DCC Block Wiring

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

Well I am new to model trains and DCC. I have decided to build a modified version of the Atlas Scenic & Relaxed N-17 plan. I am adding an extra loop around the outside of the plan and a turntable. I want to run 3-5 trains at once. I have chosen the Lenz Set-100 as my DCC Control, the Lenz LS150 for my turnouts and the Lenz LK100 for my turntable.

The question that I have is to do with blocks or power districts. He plan states that there are to be 12 blocks. I figured that based on the size of the additions to add 7 more. I want to know if this is too many for this small size DCC setup? I want to do everything right from the beginning so future expansion will be easy. I will be using tail light bulbs in each block.

I will be soldering feeders to each track piece and would like to know how many to chain together before I connect it to the terminal strip. I figured chaining 3-4 track pieces together and have 4-6 chains per block. Is this correct or should I modify my plan. I hope that this strait forward.

I would appreciate any comments and suggestions from anyone.

Thank you very much.

Darryl Park

-- Darryl Park (depark@shaw.ca), January 08, 2005



I'm guessing that the electrical design for the layout is for DC block control. With DCC, you don't need to have any blocks, unless there are one or more reversing sections which do require a separate block for each reversing section. However, it may be advisable to have some blocks to make trouble shooting easier when you have a short circuit. Unlike DC where a short circuit (caused by derailment or running a turnout) affects only the one train involved, a short circuit in DCC will shut down the whole layout unless you have the layout separated into blocks with a separate electroninc circuit breaker feeding each block.

You should divide the layout into blocks that make sense. For example, a yard is one block, a local switching area in a town is a block, the mainline is one or more blocks depending on how long it is. And as sstated before each reversing section should be a block. Then ideally you can connect each block to an electronic circuit breaker or an automatic reverser (see Tony's PS line of breakers).

Run a separate heavy gauge bus wires for each elelctrical section and connect your track feeders directly to the bus.


-- Dale Gloer (dale.gloer@telus.net), January 09, 2005.

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