Transfering still pictures using JLIP video capture software : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I have a JVC GR-DVL 40E I have the normal hitting the camera on the side when the ERROR message appears but I live with that now. I have another question

First some info. Until now I have used my desktop PC to capture digital movies from my camera via a capture card and USB port, using the digital out from the camera. When transfering still pictures I use the single pin PC out from the camera to the 9 pin RS232 male connection on the PC.

I have now purchased a new laptop computer with built in capture card and USB ports. The 9 pin connection on the computer is a female connection not male and says it is for an external monitor.

My question is when transfering still pictures from my camera to the computer can I still use JVC JLIP video capture software if so do I use the PC out or Digital out on camera and what input do I use on my laptop PC. My operating system on the laptop is XP whereas on the desktop it is ME

Hope someone can help

-- Michael Compton (, November 29, 2004

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