How to make my own karaoke : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am looking to make my own Karaoke Cd's that are playable in my DVD player. It will take DVD Karaoke, only. I would like to make them from mp3's, midi's, & .wav files that I already have on my comupter. I have several highend music editing programs, and also some free ones from the internet. Is there anywhere I can get instructions on how to do this. And also is there any programs that I need to do what I want. Also the programs that I have are: Nero 6.3, cakewalk, soundforge, audicity, & Winamp. Thanks for any help. Kim
-- Kim Brown (, December 15, 2004
i need the circuit diagram for the VCD and all the component am gpoing to punchase
-- ismaila prosper (, December 31, 2004.