steam lines : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

GP-7 #132, as seen in a photo taken by J. P. Lamb, was built with a "phase 1" flow-through steam line. Which of the other boilerless GP-7 units were built with a flow-through steam line? Were any of the boilerless RS-3 units built with a flow-through steam line? Do C of Ga equipment registers from the 50s specify which units had this feature and, thus, were available for passenger service?

-- Ethan Fellows (, November 10, 2004


The Diesel Locomotive Data section of Columbus Division Time Table No. 12-C dated June 12, 1955 shows freight locomotives 901-909 and general purpose locomotives 120-132, 133-159, 201, and 202-207 as "Equipped with Steam Trainline and Air Signals." It also notes that general purpose locomotives 106-107 and 108-119 are "Equipped with Air Signals." General purpose locomotives 101-105 are noted as "Freight and Switching Service only."

Of course, general purpose locomotives 120-123 and 147-150 are expected to have steam trainline and air signals since they were boiler equipped.

Time Table No. 15-C no longer shows these notations.

-- David Payne (, November 10, 2004.

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