November 20 -- today's saints and blesseds : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread


On November 20, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- "saints" and "blesseds" whose souls are now in heaven:

Sts. Adventor, Octavius, and Solutor, of Turin (martyred in Italy c. 297)
St. Agapius of Caesarea (Palestinian, martyred by drowning or beheading c. 306)
Bl. Ambrose Traversari of Portico [Ambrogio] (Italian, Camaldolese abbot, died at about age 63 in 1439) Sts. Ampelius and Caius of Messina (Sicilians, martyred c. 302)
St. Autbodus of Laon (Irish, missionary priest in France, hermit, d. 690)
Sts. Bassius, Dionysius, Agapitus, and forty companions, of Heraclea (Greek, early martyrs)
St. Benignus of Milan (Italian, bishop, c. 477)
St. Bernward of Utrecht (German, nobleman, emperor's tutor, bishop of Hildesheim, died at about age 62 in 1022 [canonized 1193])
Blessed "Christian Doctrine" Martyrs of Spain (Spanish, 17 members of Congregation of the Sisters of Christian Doctrine, martyred during Civil War in 1936 [beatified 1995])
----- Bl. Angela of St. Joseph Lloret Marti of Villa Joyosa [Angela de San José] [baptized Francisca (Frances)] (died at age 61)
----- Bl. Elizabeth Ferre Sabria of Villanueva y Geltrú [Isabel] (died at age 84)
----- Bl. Heart of Jesus Gomez Vives of Valencia [Corazon de Jesus] (died at age 55)
----- Bl. Ignatia of the Most Blessed Sacrament Pascual Pallardo of Valencia [Ignacia del Santisimo Sacramento] (died at about age 74)
----- Bl. Marcella of St. Thomas Aurea Navarro of Albacete [Marcela de San Tomás] (died at about age 37)
----- Bl. Mary Grace of St. Anthony of Valencia [Maria Gracia de San Antonio] (died at age 67)
----- Bl. Mary of Calvary Clariana of Carlet [Maria del Calvario] (died at age 65)
----- Bl. Mary of Help Jimenez Baldovi of San Martín de Provensals [Maria del Socorro] (died at age 51)
----- Bl. Mary of Help Orts a Baldo of Altea [Maria del Socorro] (died at age 48)
----- Bl. Mary of Monserrat Llimona Planas of Molina del Rey [Maria de Monserrate] (died at age 76)
----- Bl. Mary of Peace Lopez Garcia of Turís [Maria de la Paz] (died at age 51)
----- Bl. Mary of Refuge Rosat Balasch of Mislata [Maria del Refugio] (died at age 63)
----- Bl. Mary of Sorrows Suris Brusola of Barcelona [Maria de los Dolores] (died at age 37)
----- Bl. Mary of the Assumption Mongoche Homs of Uldecona [Maria de la Asuncion] (died at age 77)
----- Bl. Mary of the Conception Marti Local of Carlet [Maria de la Concepcion] (died at age 75)
----- Bl. Mary of the Rosary Calpe Ibanez of Sueca [Maria del Rosario] (died at age 80)
----- Bl. Teresa of St. Joseph Duart Roig of Benifayó de Espioca [Teresa de San Jose] (died at age 60)
St. Colman of Dalriada (Welsh)
St. Dasius of Dorostorum (Roman, soldier, martyred c. 303)
St. Edmund of East Anglia (British, king at age 14, marytred by arrows at about age 29 in 869)
St. Eudon of Corméry (French, Benedictine abbot, c. 760)
Sts. Eustace, Thespesius, and Anatolius, of Nicaea (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred in 235)
St. Eval of Cornwall (British, bishop, 6th century)
St. Felix of Amiens (French, hermit, Trinitarian priest, died at about age 85 in 1212 [canonized 1666])
St. Francis Xavier Cân of Sou-Mieng (Vietnamese, catechist, martyred by strangling at about age 34 in 1837 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])
St. Gregory of Decapolis (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], 9th century)
St. Humbert of East Anglia (British, bishop who crowned St. Edmund, martyred c. 870)
St. Leo of Nonantula (Italian, Benedictine abbot, d. 1000)
Bl. Maria Fortunata Viti of Veroli [baptized Anna Felice] (Italian, Benedictine nun, died at age 95 in 1922 [beatified 1967])
St. Maxentia of Beauvais (Irish or Scottish, virgin, martyred in France)
Sts. Nerses of Sahgerd, John of Beth-Seleucia, and companions (Persian ... bishops, priests, and laymen ... martyred by stabbing, stoning, and in other ways c. 343) [The companions included Sts. Joseph of Sahgerd, Isaac of Hulsar, Papa of Herminum, Uhanam, Guhsciatezades, Sasannes, Mares, Timaeus, Zaron, Bahutha, Tecla, Danacla, Tatona, Mama Mazachia, Anne, Abiatha, Hathes, and Mamlacha]
St. Silvester of Châlons-sur-Saône (French, bishop, c. 525)
St. Simplicius of Verona (Italian, bishop, c. 535)

If you have anything to share about these holy people, please reply now -- biographical episodes, prayers through their intercession, the fact that one is your patron -- whatever moves you. If you are interested in one of these saints or blesseds and want to find out more about him/her, please ask. Additional information is sometimes available on the Internet.

All you holy men and women, saints of God, pray for us.
God bless you.

-- J. F. Gecik (", November 20, 2004


-- (", November 20, 2004.

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