Where can Pippin collection just received be seen?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
I am interested in looking at the documents and photos from Pippin collection (Pidcock Line) just donated to the CGRG archives. Where will I be able to see these items and when will they be available to be seen? Thanks. Billy Kay
-- William B. Kay (mkay123@sandersville.net), November 08, 2004
Billy,We've just started the process of sorting and organizing the Pippin collection (Pidcock Lines) that was recently donated to the Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society. In fact, we looked through the last "unopened" box today! As such, it isn't available for "public" use yet. We hope to have it available for research purposes shortly.
At present, all of our archive materials (including the Pippin Collection) are in Nashville. We do hope to move it further south sometime in the future.
If you'll contact me by private e-mail and tell me what kind of Pidcock information you are interested in, I'll be happy to let you know what's in the collection.
Allen Tuten President Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society, Inc.
-- Allen Tuten (allen@cofg.org), November 08, 2004.