DCC in Challenger & Big Boy

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

Allen, Thanks for the quick response to my prievious question. I have reviewed your instructions but I still need to know how to disassemble the engines to gain access to the interiors. If you can let me know where I can obtain copies of the instructions I would appreciate it. Jack S.

-- Jack Schmidt (hjspls@comcast.net), December 22, 2004



I don't recall that the locomotives were hard to get into. Generally, if I had trouble getting a locomotive open, I describe its secrets. I think there was a screw in the smoke stack and one, maybe two, near the cab on the bottom.

I THINK you might be able to get instructions from Model Expo.

Note: Getting into the centipede tenders is another matter. My website describes how to get them open. They require a bit of force, so be careful and close your eyes!

-- Allan Gartner (wire4dcc_admin@comcast.net), December 22, 2004.

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