He's Catholic, never been married & has children

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

The person that I am currently seeing has two children from a previous relationship. He and his partner were never married (not even legally). He is roman catholic and so am I. I have never been married. I would like to know if he and I we can be married in a catholic church. Will he and I be allowed to take the sacrament of marriage and be recognized as man and wife in the eyes of God.

-- Kahia Johnson (kahia28@hotmail.com), November 12, 2004


Yes, since he was never wed. However he will have to repent of his fornication.But ince he was never married, he cannot still be married in th eyes of anyone...

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COIM), November 12, 2004.

If you are both Catholic and neither of you has ever been married then there is absolutely no reason why you should not marry in the Catholic Church.

-- Paul M. (PaulCy[p@cox.net), November 18, 2004.

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