wanting a sony vx 1000 or 2000greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
i have a sony dcr trv 120... its a 1 ccd camera has a shoe slit for light....an external mic port.. maual focus ring..12 or 16 bit sound...7 hour battery.... i will trade whoever has a working/good condition vx 1000 or 2000 for this camera, and a century optics 0.3x ultra fisheye, and some money, name your price, camera is a $800 , lens is $300, so if intrested please reply...im trying to get in the videography business plus i film skateboarding and i just need a 3 chip camera and ill be set
-- seth (filmordie@cox.net), January 09, 2005