Soldering : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I am new to model railroading AND soldering ! Your site on soldering information is excellent. However I am a little confused on the issue of LIQUID FLUX when soldering. As I understand it, use a dab of LIQUID FLUX first THEN heat with a rosin core solder for final bond ?

Thank you!

-- James Stroika (, January 21, 2005



I'm glad you asked. Do not use rosin core solder when you use liquid flux. Doing so defeats the benefits of the liquid flux. More flux is not better. You will find that the liquid flux works great all by itself. Buy "solid" solder. It isn't hard to find. My local hardware store carries it. You can also order it from places like Digikey and Mouser. I think the source my website recommends for getting the liquid flux also carries solid solder.

-- Allan Gartner (, January 21, 2005.

Yes, the 60/40 that H&N sells serve you well.

You are free to use the liquid flux in any situation that you would use rosin core. But as a practical matter, I only use the liquid flux for soldering feeders to track and feeders to buses. That is where you experience a benefit of the liquid flux that justifies the little bit of extra work it is to use the stuff. Household electrical wire that is frequently used for buses has a coating on it that the liquid flux cuts right through making it a great choice for soldering to buses. I also use it sometimes to solder wires to crimp connectors. For all other uses like soldering decoders, connection to switch machines like Tortises (Torti?), and electronics in general, I just use rosin flux.

-- Allan Gartner (, January 21, 2005.

H & N Electronics sells a solid wire 60/40 solder that requires a flux. Also would you use the FLUX/SOLID WIRE method for other model railroading soldering( say.. wiring a Tortoise ) OR use only for track feeder wiring ?

Thank You !

-- James Stroika (, January 21, 2005.

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