My rant on prison and drug law reform (ie, my opinion of the way it should be) : LUSENET : Anarchy 2 : One Thread

Ok, let's break away from the KOBE/A-B issue to discuss something eles-penology (that's just a word for the science of human incarceration and social rehab) and the ridiculous prohibition on most drugs.

These are my views, original, and not anyone else's. They may seem strict, but so be it.

Prisons should not be plesent experiences for those residing in them. They should consist of 12-14 hrs of labor. They should make a profit, or near unity with their expenses of operation. living accomidations should be austere and spartan in the greatest extreme, but not inhumain (ie, cells shall be heated in the winter only, no AC!!!) There should be no CATV, no Radio, and no Gyms. The inmates shall recieve plenty of exercise through work; labor intensive, physical work. For this, they will recieve three squares a day, and basic medical care, and that's it. If anybody has ever seen the old stereotype of prisoners in chains breaking rocks (an excellent boost for the stone and concrete industries), that is much what I am thinking, as well as other industrial activities, but performed in the old, labourious way, by hand. Chain gangs will perform, at low rates, maintenece and construction projects for transportation infastructure (ie, they will lay asphalt)

If what I am suggesting sounds like a concentration camp, then don't be too suprised. Most prisons of the 19th century were much like this, and the inmates will recieve proper amounts of food and care, unlike the institutions of yore. Remember, prison is supposed to be a punishment, not an all-expense paid living, food and healthcare arrangement.

Ok, how about drugs. The so called "War on Drugs" is a money-eating failure that will never see resolution. It is time to read the writing on the wall and learn from the mistakes made. A few drugs are legal, let's end the prohibition on the rest.

In this way, we can regulate and tax them. And I suggest doing this quite heavily. This is the only way the so called "War on Drugs" would ever be won, that is by legalization and regulation+taxation of these substances.

-- Wes Kinsler (, January 10, 2005


should be no CATV, no Radio, and no Gyms. I see what u mean but this cuts someone off from society if they are inside for 10 yrs. Potentially, making rehabilitation less likely when reentering society. You make strong points on prison, I am not sure if I agree, still a gd post imho.

-- Belphegor (, January 10, 2005.

Are you saying that prisoners can't read? Notice I said nothing about prohibiting newspapers, and other printed media.

-- Wes Kinsler (, January 10, 2005.

I mostly agree. I also think that Belphegor has a point that a total loss of contact with the outside world would make rehabilitation and readjustment that much harder...I don't think it's unreasonable for low-security prisoners who behave well to have a radio to listen to during the **small** amount of free time they should have (a half hour or hour max). Perhaps newspapers as well. As for TV, they don't need it.

OTOH, while prison labor would be a good idea, I also think that prisons should provide counseling with prisoners to get to the root of the problem that landed them there in the first place. Remeber, the primary objective of the prison system needs to be prevention, not punishment. Another good idea that is already in place in some prisons is allowing prisoners to take community college courses from prison or learn a vocational skill, so that they can have something to keep them off the streets once they are realeased. There's no sense in releasing someone from prison only to end up with nothing to do. If they are idle, there is a good chance they will turn to crime again.

-- Anti-Bush (, January 10, 2005.

I thought about reading newspapers after posting. I see nothing wrong with one main tv room prisoners can occasionally visit.

-- Belphegor (, January 10, 2005.

Agreed. You make good points on needing to educate the prisoners in a vocation or trade as part of their rehabilitation.

Perhaps I am thinking too idealistically, and militaristically when thinking of the concept of rehabilitation through learning the value of work and discipline. But, combine these ideas with you idea on education-for skills in a career, and maybe we might have a concept that will work.

I still believe that discipline must come first however, and envision my concept of prisons working like a military boot camp, but with much labor, and then, when they have learned the value of legitimate work, education.

-- Wes Kinsler (, January 10, 2005.

I don't mind herb being legalized but coke? It was good a hundred years ago because folks had rotting teeth and needed relief. I say legalize herb and double the penalties on hard stuff. We have enough intoxicated drivers on the road. pot makes you drive slow unless you are drinking too much. OK if you are caught high and not drinking you get off but if you are stoned and drunk you have got to go to jail.

-- Bill Brasky (, January 10, 2005.

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