lack of form : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

My boyfriend (baptized Anglican but practicing Methodist) was married to a baptized (non-practicing) Catholic. They were married in the Methodist Church. They have since been divorced however, we wish to be married in the Catholic church. Because she was baptized Catholic and married outside of the church would this classify as a "lack of form" even though she was not an active member of the church? If so, I am assuming the annulment process is more quick. What paper-work is required to get this process underway?

-- Joan Bartow (, November 15, 2004


Yes it would constitute a lack of canonical form, provided she had not formally renounced the Catholic Church prior to the wedding (in other words, had not formally become a member of another church). Usually such cases do move more quickly through the tribunal process (in my diocese, typically less than 2 months). Your parish priest should be able to help you get started on application for annulment. If that doesn't seem to be the case, call your diocesan tribunal office directly and they should provide you with the necessary forms and information.

-- Paul M. (, November 15, 2004.

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