January 5 -- today's saints and blesseds

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On January 5, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

St. John Nepomucene Neumann of Prachititz [Jan Nepomuk] (Czech, missionary priest in New York/Maryland/Pennsylvania/Ohio, Redemptorist, bishop of Philadelphia, author of catechisms, died at age 48 [stroke] in 1860 [beatified 1963, first male American citizen canonized - 1977]) [On U.S. “particular calendar”]

Bl. Alacrinus of Casamari [Alacrino] (Italian, Cistercian prior, papal legate, d. 1216)
St. Apollinaris (hermitess in Egypt, c. 450)
St. Cera of Kilkeary (Irish, abbess, 7th century)
Bl. Charles of Mt. Argus Houben of Munstergeleen [baptized Johannes Andreas (John Andrew)] (Dutch, Passionist priest in Belgium/England/Ireland, healer, died at age 71 in 1893 [beatified 1988])
St. Charles Marchioni of Sezze [baptized Giovanni Carlo (John Charles)] (Italian, shepherd, Franciscan brother, cook, porter, gardener, mystic, died at age 56 in 1670 [beatified 1882, canonized 1959])
St. Convoyon of Redon (French, deacon, hermit, Benedictine abbot, died at about age 80 in 868 [canonized 1866])
St. Dorotheus the Younger of Khiliokomoas (Armenian, abbot, 11th century)
Holy Martyrs of Egypt (Egyptian, without number and anonymous, martyred in 303)
St. Gaudentius of Gnesen (Czech, Benedictine monk in Italy, missionary and bishop in Germany, died at about age 44 c. 1004)
St. Gerlach of Valkenberg (Dutch, soldier, widower, hermit, died at about age 75 c. 1175)
St. Lomer of Corbion (French, hermit, monastic founder, d. 593)
Bl. Maria Marcelina Darowska of Szulaki [nee Kotowicz] (Ukrainian, mother of two, widow, co-founded Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, superior for fifty years, died at age 83 in 1911 [beatified 1996])
Bl. Maria Repetto of Voltaggio (Italian, member of Daughters of Our Lady of Refuge [Brignolines], seamstress and embroiderer, died at age 82 in 1890 [beatified 1981])
St. Paula of Tuscany [Paola] (Italian, Camaldolese nun, peacemaker between cities, died at about age 50 in 1368)
St. Simeon Stylites the Elder of Cilicia (Syrian, shepherd, monk, pillar-dwelling hermit for 36 years, died at about age 69 c. 459)
St. Syncletica of Alexandria (Egyptian, hermitess, died at age 84 c. 400)
St. Talida of Antinoë (Egyptian, nun and abbess for over 80 years, 4th century)
Pope St. Telesphorus (Greek born in Italy, elected to papacy c. 125, reigned until martyred c. 136)

If you have anything to share about these holy people, please reply now -- biographical episodes, prayers through their intercession, the fact that one is your patron -- whatever moves you. If you are interested in one of these saints or blesseds and want to find out more about him/her, please ask. Additional information is sometimes available on the Internet.

All you holy men and women, saints of God, pray for us.
God bless you.

[Note: I am copying the following indented messages from the old, obsolete "saints" thread for this day of the year, so that the old thread can later be deleted. JFG]

Mañana celebraremos como todos los años la fiesta de la Epifania (Manifestacion). En los paises de habla hispana esta fiesta reviste un significado especial. Al recordar la visita de los Magos a Jesus, llevandole sus ofrendas de incienso, oro y mirra todos los niños esperan que Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar les traigan hermosos regalos: juguetes, pastelillos, ropa nueva, etc. etc. La noche de hoy los ninos pondran sus zapatos en algun lugar escogido de la casa y manana muy temprano se levantaran para ver que les han traido los Reyes. Junto a sus zapatos encontrarán los ansiados presentes.

En nuestro medio a los ninos de muchas familias NO los visita Santa Claus, a pesar de que por la comercializacion de nuestra sociedad vemos su imagen en todas partes. Si acaso reciben algun regalo en Navidad es el NINO JESUS quien se lo deja. Pero los buenos regalos llegan el 6 de enero. Lo triste es que hay muchos ninos (as) que enmedio de su pobreza no reciben ningún regalo. Oremos por esas familias que a veces ni siquiera tienen un pedazo de pan para llevar a su boca.

-- Enrique Ortiz -- January 05, 2004.

Si -- oremos, Enrique!

Tu dijiste: "Mañana celebraremos como todos los años la fiesta de la Epifania (Manifestacion)."

Eso no es la verdad en ciertos paises del mundo (inclusive los Estados Unidos de America). En aquellos paises, no se celebra la Epifania en el 6 de diciembre necesariamente, sino en el domingo entre el 2 y el 8 de enero.


-- January 05, 2004.

-- J. F. Gecik ("jfgecik@hotmail.com), December 25, 2004



-- . (.@....), January 05, 2005.

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