Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monster GX

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

Who know about new series of Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monster Generealtion next(GX) If anyone know where can I download, please tell me.

-- Karn (athikarn_p@yahoo.com), October 29, 2004


http://www.member-software.com/yugiohtr/bestyugioh/?id=downloads.htm they have 1-4 but keep checking for updates for new episodes...plus they have some other yugioh episodes...hope this helps

-- mike (shadow_masterz@hotmail.com), October 29, 2004.

Nebs TV

-- Shawaazu (yuyu_hakusho_fan@yahoo.com), October 29, 2004.

http://www.member-software.com/yugiohtr/bestyugioh/?id=downloads.htm is a good site but I cannot download. How can I download them

-- Karn (athikarn_p@yahoo.com), October 30, 2004.

I can manage to download, it is not sub, where can I download the sub one

-- Karn (athikarn_p@yahoo.com), October 30, 2004.

There's no subbed one... it just started to air in japan and no sub group has showed an interest in subbind it.

-- ... (wth@hotmail.com), October 31, 2004.

Karn if u want yugioh GX eps you can get them from yugioh- insanity.com that is were i got the eps from they have eps 1-4

-- YUgi GX (btuffguy87@aol.com), October 31, 2004.

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