...Bác Hồ hay USA làm dân Hanoi khổ??? .

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread


Tại sao lại chạy theo Tư Bản Mỹ Ngụy "đồi trụy " mà trở nên Good Life :) ai liếm giày ai :)))) (FWD)

Use of AK-47 to fight Read source JUNGLE

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Refugees: Owen's story transcript

"We've grown up in the jungle really, basically our life was in the jungle. If you go into Hanoi during the war there were a lot of dead bodies, which no one touched.

There were no buildings, everything had fallen down and in Hanoi most of our family had no house and no home because the Americans bombed our houses and homes. So everyone fled, the adults either went into the army to fight against the US and the ladies went to be nurses to try and help. Everyone by the time they were 10 or 11 had to be in the army to help the country.

When I lived in the jungle there were so many dying, but we actually grow up not frightened of life because we have already seen the worst things... Owen There were so many people dying on the road so we had no chance of coming back, if we had been in Hanoi at that time we wouldn't be here now, we saw a lot of people die.

My parent, she used to run a shop selling clothing and material, but once the war stared everything was gone. Basically all the people there during that time were empty handed, you couldn't grow any food and you couldn't do anything, so you were lucky to live on a day to day basis.

They rounded up all the children and took them to the jungle near the Chinese border, this was not my parents arranging it but the government so we had no choice if we wanted to live. They just built us little tents, a few hundred of us children, just living in the jungle from one year old to about ten and when you were about eleven and strong enough to hold a gun, they started training you for the front line.

Basically we drank water from the river and just ate berries and greenery from the jungle, if we were lucky we might get some wild life but we just ate plants really. A lot of children died from hunger and disease, there were a lot of bodies unknown whose parents never came back, they had probably died or a lot of parents had no choice but to flee the country to hope to see their children again.

My parent left Vietnam by sea, some people arranged a boat and hundreds of people went in one boat to make the journey to Hong Kong, well, a lot of the journey's never succeeded. A lot of boat people would die or be invaded by other boats on the journey, they would be, robbed, young girls and women would be raped and men killed. My parents capsized near China and the Chinese army helped to send them to Hong Kong and once there they stayed in a refugee camp. Basically they didn't know where they were going but luckily the British were accepting some refugees and she was one of the lucky ones who was allowed to come to the UK.

At the end of the war the government arranged for all the children to go back home and after a few years of looking for my parents who had gone, I managed to find my grandparents. My mother managed to contact us from the UK. All that was in mind was to see my parents, I couldn't dream of anything else, I just wanted to see my parents.

When I came to the UK it was all like a dream, like a fantasy. I was on a plane and I was treated like royalty really because I was a little kid, about nine years old and I made my own journey from Vietnam to the UK. I went to the airport and I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going but a lot of people helped me and I met my mum at Heathrow in 1985.

I went to school and it was brilliant, the teachers were so helpful they taught me so many things and all the English friends I had were so kind. I really miss school now, we are thankful for the people here, for their kindness and kind heart for helping the refugees then. When we come here as refugees, we work, we make a living, we try to be like the British citizens as well. Even now we are still very thankful to the British people, they have given us a life and a hope to life. I have returned to Vietnam a few times and it is so nice to see the country actually standing up and the people happy.

The children actually getting an education and not fear for their lives or their parents lives, they can see their parents, go to school and sit in a class with a computer. Children in our time never saw a pencil or piece of paper, we just played around with stones, we wrote with stones, but now they have personal computers and travel around in cars. In our day we were walking around with no clothes on, it's nice to see that they have a future now. I doubt if I would ever go back to live because I have been brought up in the UK and I have fitted in with the people and lifestyle here. Because we work, we've got used to the way we are, surrounded by kind people and we just like to be a part of it.

We never know, in the future we will be able to help others, when I was a kid I saw a few people from the Red Cross and in my dreams I always wanted to be a part of the Red Cross to help third world countries. I haven't reached that stage yet, but I would love to join the Red Cross and go round and help.

The hardest thing in life for a refugee is leaving family and home behind. All the feelings and memories don't go away, when I was a child all I could see around me at the time was dying bodies, everywhere was blood.

Even when I lived in the jungle there were so many dying, but we actually grow up not frightened of life because we have already seen the worst things. So when we came to England everything seemed to be a fantasy, it was great to be a part of that, me and my family we have got a life. In the future we will try to tell people what we have been through because it is why refugees are so successful now, they work hard and respect life.

-- Ai khởi đầu cho chiến tranh VN ? (ChuyenTriHOINACH@aol.com), January 18, 2005


Response to ...Bác Hồ hay USA làm dân Hanoi khổ??? .

Mat me no dat nuoc, le than ty-nan tren xu nguoi 30 nam nay ma con di hoi mot cau ngay-ngo, vo va vo van, ro chan!

Xin roi ha cha noi?!

-- LeTrungNam (TrungNam@VCHC.org), January 18, 2005.

Response to ...Bác Hồ hay USA làm dân Hanoi khổ??? .


Transcript trên là 1 người dân Hanoi viết rồi họ chạy trốn qua HK và dần dà sau đó được UK cho định cư , câu hỏi là "Ai liếm giày ai "

Xin trả lỡi là Hanoi liếm giày ngoại quốc đấy, các anh cứ chê chúng tôi mất nước 30 năm trong khi các anh có Độc lập Tudo Hạnh phúc thì lại O chịu ở lại gầy dựng 1 VietNam thế mà khen United Kingdom ỏm củ tỏi lên , các anh Hanoi chính là kẻ phản động

-- Do U know how to READ :))))) (ChuyenTriHOINACH@aol.com), January 18, 2005.

Response to ...Bác Hồ hay USA làm dân Hanoi khổ??? .

The thi nhat-tri voi bac CTHN.

Hanoi khong nhung liem giay "My-Nguy", con liem dit Tau phu MaVien, liem l... may dua be gai chung no ban sang Dai-Loan, Kampuchea...!!!

-- LeTrungNam (TrungNam@VCHC.org), January 19, 2005.

Response to ...Bác Hồ hay USA làm dân Hanoi khổ??? .

Thang Vo VAn Kiet la chuyen gia liem l... day

-- chien si diet cong (chiensidietcong@yahoo.com), January 19, 2005.

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