Retrieving video track images : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello group. I am kipog.My question is - I bought a VCD few days ago. When i opened the CD using my CD-ROM drive , the cd was empty. It didn't have any folders[ i mean segment , mpegav ,.. ]in it. but the volume on cd showed 689 MB. When opened via the Nero burning s/w, it showed two tracks on the cd. I tried to save them but couldn't make it. Is there is any s/w ,that could save or play the video tracks directly from the CD. Please hlp me to solve this problem

-- Nansirh kipog (, December 14, 2004


You have a copy protected VCD. I understand these are becoming more and more common in India and maybe also in other areas where VCDs are made. I don't know of any solution to your problem, unfortunately. Maybe a web search can give you some help with this problem.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), December 14, 2004.

Download ISOBuster software (free) and copy the file out as Mpeg file and view it directly or convert the mpeg back into regular (unprotected) VCD

-- Kevin (, December 28, 2004.

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