has bearings, also. I don't have a way to put the axle assembly in the fixture to set the quarter of the drivers. Has anyone ran into this or know of another approach? Thanks Don W Ivey, Ga.
-- Don Worthy (worthy57@alltel.net), February 03, 2005