My 11 yr old son diagnosed with Freiberg's Infarction - anyone with any information on this? : LUSENET : About Joints : One Thread

Hi, My son was diagnosed 2 days ago with Freiberg's Infarction (avascular necrosis). The diagnosis was confirmed via x-ray. He had an MRI done to create a baseline. He is on crutches and in a boot for at least two weeks, with no activity for at least eight weeks. I've tried to find info online regarding Freiberg's to no avail. Can anyone give me some insight? Thanks

-- Cora (, November 21, 2004


I am 18 years old and discovered that I had Freiberg's when i was about 13. At first it was really painful, but now I have almost no problems with it at all. Of course your son's case my be more severe than my own, but I will tell you what helped me. One thing is to get good arch support. Freiberg's sometimes develops due to displaced weight from other metatarsals. Good arch support can take the stress off of the effected metatarsal. Also, getting a cortozone shot was very helpful. Hope that helps.

-- Katie Adams (, November 29, 2004.

I had freiburg's, diagnosed after about a year of pain. I run track and made it much worse as rest did not heal it. I eventually, after months of being in a boot had to have surgery in toronto. It took some time to heal but i am 100% recovered!

-- Brooke (, March 02, 2005.

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