TTTTTT"GAME LIKE RuneSCAPE"TTTTTTT : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

I'm looking for the game like RuneScape..ONLINE GAME W/ Other peple. I'm looking for the game that you don't need to download. I just don't like RuneScape bc the graphic sucks. I play games in library and they won't let me download games. so please help me looking for the game like RuneSCape, da game you don't need to download..Oh, and It'll b great if the game is FANTASY~!!!

-- Jose (, December 22, 2004


Well you could try try they have a game called Dragon Court. No downloads... no graphics, but you get to be in Guilds and such. You should also try out DC2.

-- Shawn Leek (, December 28, 2004.


-- Navie (, January 28, 2005.

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