Bilateral Osteonecrosis of knees : LUSENET : About Joints : One Thread

Six months ago I was in an auto accident & injured my left knee. MRI revealed Osteonecrosis, which was not visible on x-ray at that time. Since that time, I have experienced increasing pain, buckling of my knees, etc. I have now been diagnosed w/bilateral osteonecrosis of the knees. The orthopedic surgeon has recommended that I wait three months to see how the condition progresses. My understanding is that this condition does not improve on its own & I worry that doing nothing will ultimately lead to more severe pain and additional damage to my joints. Should I seek a second opinion?

-- Kristy Jenkins (, October 28, 2004


Uncomplicated AVN does not usually cause mechanical symptoms such as buckling. Maybe there is something else going on in the joint. Your MD should be able to respond to your question as there seems to be a mechanical problem superimposed here.

Errol L Bennett, MD Assistant Professor Orthopaedic Surgery Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine Johns Hopkins Orthopaedics at Good Samaritan Hospital POB G1, 5601 Loch Raven Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21239

Phone: 410-532-4734 Fax: 410-532-4752

-- Errol Bennett, M.D. (, November 15, 2004.

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