looking for VCD of Cold Around the Heart

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi folks. I just found out there is a VCD--I think it is from the Phillippines--of the great American neo-noir film Cold Around the Heart. I just lost it on eBay. Is there anyone out there who knows where I can get a copy of this? Whatever help you can give is very greatly appreciated.



-- Lawrence Greenberg (LGwriter49@aol.com), December 06, 2004


Check eBay. Just be aware that VCDs are easy to pirate, and you run the risk of having them confiscated if you purchase pirate discs.

Chances are, if such a disc is real is was pressed by a company in Asia. If you can find out who makes it, you may be able to order directly. Most Asian companies won't sell discs outside a certain area, however.

-- Bryan (gryps-innocens@gryphon.zzn.com), December 12, 2004.

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