suggestions re: choice theory focus group : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread

I am considering asking my family (parents, brothers and their wives, husband) to join me in organizing a Choice Theory Focus Group. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions on what would make this a successful venture? The goal is simply to introduce them to the ideas/concepts that have had such a tremendous impact on my own life...but I don't want scare them off!!!

-- debbie bosley (, November 06, 2004


Al Katz, from New Jersey < > has done a great deal of work on focus groups and he has frequently lectured on them. He has produced an audio tape of instructions and guidlenes [and possibily a booklet] on how to run such groups. Generally facilitators use a book such as "Choice Theory" or perhaps "Warning Psychiatry may be hazardous to your mental health"; and move through it one chapter at a time. I think it may be possible to get a set of books at a reduced rate for this purpose. You can contact The william Glasser Institute in California [] and seek information on this. Regards, Ken Lyons.

Ken Lyons.

-- ken lyons (kenlyon@gofree.indigo .ie), November 06, 2004.

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