Giang Hồ Vùng Lên PalTalk mở đại hội Quần Hùng!! Xin Moi!!!!! : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread |
Ngày 3-2-1945 qủi sứ Việt Cộng hiện hình.
Sắp đến 3-2-2005 -- 75 năm bọn chúng tàn phá quê hương như thế nào.
Giang Hồ Vùng Lên Chết Cha Việt Cộng trong PalTalk đại hội Vỏ Lâm Quần Hùng.
Bất kể thành phần Giai Cấp trong xả hội
Chúng ta họp nhau lại, sử dụng tất cả những ngôn từ mà các bạn có thể tưởng tượng được.
Ngôn ngữ không giới hạn, ngôn ngữ vượt biên giới, vượt đại dương về quốc nội Việtnam.
Mời qúi vị đem theo cuốc để đào mồ cuốc mã tụi ViệtCộng.
Nhất là cái mã thằng Hồ chi Minh .
Giang Hồ Vùng Lên trân trọng kính mời
Trích Từ Trinh Nữ
* Những hình ảnh trong videoclip này đều có xuất xứ từ nhiều kho dữ liệu trên internet và VTV.
Tự Do Hát Mãi Tên Em
Hàn Lệ Nhân
Ý Thơ: Thụy Khanh
Trình bày: Marylinh
Hoà Âm: Gérard Demaiziére
Videoclip: ThinArt
Karaoke:::Tự Do Hát Mãi Tên Em
-- Kẻ Sĩ Bắc Hà (, January 25, 2005
9 tuổi đi bộ đội Bác Hồ. 12 tuổi thành Liệt Sĩ Bác Hồ
-- Kẻ Sĩ Bắc Hà (, January 25, 2005.
-- Du ma' thang` cho' Ho chi' Minh (Du ma thang Ho chi, January 25, 2005.
Cong-San~ la` mot lu~ gian manh va` tan` baoBan' nuoc' Hai dan^ va` hiep^' dam^ tre~ em va` phu nu*~.
-- dit me thang` cong-san~ HO CHI' DEO' (nguoi han cong-san@ho chi, January 25, 2005.
Xin các bạn vào trang web của người Trung Hoa để so sánh nỗi tủi nhục cuả người Trung Hoa và người Việt Nam dưới sự tàn bạo của bọn sán lải cộng sản VC và Tàu cộng :
Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party
0. Introduction More than a decade after the fall of the former Soviet Union and Eastern European communist regimes, the international communist movement has been spurned worldwide. The demise of the Chinese Communist Party is only a matter of time.
1. On What the Communist Party Is This article concerns the impact on the civilization of China of the communist movement and the Communist Party. Looking at the history of China’s last 160 years, nearly one hundred million people have died unnatural deaths and almost all of the traditional Chinese culture and civilization have been destroyed. What have been the consequences, whether the CCP was chosen by the Chinese or it was imposed on China from the outside?
2. On the Beginnings of the Chinese Communist Party Why did the Communist Party emerge, grow and eventually seize power in contemporary China? Did the Chinese people choose the Communist Party? Or, did the Communist Party gang up and force Chinese people to accept it? The CCP has set itself above all, conquering all in its path, thereby bringing endless catastrophe to China.
3. On the Tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party Today the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s violence and abuses are even more severe than those of the tyrannical Qin Dynasty. The CCP’s philosophy is one of “struggle,” and the CCP’s rule has been built upon a series of “class struggles,” “path struggles,” and “ideological struggles,” both in China and toward other nations.
4. On How the Communist Party Is an Anti-Universe Force In the last hundred years, the sudden invasion by the communist specter has created a force against nature and humanity, causing limitless agony and tragedy. It has also pushed civilization to the brink of destruction. It has become an extremely malevolent force against the universe.
5. On the Collusion of Jiang Zemin with the CCP to Persecute Falun Gong Why is Falun Gong, which upholds the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance” and has been promulgated in over 60 countries worldwide, being persecuted only in China, not anywhere else in the world? In this persecution, what is the relationship between Jiang Zemin and the CCP?
6. On How the Chinese Communist Party Destroyed Traditional Culture The CCP has devoted the nation’s resources to destroying China’s rich traditional culture. The CCP’s destruction of Chinese culture has been planned, well organized, and systematic, made possible by the state’s use of violence. Since its establishment, the CCP has never stopped “revolutionizing” Chinese culture in the attempt to completely destroy its spirit.
7. On the Chinese Communist Party’s History of Killing The 55-year history of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is written with blood and lies. The stories behind this bloody history are not only brutally inhumane but also rarely known. Under the rule of the CCP, 60 to 80 million innocent Chinese people have been killed, leaving their broken families behind.
8. On How the Chinese Communist Party Is an Evil Cult The Communist Party is essentially an evil cult that harms mankind. Although the Communist Party has never called itself a religion, it matches every single trait of a religion. At the beginning of its establishment, it regarded Marxism as the absolute truth in the world. It exhorted people to engage in a life-long struggle for the goal of building a “communist heaven on earth.”
9. On the Unscrupulous Nature of the Chinese Communist Party What is most terrifying is that the CCP is going all out to try to destroy the moral foundation of the entire nation, attempting to turn every Chinese national to various degrees into a scoundrel in order to create an environment favorable for the CCP to “advance with time.” It is especially important for us to understand clearly why the CCP acts like scoundrels and to discern its criminal nature.
Hãy so sánh họ có giống ta không ? hãy tự hỏi nếu Chệt cộng đô hộ nước ta thì Chệt cộng sẽ làm gì ? gấn 100 triệu người Trung Hoa đã bị Chệt cọng thảm sát tức tửi .
-- thich du thu (, January 26, 2005.
dong chu map
-- (Sau Bi Da @ SaiGong.Net), January 26, 2005.
dong chu map
-- (Sau Bi Da @ SaiGong.Net), January 26, 2005.
-- (Sau Bi Da @ SaiGong.Net), January 26, 2005.
-- (Sau Bi Da @ SaiGong.Net), January 26, 2005.
Let'see if bold type is gone.
-- (, January 26, 2005.
Khi Trung Cong khong con thi rat tot nhung khong co nghia la Trung quoc se khong muon lay Truong Sa. Mo^.ng dda.i Ha'n da an vao mau cua dan TQ roi. VN qua gan TQ can phai biet choi voi nhieu ban.
-- (, January 26, 2005.
Cách phát Paltalk vào Yahoo room
Trong khi ở Paltalk, các bạn point microphone vào speak đang phát ra từ Paltalk, rôi nhấn Míc của Yahoo chat.
Hoặc lock mic của Yahoo bằng cách download Míc. lock
http://www.geocities.c om/niri_mblr/#mic
Bên đó hàng ngàn người VN trong Yahoo chatroom tha hồ nghe , đừng tốn sức để lý luận với mấy thằng VC và chàng hảng
P/S : nhớ khi vào yahoo room set invisible mode. Lúc đó không ai thấy mình , muốn kick ra hả ráng mà mò đi mấy thằng CA internet
-- Kẻ Sĩ Bắc Hà (, January 26, 2005.