the RCC during WW2 : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

"The Roman Catholic Church issued a document "We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah" in 1998-MAR-16. 16 It recognized the relative inactivity and silence of many Roman Catholics during the Nazi Holocaust."

can you please give me proof and references to your source what the RCC has actually done right during WW2?

-- sdqa (, January 29, 2005


"can you please give me proof and references to your source what the RCC has actually done right during WW2? "

-- sdqa, I understand you were educated in Europe however that is no excuse for the continual ignorance you display on some of these issues.

However, I will not Stand here and defend the Catholics, But I WILL Allow the Jewish people to do so for me. Please If you ever are in Washington DC, PLEASE get tickets early and visit the Holocaust museum have a large breakfast first though.

Forget the pictures in the history books, grab hold of the original pictures taken by the Liberators of these camps, talk to the old people about Why they have numeric tatoo's on their forearms. And THEN look at how many HUMANS were killed by Hitler, Stalin, MAO and the other fleebags of human misery and death, and THEN come back and talk to us about the Catholic Church or Any others at that time!

"During the Holocaust era some three (3) million Catholic Poles were also killed, but they were killed not because of their race but rather because they were viewed as subversive to the Nazi Regime."

In the Heart of the Reich

"Even in Germany, Catholic bishops protested the treatment of the Jews. Priests spoke out against Nazism and paid for it with their lives; laymen sheltered Jews.

Hitler came to power in 1933. In December of that year, Cardinal Michael Faulhaber, the "Lion of Munich," delivered a sermon in defense of biblical Judaism. When the persecution escalated, he spoke more directly to the point:

"History teaches us that God always punished the tormenters of…the Jews. No Roman Catholic approves of the persecutions of Jews in Germany."6"

"1. The "Righteous Among the Nations"

-- Michael G. (, January 29, 2005.


-- Jim (, January 29, 2005.


-- GEOFF FARNEY (GEOFF-F@AOL.COM), February 10, 2005.

Geoff, if the refs Michael and Jim gave don’t answer the question sufficiently for you, you obviously refuse to ever be satisfied with any amount of conclusive proof.

Yes the Church “recognized the relative inactivity and silence of many Catholics during the Nazi Holocaust.” Just as today it recognizes and deplores the relative inactivity and silence of many Catholics during the Western abortion holocaust. That doesn’t mean the Church hasn’t done anything "right" re abortion.

-- Steve (, February 10, 2005.

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