N Scale Sound

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I want to bring sound to my N Scale layour but not confident there will soon or ever be effective sound decoders for this scale.

Can I set two decoders for one loco address, one decoder being an HO sound decoder mounted sub baseboard with a power spur off the track, perhaps several located around the layout - sound would be backround rather that pinpointed on the loco but will still add something? Feasible or am I dreaming?


-- Andrew Thornton (andrew.thornton@daimlerchrysler.co.uk), December 15, 2004


A very workable scheme for N or Z scale. Easily done with a soundtrax DSX decoder running the same address as the loco. You can even provide more sound decoders for other locos set up in much the same way for independant sound per loco. Since under-the-table speakers can be larger, the sound clarity might be impressive.


-- Don Vollrath (dvollrath@magnetek.com), December 15, 2004.

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