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DIEN DAN TU DO Fight Free 4 VIETNAM (both sides)
-- Keep them sweart muchacho :) (ChuyenTriHOINACH@aol.com), November 17, 2004
November 15, 2004 70 percent of foreign wives in Guangzhou are Vietnamese printResizeButton();
At least 1, 600 couples in Guangzhou are engaged in foreign marriages this year. Aside from foreigners of Chinese ancestry, Vietnamese girl's proportion in "real" foreign wives is increasing, statistics from the foreign marriage registration department of the Civil Affair Bureau show.
The Vietnamese girls possess traditional virtues like filial piety and valuing the family. This is why they are liked among young men of Guangzhou.
A total of 40 foreign girl married residents of Guangzhou in 2002, and 70 percent of them are Vietnamese. Of the 16 US citizens, 13 are Vietnamese American; five out of six Canadians are Vietnamese Canadian; all three Danish and two Norwegian girls are of Vietnamese ancestry. There are 27 Vietnamese girls in all.
According to an official with the foreign marriage registration department of the Civil Affair Bureau of Guagnzhou, same interests, similar social and cultural backgrounds are major cause for the marriage between Vietnam girls and Guangzhou residents. Like Chinese girls, Vietnamese girls have traditional virtues; they value family and are filial to the elders.
By People's Daily Online
PS: One day, Ms Phan thuy' Thanh may get married with Chinese too :)
-- Vietnam XUAT KHAU BA'N TRON nuoi mieng :) hahahhaha (ChuyenTriHOINACH@aol.com), November 18, 2004.
TRAFFICKING AND HIV/AIDSCriminal networks that often operated with the tacit support of government and police officials trafficked hundreds of Vietnamese women and girls for prostitution, domestic work, and forced marriage both internally and to other Asian countries, particularly Cambodia and China. Vietnam was also a transit country for women being trafficked from other countries in Asia.
Some sentences were handed down during the year under Vietnam's law against trafficking in women and children. In May, the People's Court in Hanoi convicted five Vietnamese people for trafficking women to China and sentenced them to up to fourteen years in prison. In September, the court in Ho Chi Minh City sentenced the operator of a prostitution ring to eight years in prison.
The problem of HIV/AIDS continued to grow, with the Ministry of Health estimating that 154,000 people were infected with HIV. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs estimated that one- quarter of Vietnam's estimated 14,600 sex workers were HIV positive.
Officials adopted an increasingly harsh stance towards high-risk groups for AIDS, such as drug users and prostitutes, who were deemed "social evils." In late 2001, the government announced plans to send all of Vietnam's one hundred thousand registered drug addicts to compulsory drug detoxification centers for up to two years. As many as seventy-five thousand drug users remained in detention during the year in seventy-one crowded drug detoxification camps.
-- (Tien_Phong@Hai_Au.com), November 18, 2004.
"One day, Ms Phan thuy' Thanh may get married with Chinese too :) "Ch1 bựa đã đăng ký thị rồi .
-- thich du thu (toollovers@comcast.net), November 18, 2004.
***OK, Chibua, U are now become my Adopted Son
-- Chineese always kills baby girls and no more girls for them to Fa^'t :) (ChuyenTriHOINACH@aol.com), November 18, 2004.